Supply of goods by Special Economic Zones (SEZs) to Units in DomesticTariff Area (DTA) against payment in foreign exchange A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.105 (June 16, 2003) - ಆರ್ಬಿಐ - Reserve Bank of India
Supply of goods by Special Economic Zones (SEZs) to Units in
DomesticTariff Area (DTA) against payment in foreign exchange
A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.105 (June 16, 2003)
Reserve Bank of India
Exchange Control Department
Central Office
Mumbai – 400 001
A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.105
June 16, 2003
All Authorised Dealers in Foreign Exchange
Supply of goods by Special Economic Zones (SEZs) to
Units in DomesticTariff Area (DTA) against payment in foreign exchange
Attention of authorised dealers is invited to paragraph 8 of Annexure to A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.54 dated November 25, 2002, in terms of which Units in Domestic Tariff Areas (DTAs) have been permitted to purchase foreign exchange from authorised dealers to pay for the goods supplied to them by 100% EOUs, EPZs, EHTPs and STPs. It has now been decided to extend this facility to units in DTAs for making payment towards goods supplied to them by Units in Special Economic Zones (SEZs).
2. Authorised dealers may bring the contents of this circular to the notice of their constituents.
3. The directions contained in this circular have been issued under Section 10(4) and Section 11(1) of Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999(42 of 1999).
Yours faithfully,
Grace Koshie
Chief General Manager