FAQ Page 1 - ಆರ್ಬಿಐ - Reserve Bank of India
FAQs on Master Directions on Priority Sector Lending Guidelines
A. Computation of Adjusted Net Bank Credit (ANBC)
Clarification: The Master Directions on Priority Sector Lending, 2020 under para 6 provides for computation of Adjusted Net Bank Credit. The face value of securities availed under TLTRO 2.0 and SLF-MF (including the Extended Regulatory Benefits) are to be reduced (as given in ‘IX’ of para 6.1 of the Master Directions on PSL). Since these securities are considered as HTM investments, the banks have to add them as Bonds/debentures in Non-SLR categories under HTM category (as given in ‘X’ of para 6.1 of the Master Directions on PSL). It is envisaged that the Priority Sector Lending target/sub-targets should not increase on account of securities acquired under TLTRO 2.0 and SLF-MF (including the Extended Regulatory Benefits). By adding the face value of securities (X) and reducing the face value of securities (IX) there will be no increase in ANBC due to investments in TLTRO 2.0 and SLF-MF (including the Extended Regulatory Benefits.)
Clarification: The bills purchased/ discounted/ negotiated (payment to beneficiary not under reserve) under LC is allowed to be treated as Interbank exposure only for the limited purpose of computing exposure and capital requirements. It should not be excluded from the computation of ‘bank credit in India’ [As prescribed in item No.VI of Form 'A’ under Section 42(2) of the RBI Act, 1934] which allows for exclusion of interbank advance. While exposure may be to the LC issuing bank, the bills purchased/discounted amounts to bank credit to its borrower constituent. If this advance is eligible for priority sector classification, then bank can claim it as PSL. Banks have to take note of the above aspect while reporting Net Bank Credit in India as well as computing the Adjusted Net Bank Credit for PSL targets and achievement
Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey – India
updated: ಜೂನ್ 03, 2024
Eligible entities and requirements to report under CPIS
Ans: Presently, the survey is conducted half-yearly in India for capturing the end-March and end-September position of the latest financial year (FY).
Core Investment Companies
Core Investment Companies (CICs)
Ans: Existing CICs which were exempted from registration in the past and have an asset size of less than Rs 100 crore are exempted from registration in terms of section 45NC of the RBI Act 1934, as stated in Notification No. DNBS.(PD) 220/CGM(US)-2011 dated January 5, 2011, and as such are not required to submit any application for exemption.