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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

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Reserve Bank of India invites applications from Library and Information Science Graduates for appointment on contract basis in its DEPR Library located in Mumbai

Job Profile

The Library and Information Science Graduates will attend to the work relating to creation of entire database of the books as well as completion of bar-coding and shelving of all the old books including creation of bibliographic details and other related work in the Bank’s Central Office Library.

Number of Posts and Period of contract

Four Library and Information Science Graduates will be selected for being engaged on contract basis and their period of contract will be ninety (90) days from the date of their taking up the appointment.


Candidates having a Degree in the Library and Information Science obtained from a recognised Institute/College may apply for the contract appointment in the Bank.

Mode of Application

Eligible candidates should apply for the contract appointment in the format given below through their respective institutes. The Institutes / Colleges may forward the applications of eligible candidates alongwith their recommendations to the Officer-in-Charge, Department of Economic and Policy Research, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Fort, Mumbai-400001 in the prescribed form. If it is not possible to submit the applications through respective institutes, it may be submitted direct to the Bank.

Last date for receipt of applications is November 15, 2012.


An interview will be conducted to select the Library and Information Science Graduates for contract appointment. The candidates will be shortlisted from among the applications received on the basis of their academic qualifications and other record furnished by them. Interviews will be held for the shortlisted candidates at the office indicated above. The candidates will have to make their own arrangement for attending the interview. The Bank will not reimburse any expenses incurred by the candidates for attending the interview.


The Library and Information Science Graduates engaged on contract basis will be paid an all inclusive monthly stipend of ` 12,000/- (Rupees twelve thousand only) each. They will not be entitled to any other perquisites or reimbursements.

Bank’s canteen facility

The canteen facility available to Bank’s employees will also be made available to the Library and Information Science Graduates engaged on contract basis.

Bank’s accommodation

Bank shall not provide any accommodation to the Library and Information Science Graduates engaged on contract basis.

No perquisites/allowances/reimbursements or facilities other than those mentioned above shall be available to the Library and Information Science Graduates engaged on contract basis.

The engagement of the Library and Information Science Graduates in the Bank shall be purely temporary and shall not entitle them to any right or claim to a job/appointment in the Bank.



It has come to the notice of Reserve Bank of India that some fraudsters falsely promising to offer job for the posts in the bank are sending Appointment letters through emails by using fake domains which do not belong to the Reserve Bank of India, but these could be deceptively similar involving use of words such as RBI, RESERVEBANK, etc.

It is hereby clarified that recruitments for various posts filled by the bank are advertised on our official website. Also, all details regarding recruitment e.g. Call letters, interview schedule, final result, etc., are published only on our official website https://opportunities.rbi.org.in. In view of this, the Reserve Bank of India cautions members of public to be aware of such fake Appointment letters issued by fraudsters promising job in the Bank. Any Advertisements/ Communication from other sources should be cross verified for authenticity from the website.

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