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Housing Loans

The longer the tenure of the loan, the lesser will be your monthly EMI outflow. Shorter tenures mean greater EMI burden, but your loan is repaid faster. If you have a short-term cash flow mismatch, your bank may increase the tenure of the loan, and your EMI burden comes down. But longer tenures mean payment of larger interest towards the loan and make it more expensive.

Targeted Long Term Repo Operations (TLTROs)

Ans: The deployment of funds availed under TLTRO in primary market cannot exceed fifty percent of the amount availed. Apart from the above stipulation, the limits are fungible between primary and secondary market deployment.

Indian Currency

A) Basics of Indian Currency/Currency Management

The information about indent and supply of notes and coins or currency/coins in circulation is available on our website www.rbi.org.in, at the following link https://rbi.org.in/Scripts/AnnualReportMainDisplay.aspx

FAQs on Master Directions on Priority Sector Lending Guidelines

G. Social Infrastructure

Clarification: As per Udyam Registration Portal- NIC Codes, under Services as ‘Major Activity’, ‘Education’ & ‘Health Activities’ are eligible activities for classification under MSME (Services). Therefore, bank loans for above purposes can be classified under MSME (Services), wherein no cap on credit has been prescribed. However, banks can classify such activities either under MSME (Services) or Social Infrastructure, and not under both. It may be noted that for classification under Social Infrastructure, the associated cap on credit shall be applicable.

Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey – India

Details for survey launch

Ans: In case the reporting entity does not receive the soft-form of the survey schedule, they may download the same from RBI website (www.rbi.org.in) under the head ‘Regulatory Reporting’-→ ‘List of Returns’-→ ‘CPIS – Survey Schedule’[ or under the head ‘Forms’ (available under ‘More Links’ at the bottom of the home page) and sub-head ‘Survey’] or send a request to the emailcpis@rbi.org.in.

Government Securities Market in India – A Primer

8.1 There is an active secondary market in G-Secs. The securities can be bought / sold in the secondary market either through (i) Negotiated Dealing System-Order Matching (NDS-OM) (anonymous online trading) or through (ii) Over the Counter (OTC) and reported on NDS-OM or (iii) NDS-OM-Web (para 8.5) and (iv) Stock exchanges (para 8.6)


In August 2005, RBI introduced an anonymous screen-based order matching module called NDS-OM. This is an order driven electronic system, where the participants can trade anonymously by placing their orders on the system or accepting the orders already placed by other participants. Anonymity ensures a level playing field for various categories of participants. NDS-OM is operated by the CCIL on behalf of the RBI (Please see answer to the question no.19 about CCIL). Direct access to the NDS-OM system is currently available only to select financial institutions like Commercial Banks, Primary Dealers, well managed and financially sound UCBs and NBFCs, etc. Other participants can access this system through their custodians i.e. with whom they maintain Gilt Accounts. The custodians place the orders on behalf of their customers. The advantages of NDS-OM are price transparency and better price discovery.

8.2 Gilt Account holders have been given indirect access to the reporting module of NDS-OM through custodian institutions.

8.3 Access to NDS-OM by the retail segment, comprising of individual investors having demat account with depositories viz. NSDL and/or CDSL, desirous of participating in the G-Sec market is facilitated by allowing them to use their demat accounts for their transactions and holdings in G-Sec. This access would be facilitated through any of the existing NDS-OM primary members, who also act as Depository Participants for NSDL and/or CDSL. The scheme seeks to facilitate efficient access to retail individual investor to the same G-Sec market being used by the large institutional investor in a seamless manner.

ii. Over the Counter (OTC)/ Telephone Market

8.4 In the G-Sec market, a participant, who wants to buy or sell a G-Sec, may contact a bank / PD/financial institution either directly or through a broker registered with SEBI and negotiate price and quantity of security. Such negotiations are usually done on telephone and a deal may be struck if both counterparties agree on the amount and rate. In the case of a buyer, like an UCB wishing to buy a security, the bank's dealer (who is authorized by the bank to undertake transactions in G-Secs) may get in touch with other market participants over telephone and obtain quotes. Should a deal be struck, the bank should record the details of the trade in a deal slip (specimen given at Annex 5). The dealer must exercise due diligence with regard to the price quoted by verifying with available sources (See question number 14 for information on ascertaining the price of G-Secs). All trades undertaken in OTC market are reported on the Reported segment of NDS-OM within 15 minutes, the details of which are given under the question number 15.

iii. NDS-OM-Web

8.5 RBI has launched NDS-OM-Web on June 29, 2012 for facilitating direct participation of gilt account holders (GAH) on NDS-OM through their primary members (PM) (as risk controller only and not having any role in pricing of trade). The GAH have access to the same order book of NDS-OM as the PM. GAH are in a better position to control their orders (place/modify/cancel/hold/release) and have access to real time live quotes in the market. Since notifications of orders executed as well as various queries are available online to the GAH, they are better placed to manage their positions. Web based interface that leverages on the gilt accounts already maintained with the custodian Banks/PDs provides an operationally efficient system to retail participants. NDS OM Web is provided at no additional cost to its users. PMs, however, may recover the actual charges paid by them to CCIL for settlement of trades or any other charges like transaction cost, annual maintenance charges (AMC) etc. It has been made obligatory for the Primary Members to offer the NDS-OM-Web module to their constituent GAHs (excluding individual) for online trading in G-sec in the secondary market. Constituents not desirous of availing this facility may do so by opting out in writing. On the other hand, individual GAHs desirous of the NDS-OM-Web facility may be provided the web access only on specific request.

iv. Stock Exchanges

8.6 As advised by SEBI, the stock exchanges (like NSE, BSE, MCX) have been asked to create dedicated debt segment in their trading platforms. In compliance to this, stock exchanges have launched debt trading (G-Secs as also corporate bonds) segment which generally cater to the needs of retail investors. The process involved in trading of G-Secs in Demat form in stock exchanges is as follows:

a. The Gilt Account Holder (GAH), say XYZ provident fund, approaches his custodian bank, (say ABC), to convert its holding held by custodian bank in their CSGL account (to the extent he wishes to trade, say ₹ 10,000), into Demat form.

b. ABC reduces the GAH’s security balance by ₹ 10,000 and advises the depository of stock exchange (NSDL/CSDL) to increase XYZ’s Demat account by ₹ 10,000. ABC also advises to PDO, Mumbai to reduce its CSGL balance by ₹ 10,000 and increase the CSGL balance of NSDL/CSDL by ₹ 10,000.

c. NSDL/CSDL increases the Demat balance of XYZ by ₹ 10,000.

d. XYZ can now trade in G-Sec on stock exchange.

v. Regulations applicable to prevent abuse

8.7 RBI vide FMRD.FMSD.11/11.01.012/2018-19 dated March 15, 2019 issued directions to prevent abuse in markets regulated by RBI. The directions are applicable to all persons dealing in securities, money market instruments, foreign exchange instruments, derivatives or other instruments of like nature as specified from time to time.

vi. Guidelines for Value free transfer (VFT) of Government Securities

8.8 VFT of the government securities shall mean transfer of securities from one SGL/CSGL to another SGL/CSGL account, without consideration. Such transfers could be on account of posting of margins, inter-depository transfers of government securities arising from trades in exchanges between demat account holders of different depositories, gift/inheritance and change of custodians etc. VFT would also be required in the case of distribution of securities to the beneficiary demat/gilt accounts on allotment after participation in the non-competitive segment of the primary auction.

RBI vide notification IDMD.CDD.No.1241/11.02.001/2018-19 dated November 16, 2018 issued separate guidelines for VFT to enable more efficient operations in the Government securities market. Value Free Transfers between SGL/CSGL accounts not covered by these guidelines will require specific approval of the Reserve Bank. The guidelines prescribes list of permitted transactions for VFT and application for permission for VFT for any other purpose may be submitted to Public Debt Office, Mumbai Regional Office, RBI, Fort, Mumbai

All you wanted to know about NBFCs

A. Definitions

NBFCs whose asset size is of ₹ 500 cr or more as per last audited balance sheet are considered as systemically important NBFCs. The rationale for such classification is that the activities of such NBFCs will have a bearing on the financial stability of the overall economy.B. Entities Regulated by RBI and applicable regulations

Foreign Investment in India

Answer: No, FDI and FPI are agnostic from the point of view of the schedule under which investment has been made. It is the percentage which defines whether it is direct or portfolio investment.

External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) and Trade Credits


No, all ECB guidelines including those related to minimum equity holding, are to be fulfilled during the whole tenure of the ECB and not only at the time of contracting of ECB.

Remittances (Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS) and Rupee Drawing Arrangement (RDA))

Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS)

Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS) is a way of transferring personal remittances from abroad to beneficiaries in India. Only inward personal remittances into India such as remittances towards family maintenance and remittances favouring foreign tourists visiting India are permissible. Under the scheme there is a tie-up between reputed money transfer companies abroad known as Overseas Principals and agents in India known as Indian Agents who would disburse funds to beneficiaries in India at ongoing exchange rates.

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