No. 4 : Scheduled Commercial Banks -- Business in India - ಆರ್ಬಿಐ - Reserve Bank of India
ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸಲಾದ ದಿನಾಂಕ ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂಬರ್ 30, 1997
No. 4 : Scheduled Commercial Banks -- Business in India
(Rs. in crores) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 1997 Last Reporting Friday(in case of March)\ ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Last Friday 1990-91 1995-96 1996-97 July Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.(P) May(P) Jun.(P) Jul.(P) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of reporting banks 271 287 295 292 294 294 295 295 295 295 295 Liabilities to the banking system(1) 6,486 17,648 21,193 22,990 19,451 18,827 21,193 21,705 25,720 26,422 26,978 Demand and time deposits from banks(2),(13) 5,443 12,066 17,396 15,400 16,701 15,755 17,396 17,598 16,957 17,260 18,482 (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) Borrowings from banks(3) 967 3,387 3,258 7,147 2,468 2,763 3,258 3,561 8,123 8,222 7,900 Other demand and time liabilities(4) 76 2,195 539 442 282 309 539 547 640 940 596 Liabilities to others(1) 205,600 462,965 540,789 479,426 518,891 523,217 540,789 546,068 552,610 559,024 562,379 Aggregate deposits 192,541 433,819 505,599 448,133 485,742 490,738 505,599 510,077 515,898 522,295 524,694 Demand 33,192 80,614 90,610 75,350 80,801 82,082 90,610 86,927 85,884 88,066 86,857 Time 159,349 353,205 414,989 372,783 404,941 408,656 414,989 423,150 430,013 434,229 437,837 Borrowings(5) 470 587 937 3,145 1,064 770 937 846 2,206 2,100 2,951 Other demand and time liabilities(4),(13) 12,589 28,560 34,253 28,148 32,085 31,709 34,253 35,145 34,507 34,629 34,734 (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) Borrowings from Reserve Bank(6) 3,468 4,847 560 67 508 591 560 220 25 37 - Against Usance bills/promissory notes - _ - - - - - - - - - Others 3,468 4,847 560 67 508 591 560 220 25 37 - Cash in hand and balances with Reserve Bank 25,665 53,780 53,195 59,788 47,837 47,091 53,195 55,323 56,427 54,035 59,410 Cash in hand 1,804 3,113 3,347 3,099 3,259 3,200 3,347 3,249 3,398 3,832 3,511 Balances with Reserve Bank(8) 23,861 50,667 49,848 56,689 44,579 43,891 49,848 52,074 53,029 50,203 55,899 Assets with the Banking System 5,582 16,571 19,892 18,319 18,251 16,704 19,892 20,054 21,265 22,193 23,141 Balances with other banks In current account 1,793 3,046 3,327 2,297 2,554 2,773 3,327 3,152 2,914 3,019 3,128 In other accounts 1,053 5,015 5,042 5,326 5,819 4,616 5,042 6,695 5,076 5,054 5,459 Money at call and short notice 1,445 5,154 7,959 8,639 7,041 6,410 7,959 7,930 10,772 11,776 12,171 Advances to Banks(9) 902 1,642 1,876 1,125 1,609 1,553 1,876 1,086 1,187 1,170 1,135 Other assets 388 1,713 1,687 931 1,227 1,353 1,687 1,191 1,316 1,174 1,248 Investment 75,065 164,782 190,513 173,276 191,558 193,991 190,513 200,526 205,670 212,151 214,926 Government securities(10) 49,998 132,227 158,890 141,680 160,309 162,314 158,890 168,553 173,602 180,124 183,287 Other approved securities 25,067 32,555 31,624 31,596 31,250 31,677 31,624 31,973 32,068 32,027 31,639 Bank credit(11),(12) 116,301 254,015 278,401 250,866 267,354 268,237 278,401 277,930 277,465 276,724 278,534 (4,506) (9,791) (7,597) (11,096) (8,670) (8,213) (7,597) (7,366) (9,999) (10,174) (9,499) Loans, cash-credits and overdrafts 105,982 224,671 251,622 224,705 240,950 241,296 251,622 250,874 251,010 249,720 252,113 Inland bills-purchased 3,375 4,305 4,187 3,938 4,171 4,174 4,187 4,353 4,171 4,257 3,967 Inland bills-discounted 2,336 9,416 8,605 8,516 8,590 9,180 8,605 8,876 8,891 9,423 9,338 Foreign bills-purchased 2,758 9,164 7,649 7,918 7,453 7,508 7,649 7,543 6,651 7,213 7,139 Foreign bills-discounted 1,851 6,460 6,337 5,790 6,190 6,080 6,337 6,283 6,743 6,112 5,977 Cash-Deposit Ratio 13.3 12.4 10.5 13.3 9.8 9.6 10.5 10.8 10.9 10.3 11.3 Investment-Deposit Ratio 39.0 38.0 37.7 38.7 39.4 39.5 37.7 39.3 39.9 40.6 41.0 Credit-Deposit Ratio 60.4 58.6 55.1 56.0 55.0 54.7 55.1 54.5 53.8 53.0 53.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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