Marketing /Distribution of Mutual Fund Units /Insurance etc., products by RRBs - ആർബിഐ - Reserve Bank of India
Marketing /Distribution of Mutual Fund Units /Insurance etc., products by RRBs
RBI/2009-10/250 December 09, 2009 The Chairman Dear Sir, Marketing /Distribution of Mutual Fund Units /Insurance etc., products by RRBs Please refer to our circular RPCD.No.RRB.BC.82/03.05.33/2005-06 dated May 17, 2006 allowing RRBs to undertake marketing of units of mutual funds as agents subject to certain terms and conditions. 2. Similarly, in terms of paragraph 2 of our Circular RPCD. CO. RRB.BC.No.99/03.05.33(G)/2004-05 dated May 12, 2005, RRBs were allowed to undertake insurance business on a referral basis without any risk participation through their network of branches subject to certain conditions. Further, in terms of our circular RPCD.CO.RRB.BC.No.86/03.05.33(G)/2006-07 dated May 03,2007, RRBs have been permitted for taking up corporate agency business for distribution of insurance products without risk participation subject to conditions mentioned in para 2 of the said circular. 3. In all the activities referred to above, it is likely that RRBs may be marketing / referring, several competing products of various mutual fund / insurance companies to their customers. Keeping in view the need for transparency in the interest of the customers to whom the products are being marketed / referred, it has since been decided that RRBs should disclose to the customers, details of all the commissions / other fees (in any form) received, if any, from the various mutual fund / insurance companies for marketing/ referring their products. 4. The above instructions will come into force with immediate effect. 5. Please acknowledge receipt of the circular to our Regional Office concerned.
(R.C.Sarangi) |