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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

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Growth in Aggregate Deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks and Non-Banking Corporate Sector: 1991-97

Appendix Table IV. 6: Growth in Aggregate Deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks and Non-Banking Corporate Sector: 1991-97
            (Amount in Rs. crore)

  Deposits with
  Scheduled Non-Banking Corporate Sector (NBC)
  Rate of change (per cent)
Year Commercial No. of Exempted Regulated Total SCBs Total Regu-
(end- Banks Reporting Deposits Deposits Deposits* Deposit NBC lated
March) (SCBs) Companies         Deposit Deposits
                of SCBs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1991 2,04,773.9 10,127 37,326.5 6,746.9 44,073.4 - - 3.3
1992 2,30,758.0 11,278 43,688.3 7,496.5 51,184.8 12.7 16.1 3.2
1993 2,74,562.3 11,010 1,38,919.5 9,177.9 1,48,097.4 19.0 189.3 3.3
1994 3,24,720.7 11,270 1,62,578.3 23,202.4 1,85,780.7 18.3 25.4 7.1
1995 3,76,011.0 10,725 2,11,308.8 37,295.2 2,48,604.0 15.8 33.8 9.9
1996 4,20,449.0 12,530 2,41,864.2 53,480.5 2,95,344.7 11.8 18.8 12.7
1997 # 4,96,402.0 13,971 2,85,537.4 71,615.6 3,57,153.0 18.1 20.9 14.4

  # Provisional
  * Includes money received by way of borrowings from Central/State Governments, Local Authorities, Foreign Government/ Authority, Banks and Financial Institutions, Deposits from Shareholders, Directors, Security Deposit from Employees, Purchasing/ Selling/ Other Agents, Fixed Deposits / Debentures from Public, Subscription to Shares and Convertible Debentures/ Bonds pending allotment, transactions of conventional Chit funds/ Kuri and Inter - corporate deposits and others.

Notes : 1. Deposit figures of scheduled commercial banks are as on March 31 each year and is exclusive of deposits of regional rural banks (RRBs).
    2. Figures upto 1994 do not include deposits of Residuary Non-Banking Companies.


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