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Government Securities Market in India – A Primer

Domestic Deposits

III. Advances

The interest rate directives on advances granted by banks will not be applicable to loans or advances or other financial accommodation made or provided or renewed by a scheduled bank, inter alia, to its own employees. Where the advances are provided by the bank to co-operative credit societies formed by the bank’s staff members for lending to constituents (i.e. staff of the bank), the interest rate directives of the RBI will not apply in such advances.

Retail Direct Scheme

Investment and Account holdings related queries

No. Markup is not a fee charged by RBI. It is refundable depending upon the price at which the bids are allotted in the auction.

Indian Currency

D) Soiled and Mutilated Banknotes

Guidelines for the exchange of mutilated/torn notes are available in our Master Circular on “Facility for Exchange of Notes & Coins” DCM(NE) No.G-2/08.07.18/2019-20 dated July 01, 2019 which is available on our website www.rbi.org.in under Notifications>Master Circulars>Issuer of Currency. Mutilated notes can be exchanged at all bank branches in terms of RBI (Note Refund) Amendment Rules, 2018.

Foreign Investment in India

III. Investment in other securities

Answer: A SEBI registered Foreign Venture Capital Investor may make investment in terms of schedule 7 of FEMA 20(R) as per the conditions prescribed therein.

FAQs on Non-Banking Financial Companies

Liquid Asset requirement

No. An NBFC is required to invest in approved securities a part of the deposits, for compliance with the provisions of section 45IB of the RBI Act. The term `approved securities’ has been defined in the RBI Act itself which means the Government securities and Government guaranteed bonds. Hence it is not permissible for the NBFCs to maintain a part of the securities in the form of investments in bonds of and deposits with banks.

Government Securities Market in India – A Primer

Core Investment Companies

Core Investment Companies (CICs)

Ans: Even though public funds include public deposits in the general course, it may be noted that CICs cannot accept public deposits. It may further be reiterated that no NBFC can accept public deposits without specific permission of the Bank even if it holds a CoR from the Bank.

Retail Direct Scheme

Investment and Account holdings related queries

In the non-competitive segment of primary auctions, the price at which the securities are allotted is the weighted average price of the successful competitive bids in the auction. Since this weighted average price can be calculated only after the auction is over, the price of the security through the non-competitive segment is unknown during the time of bidding. To cover for this uncertainty, a markup is applied in case the weighted average price comes out to be higher.

External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) and Trade Credits

J. Reporting

No, in case no changes are made in terms and conditions of ECB, there is no need to file revised Form ECB (erstwhile Form 83).

All you wanted to know about NBFCs

D. Definition of deposits, Eligible / Ineligible Institutions to accept deposits and Related Matters

The Reserve Bank's overarching concern while supervising any financial entity is protection of depositors' interest. Depositors place deposit with any entity on trust unlike an investor who invests in the shares of a company with the intention of sharing the risk as well as return with the promoters. Protection of depositors' interest thus is supreme in financial regulation. Banks are the most regulated financial entities. The Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation pays insurance on deposits up to ₹ One lakh in case a bank failed.

Domestic Deposits

IV. Advances against shares and debentures


Indian Currency

D) Soiled and Mutilated Banknotes

The presence or absence of a serial number or other specific feature is not a determining factor when assessing damaged banknotes for value under the RBI (Note Refund) Amendment Rules, 2018.

All you wanted to know about NBFCs

D. Definition of deposits, Eligible / Ineligible Institutions to accept deposits and Related Matters

The Reserve Bank publishes the list of NBFCs that hold a valid Certificate of Registration for accepting deposits on its website: www.rbi.org.in → Sitemap → NBFC List → List of NBFCs Permitted to Accept Deposits. At times, some companies are temporarily prohibited from accepting public deposits. The Reserve Bank publishes the list of NBFCs temporarily prohibited also on its website. The Reserve Bank keeps both these lists updated. Members of the public are advised to check both these lists before placing deposits with NBFCs.

Foreign Investment in India

III. Investment in other securities

Answer: The amount of consideration for all investment by an FVCI has to be received/made through inward remittance from abroad through banking channels or out of funds held in a foreign currency account and/ or a Special Non-Resident Rupee (SNRR) account maintained by the FVCI with an AD bank in India. The foreign currency account and SNRR account shall be used only and exclusively for transactions under the relevant Schedule.

External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) and Trade Credits

J. Reporting

The facility for opting for LSF shall be available up to three years from the due date of reporting/ submission. (Ref: A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.16 dated September 30, 2022).

Government Securities Market in India – A Primer

Glossary of Important Terms and Commonly Used Market Terminology

Accrued Interest

The accrued interest on a bond is the amount of interest accumulated on a bond since the last coupon payment. The interest has been earned, but because coupons are paid only on coupon dates, the investor has not gained the money yet. In India day count convention for G-Secs is 30/360.

Auction –Multiple price and Uniform Price

In a Multiple Price auction, the successful bidders are required to pay for the allotted quantity of securities at the respective price / yield at which they have bid. On the other hand, in a Uniform Price auction, all the successful bidders are required to pay for the allotted quantity of securities at the same rate, i.e., at the auction cut-off rate, irrespective of the rate quoted by them.

Bid Price/ Yield

The price/yield being offered by a potential buyer for a security.

Big Figure

When the price is quoted as ₹102.35, the portion other than decimals (102) is called the big figure.

Competitive Bid

Competitive bid refers to the bid for the stock at the price stated by a bidder in an auction.


The rate of interest paid on a debt security as calculated on the basis of the security’s face value.

Coupon Frequency

Coupon payments are made at regular intervals throughout the life of a debt security and may be quarterly, semi-annual (twice a year) or annual payments.


When the price of a security is below the par value, it is said to be trading at a discount. The value of the discount is the difference between the FV and the Price. For example, if a security is trading at ₹ 99, the discount is ₹ 1.

Duration (Macaulay Duration)

Duration of a bond is the number of years taken to recover the initial investment of a bond. It is calculated as the weighted average number of years to receive the cash flow wherein the present value of respective cash flows are multiplied with the time to that respective cash flows. The total of such values is divided by the price of the security to arrive at the duration. Refer to Box IV under question 27.

Face Value

Face value is the amount that is to be paid to an investor at the maturity date of the security. Debt securities can be issued at varying face values, however in India they typically have a face value of ₹100. The face value is also known as the repayment amount. This amount is also referred as redemption value, principal value (or simply principal), maturity value or par value.

Floating-Rate Bond

Bonds whose coupon rate is re-set at predefined intervals and is based on a pre-specified market based interest rate.

Gilt/ G-Secs

G-Secs are also known as gilts or gilt edged securities. “G-Sec” means a security created and issued by the Government for the purpose of raising a public loan or for any other purpose as may be notified by the Government in the Official Gazette and having one of the forms mentioned in the G-Secs Act, 2006.

Market Lot

Market lot refers to the standard value of the trades that happen in the market. The standard market lot size in the G-Secs market is ₹ 5 crore in face value terms.

Maturity Date

The date when the principal (face value) is paid back. The final coupon and the face value of a debt security is repaid to the investor on the maturity date. The time to maturity can vary from short term (1 year) to long term (30 years).

Non-Competitive Bid

NCB means the bidder would be able to participate in the auctions of dated G-Secs without having to quote the yield or price in the bid. The allotment to the non-competitive segment will be at the weighted average rate that will emerge in the auction on the basis of competitive bidding. It is an allocating facility wherein a part of total securities are allocated to bidders at a weighted average price of successful competitive bid. (Please also see paragraph no.4.3 under question no.4).

Odd Lot

Transactions of any value other than the standard market lot size of ₹ 5 crore are referred to as odd lot. Generally, the value is less than the ₹ 5 crore with a minimum of ₹10,000/-. Odd lot transactions are generally done by the retail and small participants in the market.

Par value

Par value is nothing but the face value of the security which is ₹ 100 for G-Secs. When the price of a security is equal to face value, the security is said to be trading at par.


When the price of a security is above the par value, the security is said to be trading at premium. The value of the premium is the difference between the price and the face value. For example, if a security is trading at ₹102, the premium is ₹ 2.


The price quoted is for per ₹ 100 of face value. The price of any financial instrument is equal to the present value of all the future cash flows. The price one pays for a debt security is based on a number of factors. Newly-issued debt securities usually sell at, or close to, their face value. In the secondary market, where already-issued debt securities are bought and sold between investors, the price one pays for a bond is based on a host of variables, including market interest rates, accrued interest, supply and demand, credit quality, maturity date, state of issuance, market events and the size of the transaction.

Primary Dealers

In order to accomplish the objective of meeting the Government borrowing needs as cheaply and efficiently as possible, a group of highly qualified financial firms/ banks are appointed to play the role of specialist intermediaries in the G-Sec market between the issuer on the one hand and the market on the other. Such entities are generally called Primary dealers or market makers. In return of a set of obligations, such as making continuous bids and offer price in the marketable G-Secs or submitting reasonable bids in the auctions, these firms receive a set of privileges in the primary/ secondary market.

Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system

RTGS system is a funds transfer mechanism for transfer of money from one bank to another on a “real time” and on “gross” basis. This is the fastest possible money transfer system through the banking channel. Settlement in “real time” means payment transaction is not subjected to any waiting period. The transactions are settled as soon as they are processed. “Gross settlement” means the transaction is settled on one to one basis without bunching with any other transaction. Considering that money transfer takes place in the books of the Reserve Bank of India, the payment is taken as final and irrevocable.

Repo Rate

Repo rate is the return earned on a repo transaction expressed as an annual interest rate.

Repo/Reverse Repo

Repo means an instrument for borrowing funds by selling securities of the Central Government or a State Government or of such securities of a local authority as may be specified in this behalf by the Central Government or foreign securities, with an agreement to repurchase the said securities on a mutually agreed future date at an agreed price which includes interest for the fund borrowed.

Reverse Repo means an instrument for lending funds by purchasing securities of the Central Government or a State Government or of such securities of a local authority as may be specified in this behalf by the Central Government or foreign securities, with an agreement to resell the said securities on a mutually agreed future date at an agreed price which includes interest for the fund lent.

Residual Maturity

The remaining period until maturity date of a security is its residual maturity. For example, a security issued for an original term to maturity of 10 years, after 2 years, will have a residual maturity of 8 years.

Secondary Market

The market in which outstanding securities are traded. This market is different from the primary or initial market when securities are sold for the first time. Secondary market refers to the buying and selling that goes on after the initial public sale of the security.

Tap Sale

Under Tap sale, a certain amount of securities is created and made available for sale, generally with a minimum price, and is sold to the market as bids are made. These securities may be sold over a period of day or even weeks; and authorities may retain the flexibility to increase the (minimum) price if demand proves to be strong or to cut it if demand weakens. Tap and continuous sale are very similar, except that with Tap sale the debt manager tends to take a more pro-active role in determining the availability and indicative price for tap sales. Continuous sale are essentially at the initiative of the market.

Treasury Bills

Debt obligations of the Government that have maturities of one year or less are normally called Treasury Bills or T-Bills. Treasury Bills are short-term obligations of the Treasury/ Government. They are instruments issued at a discount to the face value and form an integral part of the money market.


The arrangement by which investment bankers undertake to acquire any unsubscribed portion of a primary issuance of a security.

Weighted Average Price/ Yield

It is the weighted average mean of the price/ yield where weight being the amount used at that price/ yield. The allotment to the non-competitive segment will be at the weighted average price/yield that will emerge in the auction on the basis of competitive bidding.


The annual percentage rate of return earned on a security. Yield is a function of a security’s purchase price and coupon interest rate. Yield fluctuates according to numerous factors including global markets and the economy.

Yield to Maturity (YTM)

Yield to maturity is the total return one would expect to receive if the security is being held until maturity. Yield to maturity is essentially the discount rate at which the present value of future payments (investment income and return of principal) equals the price of the security.

Yield Curve

The graphical relationship between yield and maturity among bonds of different maturities and the same credit quality. This curve shows the term structure of interest rates. It also enables investors to compare debt securities with different maturities and coupons.

Core Investment Companies

Core Investment Companies (CICs)

Ans: No. CICs in a group would not be considered for aggregating the assets of multiple NBFCs in a group under the circular. Instructions contained in the Core Investment Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2011 dated January 5, 2011 shall be applicable to CICs in this regard.

FAQs on Non-Banking Financial Companies

Liquid Asset requirement

The unquoted Government securities are to be valued at their carrying cost. The term `carrying cost has been defined in the Non-Banking Financial Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1998 to mean the net book value of the asset and interest accrued thereon but not received.

Retail Direct Scheme

Investment and Account holdings related queries

The excess markup, i.e., the price charged at the time of placing the bid, minus the actual allotment price, will be refunded to your linked bank account within two business days from the date of auction.

Domestic Deposits

IV. Advances against shares and debentures


Indian Currency

D) Soiled and Mutilated Banknotes

Reserve Bank of India has been continuously making efforts to make good quality banknotes available to the members of public. To help RBI and the banking system towards this objective, the members of public are requested to ensure the following:

  • Not to staple the banknotes

  • Not to write/put rubber stamp or any other mark on the banknotes

  • Not to use banknotes for making garlands/toys, decorating pandals and places of worship or for showering on personalities in social events, etc.

All you wanted to know about NBFCs

D. Definition of deposits, Eligible / Ineligible Institutions to accept deposits and Related Matters

Effective from April 24, 2004, NBFCs cannot accept deposits from NRIs except deposits by debit to NRO account of NRI provided such amount does not represent inward remittance or transfer from NRE/FCNR (B) account. However, the existing NRI deposits can be renewed.

Foreign Investment in India

III. Investment in other securities

Answer: The sale/ maturity proceeds (net of taxes) of the securities may be remitted outside India or credited to the foreign currency account or a Special Non-resident Rupee Account of the FVCI.

FAQs on Non-Banking Financial Companies

Liquid Asset requirement

The liquid assets securities can be lodged with one bank branch only and at one place only. However, the company has the discretion now to keep such securities with a bank branch either at the place of its registered office or at another place of its choice after taking prior approval of the concerned Regional Office of RBI.

External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) and Trade Credits

J. Reporting

Yes. LSF is applicable for non-submission of each Form ECB 2, including Nil returns.

Core Investment Companies

Core Investment Companies (CICs)

Ans: Registered CICs with assets < Rs.500 crore shall follow the asset classification norm as specified in the Non-Systemically Important Non-Banking Financial (Non-Deposit accepting or holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2015 and those with assets >= Rs.500 crore shall follow the asset classification norm applicable to NBFCs with assets > = Rs. 500 crore as specified in the Systemically Important Non-Banking Financial (Non-Deposit accepting or holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2015.

Domestic Deposits

IV. Advances against shares and debentures

A banks total exposure, including both fund based and non-fund based, to capital market in all forms covering its direct investment in equity shares, convertible bonds and debentures and units of equity oriented mutual funds; Advances against shared to individuals for investment in equity shares (including IPOs), bonds and debentures, units of equity-oriented mutual funds and secured and unsecured advances to stockbrokers and guarantees issued on behalf of stockbrokers and market makers should not exceed 5% of its total outstanding advances as on March 31 of the previous year (including Commercial Paper). Within the above ceiling, bank’s direct investment should not exceed 20 per cent of its networth. For computing the ceiling on exposure to capital market, the bank’s direct investment in shares will be calculated at cost price of the shares

Retail Direct Scheme

Investment and Account holdings related queries

No. However, if you want to use a different bank account, you can replace the linked bank account through the Retail Direct portal.

Indian Currency

D) Soiled and Mutilated Banknotes

Banknotes returned from circulation are received at the Issue Offices of the Reserve Bank of India. The Reserve Bank of India, inter alia, uses highly sophisticated Currency Verification & Processing Systems (CVPS) machines and Shredding and Briquetting Systems (SBS) machines to verify these notes for genuineness, arithmetical accuracy and segregation of notes into fit for reissue and destruction of soiled (unfit) notes."

All you wanted to know about NBFCs

D. Definition of deposits, Eligible / Ineligible Institutions to accept deposits and Related Matters

No. Co-operative Credit Societies cannot accept deposits from general public. They can accept deposits only from their members within the limit specified in their bye laws.

Foreign Investment in India

III. Investment in other securities

Answer: Investment Vehicle is an entity registered and regulated under relevant regulations framed by SEBI or any other authority designated for the purpose. For the purpose of Schedule 8 of FEMA 20(R), an Investment Vehicle is a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) governed by the SEBI (REITs) Regulations, 2014, an Infrastructure Investment Trust (InvIt) governed by the SEBI (InvIts) Regulations, 2014 and an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) governed by the SEBI (AIFs) Regulations, 2012. It does not include a Venture Capital Fund registered under the erstwhile SEBI (Venture Capital Funds) Regulations, 1996.

FAQs on Non-Banking Financial Companies

Liquid Asset requirement

A. The securities held on behalf of and NBFC, in a bank’s Constituents’ SGL Account can be reckoned towards compliance of requirements of Section 45IB. The securities are required to be deposited with one bank branch and at one place only for the purpose of adequate control. Hence, if an NBFC holds securities with its designated bank branch in its Constituents’ SGL Account, it would be necessary for the company to lodge its physical securities also with the same bank branch.

Core Investment Companies

Core Investment Companies (CICs)

Ans: Registered CICs with assets < Rs. 500 crore shall maintain standard asset provisioning of 0.25% as specified in the Non-Systemically Important Non-Banking Financial (Non-Deposit accepting or holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2015 and those with assets >= Rs.500 crore shall maintain standard asset provisioning of 0.40% which would be applicable as specified in the Systemically Important Non-Banking Financial (Non-Deposit accepting or holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2015.

External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) and Trade Credits


Yes. Extant norms permit both ECB principal and interest to be converted into equity subject to applicable conditions as given under Paragraph 7.4 of the Master Direction No. 5 on ‘External Commercial Borrowings, Trade Credits and Structured Obligations dated March 26, 2019.

Domestic Deposits

IV. Advances against shares and debentures

No. Banks are prohibited from making any short sales of shares.

Retail Direct Scheme

Investment and Account holdings related queries

No. The Scheme is designed to facilitate only Non-competitive participation (i.e., bids without choosing your own price) by individuals. However, if one desires to place a competitive bid, he/she may contact a Bank/Primary Dealer/any other authorized institution.

Indian Currency

D) Soiled and Mutilated Banknotes

All Bank notes including Mahatma Gandhi (New) series notes with writing or colour stains on them continue to be legal tender, provided they are decipherable. Such notes can be deposited or exchanged in any bank branch.

However, a claim in respect of bank notes which carries any extrinsic words or visible representations intended to convey or capable of conveying any message of a political or religious character or furthering the interest of any person or entity will be rejected as per Reserve Bank of India (Note Refund) Rules, 2009 [As amended by Reserve Bank of India (Note Refund) Amendment Rules, 2018].

FAQs on Non-Banking Financial Companies

Liquid Asset requirement

Most of the companies are unitary entities. They function from the place of their Registered Office. Some of the large sized companies as also some others may intend to keep the securities at metropolitan centres for operational advantages. The place where the securities are held could be outside the jurisdiction of the concerned Regional Office of RBI because the jurisdictional areas are decided on the basis of place of location of the Registered Office of the companies. In such cases, it is imperative for the Regional Offices to know the place where the securities are being kept.

External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) and Trade Credits


Yes. The part conversion of ECB into equity will be freely permitted only when the part amount remaining as ECB complies with all the applicable ECB norms.

Core Investment Companies

Core Investment Companies (CICs)

Ans:. Yes. As per the present directions for CICs, they are permitted to make investments in money market instruments, including money market mutual funds. Since Liquid Funds are also mutual funds with the underlying being money market instruments; CICs are permitted to invest their surplus funds in Liquid Fund Schemes also.

All you wanted to know about NBFCs

D. Definition of deposits, Eligible / Ineligible Institutions to accept deposits and Related Matters

No. These societies are formed for salaried employees and hence they can accept deposit only from their own members and not from general public.

Foreign Investment in India

III. Investment in other securities

Answer: Investment made by an Investment Vehicle into an Indian company or an LLP will be indirect foreign investment for the investee company or the LLP, as the case may be, if either the Sponsor or the Manager or the Investment Manager (i) is not owned and not controlled by resident Indian citizens or (ii) is owned or controlled by persons resident outside India.

Domestic Deposits

IV. Advances against shares and debentures

The bills covering payment of electricity charges, customs duty, hire purchase/ lease rental installments, sale of securities and other types of financial accommodation should not be discounted by banks.

Retail Direct Scheme

Investment and Account holdings related queries

No fee will be charged for opening and maintaining the Retail Direct Gilt (RDG) account with RBI. No fee will be charged by RBI at the time of submission of bids in primary auctions. However, applicable payment gateway charges will have to be borne by the investor while funding his/her purchases.

Indian Currency

E) Counterfeits/Forgeries

A suspected forged note, counterfeit note or fake note is any note which does not possess the characteristics of genuine Indian currency note.

Foreign Investment in India

III. Investment in other securities

Answer: An Alternative Investment Fund (Category III) with foreign investment can make portfolio investment in only those securities or instruments in which an FPI is allowed to invest under the Act, rules or regulations made thereunder.IV. Reporting Delays

FAQs on Non-Banking Financial Companies

Extent of regulations over NBFCs accepting public deposits and not accepting public deposits

The NBFCs accepting public deposits shall furnish to RBI Certificate from the Auditors regarding solvency of the company in repayment of the deposits as and when the claims arise; Balance Sheet and the Auditors’ Reports submitted to the Board of Directors as also to the Shareholders of the company; Statutory Annual Return on deposits in the First Schedule; Quarterly Return on liquid assets; Half-yearly Return on prudential norms; and a copy of the Credit Rating once a year alongwith one of the Half-yearly Returns on prudential norms as at (v) above.

External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) and Trade Credits



All you wanted to know about NBFCs

D. Definition of deposits, Eligible / Ineligible Institutions to accept deposits and Related Matters

Yes, nomination facility is available to the depositors of NBFCs. The Rules for nomination facility are provided for in section 45QB of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. Non-Banking Financial Companies have been advised to adopt the Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985 made under Section 45ZA of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. Accordingly, depositor/s of NBFCs are permitted to nominate one person to whom the NBFC can return the deposit in the event of the death of the depositor/s. NBFCs are advised to accept nominations made by the depositors in the form similar to one specified under the said rules, viz Form DA 1 for the purpose of nomination, and Form DA2 and DA3 for cancellation of nomination and change of nomination respectively.

Category Facet


Custom Facet



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