Exchange of Information - Loan & Subsidy under Urban Self Employment Programme (USEP) component of Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) - ആർബിഐ - Reserve Bank of India
Exchange of Information - Loan & Subsidy under Urban Self Employment Programme (USEP) component of Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY)
RPCD.SP.BC.No. 05 / 09.16.01/2003-04 July 7, 2003 The Chairman / Managing Director, Dear Sir, Exchange of Information – Loan & Subsidy under 2. As banks expressed difficulty in submitting the data in the prescribed format since inception of the scheme, as the format had multiple data fields and banks had not maintained data/information for earlier years since inception of the scheme in the format prescribed by the Ministry, a new format showing the details of performance on a quarterly basis under USEP & DWCUA components of the Scheme including details of subsidy and applications pending and rejected has been devised in consultation with the Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation, GOI. A copy of the new proforma is forwarded herewith. We shall, therefore, be glad if you please submit quarterly progress reports in the new format from the year ending March 03 onwards. 3. The banks which have already submitted the data in the earlier format sent, vide our letter dated July 15, 2002 may please resubmit the data in the new format (enclosed) from the year ending March 03. 4.Please note that the data/information should be forwarded, within a month from the close of the quarter to which it relates. You may please issue suitable necessary instructions to your Regional Offices/branches in this regard. 5. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter. Yours faithfully, Sd/- (Dr. Deepali Pant Joshi) |