List of Abbreviations - ಆರ್ಬಿಐ - Reserve Bank of India
ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸಲಾದ ದಿನಾಂಕ ಫೆಬ್ರವರಿ 26, 2021
List of Abbreviations
ABM | Agent-Based Model |
ADB | Asian Development Bank |
AEs | Advanced Economies |
AIC | Akaike Information Criterion |
AML | Anti-Money Laundering |
ARCH | Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity |
ARCH -LM | Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity-Lagrange Multiplier |
ARDL | Autoregressive Distributed Lag |
AREAER | Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions |
ARMA | Autoregressive Moving Average |
AQR | Asset Quality Review |
BIS | Bank for International Settlements |
BoE | Bank of England |
BoJ | Bank of Japan |
BoK | Bank of Korea |
BoP | Balance of Payments |
BPLR | Benchmark Prime Lending Rate |
bps | Basis Points |
BSP | Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas |
CABGDP | Current Account Balance to GDP Ratio |
CAD | Current Account Deficit |
CASA | Current Account and Savings Account |
CBDC | Central Bank Digital Currency |
CBLO | Collateralized Borrowing and Lending Obligations |
CDs | Certificates of Deposit |
CFMs | Capital Flow Management Measures |
CFT | Combating the Financing of Terrorism |
CiC | Currency in Circulation |
CPI | Consumer Price Index |
CPI-C | Consumer Price Index - Combined |
CPI-IW | Consumer Price Index - Industrial Workers |
CPs | Commercial Papers |
CROMS | Clearcorp Repo Order Matching System |
CRR | Cash Reserve Ratio |
CRS | Constant Returns to Scale |
CSO | Central Statistics Office |
DEPR | Department of Economic and Policy Research |
DFM | Dynamic Factor Model |
DI | Diversity Index |
DSGE | Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium |
DSIM | Department of Statistics and Information Management |
DW | Durbin-Watson |
DXY | US Dollar Index |
EC | Error Correction |
ECB | European Central Bank |
ECT | Error Correction Term |
ELB | Extended Lower Bound |
EMDEs | Emerging Market and Developing Economies |
EMEs | Emerging Market Economies |
ERM | Exchange Rate Mechanism |
ERPT | Exchange Rate Pass Through |
ERV | Exchange Rate Volatility |
EWMA | Exponentially Weighted Moving Average |
FAQs | Frequently Asked Questions |
FBIL | Financial Benchmarks India Pvt. Ltd. |
FDI | Foreign Direct Investment |
FinTech | Financial Technology |
FIT | Flexible Inflation Targeting |
FMOLS | Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares |
FOMC | Federal Open Market Committee |
FPAS | Forecasting and Policy Analysis System |
FPI | Foreign Portfolio Investment |
FRBM | Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management |
FSI | Financial Stress Index |
GARCH | Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity |
GDP | Gross domestic Product |
GFC | Global Financial Crisis |
GFD | Gross Fiscal Deficit |
GMM | Generalized Method of Moments |
GNPA | Gross Non-Performing Assets |
GOI | Government of India |
GSDP | Gross State Domestic Product |
G-Secs | Government Securities |
GSI | Global Spillover Index |
GST | Goods and Services Tax |
GVA | Gross Value Added |
HFCs | Housing Finance Companies |
HNIs | High Net-worth Individuals |
HP | Hodrick-Prescott |
HQC | Hannan-Quinn Criterion |
I- GARCH | Integrated- Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity |
IBA | Indian Banks’ Association |
IBC | Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code |
ICOR | Incremental Capital Output Ratio |
IDG | Inter-Departmental Group |
IE | Inflation Expectations |
IESH | Inflation Expectations Survey of Households |
IIP | Index of Industrial Production |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
INR | Indian Rupee |
IRF | Impulse Response Function |
IT | Inflation Targeting |
KLEMS | Capital, Labour, Energy, Materials and Services |
LAF | Liquidity Adjustment Facility |
LGD | Loss Given Default |
LIBOR | London Inter-Bank Offered Rate |
LPG | Liquefied Petroleum Gas |
LPR | Lending Prime Rate |
LSTR | Logistic Smooth Transition Regression |
LTRO | Long-Term Repo Operations |
MAE | Mean Absolute Error |
MCI | Monetary Conditions Index |
MCLR | Marginal Cost of Funds-based Lending Rate |
MCMC | Markov Chain Monte Carlo |
ME | Mean Errors |
MEFS | Medium-Term Expenditure Framework Statement |
MFs | Mutual Funds |
MIFOR | Mumbai Interbank Forward Outright Rate |
MM | Money Multiplier |
MoSPI | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation |
MPC | Monetary Policy Committee |
MPD | Monetary Policy Department |
MPR | Monetary Policy Report |
MPS | Monetary Policy Strategy |
MSE | Micro and Small Enterprise |
MSF | Marginal Standing Facility |
MSME | Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise |
MSPs | Minimum Support Prices |
MSS | Market Stabilisation Scheme |
MUCSV | Multivariate Unobserved Component Stochastic Volatility |
NABARD | National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development |
NAV | Net Asset Value |
NBFCs | Non-Banking Finance Companies |
NDA | Net Domestic Assets |
NDS | Negotiated Dealing System |
NDTL | Net Demand and Time Liabilities |
NEER | Nominal Effective Exchange Rate |
NFA | Net Foreign Assets |
NHB | National Housing Bank |
NKPC | New Keynesian Phillips Curve |
NLLS | Non-Linear Least Squares |
NPAs | Non-Performing Assets |
NSO | National Statistical Office |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OIS | Overnight Indexed Swap |
OMOs | Open Market Operations |
OTC | Over-the-Counter |
PBC | People’s Bank of China |
PCA | Prompt Corrective Action |
PD | Probability of Default |
PLR | Prime Lending Rate |
POL | Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants |
PR | Policy Rate |
PSB | Public Sector Banks |
PSE | Public Sector Enterprise |
Q1 | First Quarter |
Q2 | Second Quarter |
Q3 | Third Quarter |
Q4 | Fourth Quarter |
QPM | Quarterly Projection Model |
QQE | Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing |
RBI | Reserve Bank of India |
REER | Real Effective Exchange Rate |
RMSE | Root Mean Square Error |
RPI | Retail Price Index |
RTGS | Real Time Gross Settlement |
SAAR | Seasonally Adjusted Annualised Rate |
SC | Schwarz Criterion |
SCBs | Scheduled Commercial Banks |
SD | Standard Deviation |
SDF | Standing Deposit Facility |
SEBI | Securities and Exchange Board of India |
SIDBI | Small Industries Development Bank of India |
SLR | Statutory Liquidity Ratio |
SMEs | Small and Medium Enterprises |
SPDs | Standalone Primary Dealers |
SPF | Survey of Professional Forecasters |
SVAR | Structural Vector Autoregression |
TA | Technical Assistance |
T-Bills | Treasury bills |
TFP | Total Factor Productivity |
TLTRO | Targeted Long-Term Repo Operations |
ToT | Terms of Trade |
TREPS | Triparty Repo Dealing System |
TVAR | Threshold Vector Autoregression |
TVP-VAR | Time-Varying Parameter Vector Autoregression |
UCSV | Unobserved Component Stochastic Volatility |
UIP | Uncovered Interest Rate Parity |
UK | United Kingdom |
UMP | Unconventional Monetary Policy |
US | United States |
USD | US Dollar |
VAR | Vector Autoregression |
VAT | Value Added Tax |
VIX | Volatility Index |
WACR | Weighted Average Call Money Rate |
WADTDR | Weighted Average Domestic Term Deposit Rate |
WALR | Weighted Average Lending Rate |
WPI | Wholesale Price Index |
WPS | Working Paper Series |
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