Master Circular - Returns to be submitted by NBFCs - ಆರ್ಬಿಐ - Reserve Bank of India
Master Circular - Returns to be submitted by NBFCs
RBI/2014-15/38 July 1, 2014 To, All NBFCs (Excluding RNBCs) Dear Sirs, Master Circular - Returns to be submitted by NBFCs In order to have all current instructions in one place, the Reserve Bank of India issues updated circulars/notifications to NBFCs on various subjects. It is advised that instructions on various returns to be submitted by NBFCs as updated till June 30, 2014, have been compiled herein and enclosed for ready reference. The Master Circular has also been placed on the RBI web-site (/en/web/rbi). Yours faithfully, (K. K. Vohra)
Introduction NBFCs are required to submit various returns to RBI w.r.t their deposit acceptance, prudential norms compliance, ALM etc. Detailed instructions regarding submission of returns by NBFCs have been issued through various company circulars. A list of such returns to be submitted by NBFCs-D, NBFCs-ND-SI and others is as under: A. Returns to be submitted by deposit taking NBFCs
B. Returns to be submitted by NBFCs-ND-SI
C. Quarterly return on important financial parameters of non deposit taking NBFCs having assets of more than Rs.50 crore and above but less than Rs 100 crore 13. Basic information like name of the company, address, NOF, profit / loss during the last three years has to be submitted quarterly by non-deposit taking NBFCs with asset size between Rs 50 crore and Rs 100 crore16. D. Other Returns
A table showing periodicity and particulars of returns is as per Annex. E. Reporting dates and Due dates for Returns to be submitted by NBFC
List of Circulars
1Revised vide CC NO.243 dated September 22, 2011 2Inserted vide Notification No.DFC.118/DG (SPT)-98 dated January 31, 1998 3Revised vide CC NO.243 dated September 22, 2011 4Inserted vide Notification No. DNBS. 192 / DG (VL)-2007 dated February 22, 2007 5Inserted vide Notification No DFC(COC) No.108.ED(JRP)/97 dated April 30, 1997 6Deleted vide CC NO.243 dated September 22, 2011 7Inserted vide Notification No. DNBS. 192 / DG (VL)-2007 dated February 22, 2007 8Inserted vide DNBS (PD).CC.No.15 /02.01 / 2000-2001 dated June 27, 2001 9Inserted vide Notification No.DFC.118/DG (SPT)-98 dated January 31, 1998 10Inserted in NBFC Deposits Directions 1998 vide Notification No.DNBS.(PD):261/2013-14 dated September 3, 2013 11Revised vide CC NO.243 dated September 22, 2011 12Inserted vide DNBS.PD/ CC.No. 93/ 03.05.002 /2006-07 dated April 27, 2007 13Inserted vide DNBS (RID) C.C. No. 57/02.05.15/2005-06 dated September 6, 2005 14Inserted vide Notification No. DNBS. 200 / CGM(PK)-2008 dated August 1, 2008 15Inserted in NBFC Non-Deposit Taking Companies Prudential Norms Directions 2007 vide Notification No.DNBS.(PD): 262 /2013-14 dated September 3, 2013 16Inserted vide DNBS.PD/ CC.No.130/ 03.05.002 /2008-09 dated September 24, 2008 17Inserted vide DNBS (PD) C.C. No. 79 / 03.05.002/ 2006-07 September 21, 2006 and 18 Inserted vide DNBS (PD).CC. No 167 /03.10.01 /2009-10 dated February 04, 2010 19 Inserted vide Notification No. DNBS.(PD)229/ CGM(US)-2011 dated June 14, 2011 |