“Write-off” of unrealized export bills - Export of Goods and Services - Simplification of procedure - ആർബിഐ - Reserve Bank of India
“Write-off” of unrealized export bills - Export of Goods and Services - Simplification of procedure
RBI/2012-13/435 March 12, 2013 To All Category - I Authorized Dealer Banks Madam / Sir, “Write-off” of unrealized export bills – Attention of Authorized Dealer Category – I (AD Category –I) banks is invited to A.P. (DIR. Series) Circular No. 12, 30, 61, 40, 33 and 03 dated September 09, 2000, April 04, 2001, December 14, 2002, December 05, 2003, February 28, 2007 and July 22, 2010 respectively in terms of which the exporters were given limited powers of write-off and also AD Category – I banks have been permitted to accede to the requests for "write-off" made by the exporters, subject to the conditions, inter alia, that the exporter had to surrender proportionate export incentives, if availed of, in respect of the relative shipments. 2. With a view to further simplifying and liberalizing the procedure and for providing greater flexibility to all exporters as well as the Authorized Dealer banks, the earlier instructions have been reviewed. It has now been decided to effect, subject to the stipulations regarding surrender of incentives prior to”write-off” adduced in the A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 03 dated 22 July 2010, the following liberalization in the limits of “write-offs” of unrealized export bills:
3. The above limits will be related to total export proceeds realized during the previous calendar year and will be cumulatively available in a year. 4. The above “write-off” will be subject to the following conditions: (a) The relevant amount has remained outstanding for more than one year; (b) Satisfactory documentary evidence is furnished in support of the exporter having made all efforts to realize the dues; (c) The case falls under any of the undernoted categories :
5. However, the following would not qualify for the “write off” facility :
6. The respective AD banks may forward a statement in form EBW, in the senclosed format, to the Regional Office of Reserve Bank under whose jurisdiction they are functioning, indicating details of write-offs allowed under this circular. 7. AD banks are advised to put in place a system under which their internal inspectors or auditors (including external auditors appointed by authorised dealers) should carry out random sample check / percentage check of “write-off” outstanding export bills. 8. Cases not covered by the above instructions / beyond the above limits, may be referred to the concerned Regional Office of Reserve Bank of India. 9. Authorized Dealers may bring the contents of the Circular to the notice of their constituents concerned. 10. The directions contained in this Circular have been issued under sections 10(4) and 11(1) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999) and are without prejudice to permissions / approvals, if any, required under any other law. Yours faithfully, (Rashmi Fauzdar) |