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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

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Scheduled Commercial Banks - Business in India

Scheduled Commercial Banks - Business in India

(₹ Crore)
Item Outstanding as on Feb. 7, 2025 Variation over
Fortnight Financial year so far Year-on-Year
2023-24 2024-25 2024 2025
  1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Liabilities to the Banking System            
1.1 Demand and Time Deposits from Banks 280329 5748 47300 -14142 59698 6910
1.2 Borrowings from Banks 111794 -32379 115582 -70635 107092 -70987
1.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities 35258 5803 12409 -37194 14378 -35675
2 Liabilities to Others            
2.1 Aggregate Deposits 22334601 208029 2151468 1859375 2421856 2139219
  (22271598)   (2037014)   (2307402) (2190671)
2.1a Growth (Per cent)   0.9 11.9 9.1 13.6 10.6
      (11.3)   (13.0) (10.9)
2.1.1 Demand 2498428 -12486 138833 54574 227958 179164
2.1.2 Time 19836174 220515 2012635 1804800 2193898 1960055
2.2 Borrowings 940558 -13421 349489 162616 331620 145740
2.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities 1048172 57251 129677 110744 145037 128844
3. Borrowings from Reserve Bank 185420 -168678 88257 -37296 108162 -67922
4 Cash in Hand and Balances with Reserve Bank 962219 -12505 92044 -58697 81001 -29995
4.1 Cash in hand 83830 -999 -4812 -5603 -20365 -1621
4.2 Balances with Reserve Bank 878388 -11506 96856 -53094 101366 -28375
5 Assets with the Banking System            
5.1 Balances with Other Banks 206200 9595 5755 7872 7277 7023
5.2 Money at Call and Short Notice 17475 3612 -10160 5120 2620 2770
5.3 Advances to Banks 36252 -2536 3918 -12116 3418 -8850
5.4 Other Assets 67744 7080 41252 -47680 42977 -40637
6 Investments 6669290 33764 639498 562732 786686 614644
  (6618409)   (546668)   (693855) (656593)
6.1a Growth (Per cent)   0.5 11.8 9.2 14.9 10.2
      (10.1)   (13.2) (11.0)
6.1 Government Securities 6668796 33774 639576 563187 786785 614899
6.2 Other Approved Securities 494 -10 -77 -455 -99 -255
7 Bank Credit 17965275 96796 2472241 1533111 2729416 1817798
  (17529632)   (1923921)   (2181096) (1930476)
7.1a Growth (Per cent)   0.5 18.1 9.3 20.3 11.3
      (14.1)   (16.3) (12.4)
7a.1 Food Credit 53945 -2234 26536 30864 2146 7503
7a.2 Non-food Credit 17911330 99030 2445705 1502247 2727270 1810296
7b.1 Loans, Cash Credit and Overdrafts 17642060 92791 2446321 1507757 2690049 1770833
7b.2 Inland Bills - Purchased 73539 1727 13186 13072 16853 20919
7b.3 Discounted 212518 3103 22757 15160 31449 26851
7b.4 Foreign Bills - Purchased 15330 -241 -3283 -1082 -1977 -932
7b.5 Discounted 21827 -583 -6739 -1797 -6958 127
1. Data since July 14, 2023 include the impact of the merger of a non-bank with a bank.
2. Figures in parentheses exclude the impact of the merger.



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