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RBI Announcements
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Appendix Table V.11: Financial Indicators of State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks

(At end - March)
(Amount ₹ Lakh)
Sr. No. Region/State Branches Profit / Loss NPAs to Loans ratio (%) Recovery Ratio (%) (at End-June)
2021 2020 2021P 2020 2021P 2020 2021P
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  Northern region              
1 Haryana @ 19 6,392 2,381 81.0 76.1 16.7 12.5
2 Himachal Pradesh # 51 -1,210 109 33.0 39.0 33.3 39.7
3 Jammu & Kashmir* 51 -2,237 -1,462 32.1 41.5 33.3 30.6
4 Punjab @ 89 227 247 27.7 32.3 41.6 32.9
5 Rajasthan @ 2 2,971 1,679 51.1 52.9 28.8 20.8
  North-eastern region              
6 Assam* - - - - - - -
7 Tripura* 5 -3 -63 98.2 99.4 40.5 NA
  Eastern region              
8 Bihar* - - - - - - -
9 Odisha @ - - - - - - -
10 West Bengal # 11 358 1,060 24.0 23.5 22.0 32.9
  Central region              
11 Chhattisgarh @ - - - - - - -
12 Madhya Pradesh @ - - - - - - -
13 Uttar Pradesh* 323 9,770 2,323 72.1 83.7 27.1 25.5
  Western region              
14 Gujarat* 176 2,525 1,150 56.3 61.4 34.6 32.0
15 Maharashtra @ - - - - - - -
  Southern region              
16 Karnataka @ 25 76 2,411 31.4 27.1 38.1 44.0
17 Kerala @ 16 2,868 2,646 5.8 6.1 88.0 100.0
18 Puducherry* 1 -146 -171 7.6 13.2 92.8 89.7
19 Tamil Nadu @ 25 3,440 3,948 12.1 11.9 86.2 87.7
  All India 794 25,032 16,258 33.0 33.2 43.0 46.5
@ : Federal structure. # : Mixed structure. * : Unitary structure. -: Not applicable.
Notes: 1. Components may not add up to the exact total/s due to rounding off.
2. In Chhattisgarh the Short Term coop credit structure merged with Long Term during 2014-15. Also, Assam, Bihar, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra are no longer functional SCARDBs.
3. *Recovery for the financial year is taken as on 30th June.
4. Provisional Data for 2021.
Source: NABARD.


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