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Master Circular on Branch Licensing - Regional Rural Banks

RPCD.CO.RRB.No.BL.BC.05 /03.05.090/2012-13
(Updated as on November 02, 2012)

July 2, 2012

The Chairman,
All Regional Rural Banks

Dear Sir,

Master Circular on Branch Licensing - Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)

Please refer to the Master Circular RPCD.CO.RRB.No.BL.BC.07/03.05.90-A/2011-12 dated July 1, 2011 consolidating instructions / guidelines issued to banks on Branch Licensing till June 30, 2011. The Master Circular has been suitably updated by incorporating the instructions issued upto June 30, 2012. A copy of the updated Master Circular is enclosed. The Master Circular has also been placed on the RBI website (/en/web/rbi).

Yours faithfully,

(C. D. Srinivasan)
Chief General Manager
Encls: As above

Master Circular on Branch Licensing - Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)



Legal Requirements



General Policy on Branch Licensing



Conditions for Opening of New Branches



Relaxation in Branch Licensing Policy


Opening of Branches / Regional Offices



Branches at Rural / Semi Urban / Urban and Metropolitan Centres



Service Branch



Regional Offices



Validity of Authorisations and Licences



Requirement for Conduct of Government Business


Shifting of Branches



At Rural Centres



At Semi-Urban Centres



At Urban / Metropolitan Centres



Procedural Rationalisation


Conversion of Full-fledged Branches into Satellite/Mobile Offices



Satellite Offices



Mobile Offices


Merger of Loss Making Branches


Opening of Extension Counters


Upgradation of Extension Counters into Full-fledged Branches


Automated Teller Machines


Ultra Small Branches


Classification / Reclassification of Centres


Submission of Returns on Branch Banking


Annex I


Annex II


Annex III


Annex IV


Annex V



1. Legal Requirements

The opening of branches by banks is governed by the provisions of Section 23 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. In terms of these provisions, banks cannot open a new place of business in India or abroad or change otherwise than within the same city, town or village, the location of the existing place of business without the prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Thus, it is mandatory for RRBs to seek prior approval / licence from Rural Planning and Credit Department (RPCD) of RBI before opening of new branches / offices.

1.1. General Policy on Branch Licensing

The Boards of Directors of RRBs are required to decide on the policy and strategy for setting up new branches, taking into account the yearly business plan, potential for business at the new centres, (for opening of branches), profitability of the proposed branches, efficacy of the internal control system, redeployment of staff where surplus manpower has been identified, extension of prompt and cost-effective customer service to the clientele etc.

RRBs should obtain prior approval of their Boards of Directors before applying for opening / merger / shifting / conversion of branches / offices etc. The proposal for opening, shifting, merger or conversion of branches is to be submitted to the respective Regional Office of NABARD in the prescribed application Form VI (Rule 12) of Banking Companies Rules, 1949 (Annex I), with an advance copy thereof to the concerned Regional Office of the Reserve Bank. The Empowered Committees for RRBs (ECs), constituted by the Reserve Bank at its Regional Offices, would deliberate and make recommendation on such applications. The Reserve Bank would take into account the EC's recommendation and dispose off such applications expeditiously. 

No separate approval of the sponsor bank is required. Further, approval of the sub-group of District Consultative Committee (DCC) will also not be required for opening of branches. However, in case of shifting / merger / conversion of branches, approval of the sub-group of DCC will be required.

The proposals of RRBs to open new branches in Tier I & II centres will be considered by RBI on a very selective basis and on merits of each case, taking into consideration the overall financial position of the RRB, quality of its management, efficacy of the internal control system, profitability and other relevant factors.

1.2 Conditions for Opening of New Branches

RRBs should fulfill the following conditions, to become eligible to open new branch/es:

(i) No default in maintenance of SLR and CRR during the last two years;
(ii) Operational profits are being made;
(iii) Net worth shows improvement; and
(iv) Net NPA ratio does not exceed 8 per cent.

1.3 Relaxation in Branch Licensing Policy

RRBs are permitted to open branches in Tier 3 to Tier 6 centers (with population up to 49, 999 as per Census 2001 - details of classification of centers tier-wise furnished in Annex IV) without having the need to take permission from Reserve Bank of India in each case, subject to reporting, provided they fulfill the following conditions as per the latest inspection report :

i) CRAR of at least 9%;
ii) Net NPA less than 5%;
iii) No default in CRR / SLR for the last year;
iv) Net profit in the last financial year;
v) CBS compliant

RRBs eligible to open branches in Tier 3 to Tier 6 centres may do so without prior approval of RBI and approach the Regional Office of RBI for, post-facto automatic, issue of the licence/s. The licence should be displayed in the premise of the branch so opened for information of its customers / public to instill confidence in them that the bank branch is authorized to conduct banking business. The details of the branches thus opened should be reported, in the prescribed format (Annex V), to the concerned Regional Office of RBI.

2. Opening of Branches / Regional Offices

2.1.Branches at Rural / Semi-Urban / Urban and Metropolitan Centres

RRBs can identify rural centres (population up to ten thousand), semi-urban centres (population more than ten thousand but up to one lakh), urban centres (population more than one lakh but up to ten lakh) and metropolitan centres (population more than ten lakh) for opening of branches depending upon the business potential and profitability of the proposed branches.

Note : Population criteria mentioned above will be as per the latest census report figures of the centre (revenue unit and not locality).

2.2 Service Branch

RRBs may be allowed to set up Service Branches / Central Processing Centres (CPCs) / Back Offices exclusively to attend to back office functions such as data processing, verification and processing of documents, issuance of cheque books, demand drafts etc. and other functions incidental to their banking business. These offices should have no interface with customers and would not be allowed to be converted into General Banking branches. These offices would be treated on par with a branch and RRBs shall be required to obtain necessary licence from the concerned Regional Office of RBI (RPCD).

2.3 Regional Offices

RRBs (both amalgamated and stand alone) will be allowed to open one Regional Office (RO) for every 50 branches. RRBs having up to 50 branches will be under direct control of the Head Office, without any intermediate tier. The cases of RRBs, which require relaxation in the above norm in regard to the number of branches to be covered by one RO due to geographical / other conditions, will be examined by the EC and referred to Central Office, RPCD for consideration.

The ROs are not permitted to transact any banking business. However, RRBs are required to obtain licences from the concerned Regional Office of RBI (RPCD) prior to functioning / opening of these offices. RRBs can either shift or close / merge these offices at their discretion without prior approval of RBI, but they are required to ensure that the licence is submitted to the concerned Regional Office of RBI (RPCD) for getting the new address incorporated in the licence at the earliest, but not later than three months from the date of shifting. As regards closure / merger of such offices, the licence has to be surrendered to the concerned Regional Office of RBI (RPCD) for cancellation immediately after the closure / merger of the office under advice to the Department of Statistics and Information Management (DSIM) of RBI.

2.4. Validity of Authorisations and Licences

Presently authorisations are issued to RRBs for opening of branches based on the requests received from them (through NABARD) on merits of each case. With a view to ensuring expeditious utilisation of authorisations and actual establishment of the branch, it has been decided to limit the validity of authorisation to a maximum period of two years.

RRBs are required to obtain necessary licence prior to the opening of an office / branch from the concerned Regional Office of RBI (RPCD). It is observed that some RRBs take unduly long time to approach the Regional Offices for grant of a licence after the authorisation has been issued. It is also observed that some RRBs obtain a licence, but do not open the branch for a considerable period of time and approach the Regional Offices for revalidation of the licences time and again. RRBs should, therefore, approach the Regional Office for issue of a licence only after the infrastructure is ready for opening of the office / branch.

Further, RRBs often approach for approval for change in name of a branch due to change in name of the locality or street / road where the branch is located. Since there is no change in location of the branch, banks need not seek approval or approach for amendment to licence in the matter, but intimate the change to the concerned Regional Office of RBI (RPCD) and DSIM, Mumbai. Changes may also take place due to change in name of taluk / district or reorganisation of districts or formation of new States. Under such circumstances, too, RRBs need not forward the relevant licence/s to the Regional Office for amendment and may adopt the changed name on the basis of Government Notification, under advice to the concerned Regional Office of RBI (RPCD) and DSIM, Mumbai.

In case any alteration in any name is to be made for avoiding confusion between branches of various banks bearing the same name in the same locality or on account of other justifiable circumstances, such requests should be addressed to the concerned Regional Office of RBI (RPCD) and while forwarding such requests, the relative licences, together with the covering letters, should also be sent.

“2.5 Requirement for Conduct of Government Business

RRBs are permitted to undertake State Government business as sub-agents of the Sponsor Bank with the prior approval from the concerned State Government and RBI. The Sponsor Bank should submit the proposal to the concerned Regional Office of RBI in accordance with DGBA guidelines issued vide circular DGBA.GAD.No.H.15327/31.01.004/2006-07 dated April 19, 2007, for issue of necessary authorisation.”

3. Shifting of Branches

3.1 At Rural Centres

The shifting of branches in rural centres may be effected by RRBs themselves without obtaining the prior approval of RBI, subject to the condition that both the existing and proposed centres are within the same block, and that the relocated branch would be able to cater adequately to the banking needs of the villages served by the existing branch.

3.2 At Semi-Urban Centres

RRBs may shift their branches at semi-urban centres within the same locality / municipal ward without the prior approval of RBI. It should, however, be ensured that the locality / ward is not rendered unbanked due to the shifting of branch/es.

3.3 At Urban / Metropolitan Centres

RRBs may shift their branches in urban / metropolitan centres within the same locality / municipal ward without the prior approval of RBI.

Regarding shifting of branches outside the locality / municipal ward at Semi-urban / Urban / Metropolitan centres, RRBs have to obtain prior approval of the concerned Regional Office of RBI (RPCD).

3.4 Procedural Rationalization

RRBs may shift their branches as indicated above (paras 3.1 to 3.3), but ensure that the licence of the branch is submitted to the concerned Regional Office of RBI (RPCD) for getting the new address incorporated therein at the earliest but not later than three months from the date of the shifting of the branch.

4. Conversion of Full-fledged Branches into Satellite / Mobile Offices

RRBs may themselves decide the need for conversion of the existing loss making branches into satellite / mobile offices keeping in view the cost-benefit aspect, the likely inconvenience that may be caused to the existing clientele, the effect of the conversion on the performance in the preparation of district credit plan and priority sector lending. With a view to providing better customer service in rural areas, RRBs may also convert their satellite offices into full-fledged branches after obtaining concurrence from the EC and RRBs should also obtain necessary licence from the concerned Regional Office of RBI (RPCD).

4.1 Satellite Offices

The following guidelines may be followed by the RRBs in respect of satellite offices :

a)  The satellite office should be established at fixed premises in the surrounding villages and should be controlled and operated from a base branch located at central village / block headquarters.

b)  Each satellite office should function on a few specified days (at least twice) in a week at specified hours.

c)  All types of banking transactions may be conducted at the satellite office.

d)  The customers of the satellite office may be permitted to transact business at the base branch on non-operating days of such office.

e)  While separate ledgers / registers / scrolls may be maintained for each satellite office, all the transactions carried out thereat should be incorporated in the books of account of the base branch.

f)  The staff attached to the base branch, preferably consisting of a member of supervisory staff, a cashier-cum-clerk and an armed guard, may be deputed to the satellite office.

g)  Adequate arrangements for insurance of furniture, cash-in-transit, etc. may be made.

Conversion of branches into satellite offices at centres other than rural is not permissible

4.2. Mobile Offices

The scheme of mobile offices envisages the extension of banking facilities through a well protected van with arrangements for two or three officials of the bank sitting in it with books, safe containing cash, etc. The mobile unit would visit the places proposed to be served by it on certain specified days / hours. The mobile offices would be attached to a branch of the RRB. The mobile office/s should not visit the rural places which are served by co-operative banks and places served by regular offices of commercial banks.

5. Merger of Loss making Branches

Where two loss making branches of any RRB are in close proximity to each other (i.e. within a distance of about 5 kms.), the RRB may consider merging the two branches with a view to rationalising the spatial spread and reducing establishment / operating costs.

6. Opening of Extension Counters

RRBs, with the approval of their Boards of Directors, can open extension counters at the premises of the institutions of which they are principal bankers after obtaining a licence from the concerned Regional Office of RBI (RPCD) for the purpose. An extension counter can be opened within the premises of big offices / factories, hospitals, military units, educational institutions, residential colonies, shopping complexes where there is a large complement of staff / workers, students, who because of their identical working hours and non-availability of banking facilities at a reasonable distance find it difficult to carry out their banking transactions. Apart from above, RRBs can also set up extension counters after obtaining licence from the concerned Regional Office of RBI (RPCD) at places of worship and market places. The condition of being principal bankers however would not apply in such cases.

The extension counter should carry out limited type of banking business, such as:

-  deposit / withdrawal transactions

-  issuing and encashment of drafts and mail transfers

-  issue and encashment of travellers cheques

-  sale of gift cheques

-  collection of bills

-  advances against fixed deposits of their customers (within the sanctioning power of the concerned officials at the extension counter)

-  facility of safe deposit locker (provided adequate security arrangements are made).

Further, if the extension counter proposes to undertake government business, it would require prior approval from the concerned Government authority and RBI as stipulated under paragraph 2.5 above.

RRBs should furnish particulars of the proposed extension counters in Parts I and II of the format, given in Annex II, to the concerned Regional Offices of RBI (RPCD), while applying for a licence prior to opening of the extension counter.

7. Upgradation of Extension Counters into Full-fledged Branches

7.1  RRBs should approach the concerned Regional Office of RBI (RPCD) for prior approval for upgrading an extension counter into a full-fledged branch. The proposal is considered if the following conditions are fulfilled :

-  The extension counter has been functioning for a minimum period of five years.

-  The number of deposit accounts exceeded 2000 during the last one-year.

-  The average deposits (i.e. on a monthly basis) for the last three years are not less than Rs.2 crore.

7.2  The proposals, wherein the above conditions are not fulfilled entirely but otherwise the concerned extension counters have grown so as to be fit for conversion into branches, are considered on merit.

8. Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)

8.1 RRBs need not obtain permission of RBI for installation of ATMs at branches and extension counters for which they hold licences issued by RBI. RRBs should, however, report to the concerned Regional Office of the Reserve Bank (RPCD) and DSIM as and when an ATM is installed at a branch or an extension counter.

8.2 In case any RRB wishes to set up an off-site ATM in its area of operation, it may do so after assessing the cost and benefit. Prior approval of RBI need not be obtained, but on opening of such ATMs, RRBs should immediately inform the respective Regional Office of the Reserve Bank (RPCD) for the purpose of getting a formal authorisation for the place of business.

9. Ultra Small Branches

An intermediate brick and mortar structure (Ultra Small Branch) may be set up between the base branch and Business Correspondent (BC) locations so as to provide support to about 8-10 BC Units at a reasonable distance of 3-4 kilometres. These could be either newly set up or by conversion of the BC outlets. Such Ultra Small Branches should have minimum infrastructure such as a Core Banking Solution (CBS) terminal linked to a pass book printer and a safe for cash retention for operating large customer transaction and would have to be managed full time by bank officers/ employees. It is expected that such an arrangement would lead to efficiency in cash management, documentation, redressal of customer grievances and close supervision of BC operations. These could be satellite offices or regular branches as the case may be and licences may be issued, as required, depending on the status, in accordance with the branch licencing policy.

10. Classification / Re-classification of Centres

RRBs are advised to ascertain the population group classification of the centres of which they are not sure, from RBI, DSIM, Banking Statistics Division, C-8/9, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051 before approaching RPCD for opening of new branches. Any query with regard to reclassification of centres also may be referred to DSIM by the Head Office of the RRB along with relevant documents such as Gazette Notifications, etc. in support of the change.

11. Submission of Returns on Branch Banking

(i)  Immediately on opening of a place of business, all RRBs are required to inform the date of opening and the postal address of the office / branch to the Central Office and the concerned Regional Office of RPCD.

(ii)  In terms of Rule 13 of the Banking Regulations (Companies) Rules, 1949, the RRB is required to submit a list relating to its offices in India in Form VII within a period of one month from the close of every quarter to the office of RBI situated in the state in which its Head Office is located.

(iii)  Further, RRBs should submit returns in the Proformae given in Annex III, as advised in Circular RPCD.CO.RRB.BL.BC.10/03.05.90A/2005-06 (RBI/2005-06/46) dated July 6, 2005, relating to the new offices / branches opened and change in status due to merger, etc. of existing offices / branches effected during the quarter to DSIM (Banking Statistics Division) and the concerned Regional Office of RPCD within 14 days of the month succeeding the quarter to which they relate. While submitting the current quarter Returns, the previous quarter's reference must be quoted in the forwarding letter. 'Nil' Returns must be sent to DSIM and the concerned Regional Office of RPCD in case there is nothing to report on opening / closing / change in status, etc., of any office / branch / NAIO (Not Administratively Independent Offices like Extension Counters, Satellite Offices, ATMs, etc.) during a quarter.

Annex I
(Paragraph - 1.1)

Form of Application for Permission to open a new place of business or
change the location (otherwise than within the same city, town or village) of
the existing place of business under Section 23 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 -
Banking Regulation (Companies) Rules 1949 Rule 12 Form VI


Name of the Banking Company




Proposed Office (Give the following information)





Name of city / town / village
(in case the place is known by more than one name, the relative information should also be furnished)





Name of the locality / location





Name of -





























Population of the -

















Status of the proposed office





The distance between the proposed office and the nearest existing commercial bank office together with the name of the bank and that of the centre / locality





Name of the Commercial banks and the number of their offices functioning within the radius of 5 kms. together with the names of centres where these are functioning





No. of bank's branches in the Block





Other Bank's branches




Previous Application
(Give particulars of applications if any previously made to the Reserve Bank in respect of the proposed place of business)




Reasons for the proposed office
(State detailed reasons for the proposed office and give statistics and other data, as under, which may have been collected for the proposed office)





Population of the place





Particulars of the command area
(i.e. the area of the operation) of the proposed office






Approximate radius of the command area






Number of villages in the command area






Population of the command area





The volume and value of the agricultural mineral and industrial production and imports and exports in the area of operation of the proposed office as under




















































If there are schemes for agricultural mineral or industrial development, give details of the same and their probable effects on the volume and value of the present production, imports and exports.





If the existing banking facilities are considered inadequate, give reasons





Prospects : Give as under as estimate of minimum business which the banking company expect to attract at the proposed office within 12 months
















Change of location of an existing office (Give the exact location of the office which is proposed to be closed and of the place where it is proposed to be shifted giving particulars of the new location as in Item 2, 3 & 4)






*Estimate of annual Expenditure


(State the amount already spent or proposed to be spent on staff, premises, furniture, stationery, advertising etc. in connection with the proposed office. Also state that minimum income which the banking company expects to earn at the proposed office within 12 months)





Establishment charges





Stationery & Miscellaneous





Rent & Bldg.





Interest to be paid on deposits





Interest on funds borrowed from H.O on Rs.____ @ _____% 








Estimated Annual Income





Interest on advances















Interest on funds lent to H.O.








Estimated Profits




Other particulars




(Any additional facts which the banking company may wish to add in support of its application)




The portion not applicable to be struck off. The information need be furnished only in the case of application for centres with a population of less than one lakh.

Annex II
(Paragraph 6)
Particulars to be Furnished by the Bank in respect of
its Request for an Extension Counter

Part I


Name of the Bank






Name of the Institution & its full postal address where Extension Counter is sought to be opened.






Name & address of the base office of the bank to which E.C. is proposed to be attached.







Distance between the base office and the proposed extension counter.







Distance between the proposed E.C. and the nearest office of the applicant bank (including E.C., mobile office, satellite office, etc.







Distance between the proposed E.C. and the nearest offices / extension counters, mobile offices etc. of Other banks including urban-Co-op. banks







Other than the bank applying for the counter







Name of Bank

Type of Office


















Particulars of Employees' Co-op. Credit Society, if any, functioning in the premises.







Name of the Principal Banker to the institution at which the Extension Counter is sought to be established.







Whether the institution has agreed to provide accommodation for housing the E.C.?







Whether the institution has any objection to the members of the public other than the staff / employees / workers / institution being allowed access for availing of banking facilities within the campus / premises at the extension counter? If so, the reasons therefor.







Letter from the Competent Authority of the Institution as in the Prescribed Proforma given in part II of the Application should be Enclosed in Support of the above







Name/s of the banker/s other than the principal Banker to the Institution referred to in (5)I







the type of accounts and extent of deposits maintained by the institution with each of the above banker/s







Number & types of clientele specially attached to the institution whose banking needs are to be catered to Please give separate figures.







Staff / Workers / Students / Teachers / Others specify







Established No. of other general public etc. Whose requirements are to be met.







Amount of deposits expected within two year of operation at the counter from








First year

Second year

No of A/cs


No of A/cs



Staff / workers / Students/teachers of The institution itself






The institution






General public









Daily quantum of cash transaction delete whichever is not applicable






Reason for Opening an EC








Nature of transactions to be Conducted at the proposed EC








Amount of rent, if any, payable (Excluding incidentals) by the bank, rate of rent areas offered for locating the EC








Amount of Commercial rate of rent as prevalent in the area or as approved by state / Central Govt.








Brief calculations as to the viability / economics of the proposal for a period of 3 years









Date                                                                                                          (Signature / Seal of the Applicant Bank)




Declaration to be made by the competent authority of the institution in the premises of which the EC is proposed to be opened.

Part  II

We have requested ______________________ (Name of the Bank)  to open the extension counter in the Premises of ______________________ (Name and full address of the Institution) for the Benefit of the following persons attached to the above institution.@



Please indicate actual numbers separately

Staff / Employees






@  (Where there are more than on institution being managed by the authority issuing this letter which are also to be benefited by the EC, the names of these institutions, their distance from the proposed location of the extension counter, the number of students / staff etc. attached separately to each of the institutions, the name and the distance of their bankers should also be indicated separately)

*  Strike out whichever is not applicable

2.  (a) ______________________ (Name of the Bank and Place) is our principal banker

We also deal with the following bankers (give names of bankers and their distance from the institution)

1.  ______________________
2.  ______________________
3.  ______________________

(b)  Extent of our accounts with the principal bankers and other bankers as on______________________ (latest position please)


Name of the Bank

Type of a/cs maintained














3.  We undertake to provide necessary accommodation for the extension counter within the premises of our institution (mentioned at Sr.No. 1 above)

4.  We have no objection to allow outsiders to have access to the extension counter.

5.  If the extension counter is proposed to be allowed to a bank other than the principal banker, the reasons therefore.

6.  Whether a similar letter to any other bankers for the purpose has been issued :

(Signature of Competent Authority on behalf of the Institution mentioning
Designation and Seal, if any)

To be filled in by the applicant bank
The information furnished by the institution in para 1 is verified by us and found to be correct.

 (Signature & Seal of the applicant Bank)

This certificate should be submitted in original, by the applicant bank to Reserve Bank of India along with its application for E.C, in the prescribed proforma.

Annex IV
(Paragraph 1.3)

Details of Tier-wise Classification of Centers Based on Population


Classification of centers (tier-wise)

Population (as per 2001 census)

Tier 1

1, 00,000 and above

Tier 2

50,000 to 99,999

Tier 3

20,000 to 49,999

Tier 4

10,000 to 19,999

Tier 5

5,000 to 9,999

Tier 6

Less than 5000


Population-group wise classification of centers

Rural center

Population upto 9,999

Semi-urban Center

From 10,000 to 99,999

Urban Center

From 1,00,000 to 9,99,999

Metropolitan Center

10,00,000 and above

Annex V
(Paragraph 1.3)

Name of the Regional Rural Bank:

Report of branches opened in Tier 3-6 Centres without prior approval of RBI

consequent to relaxations - Status as at the end of quarter 

Sl. No

Name of the Sponsor Bank

Details of branch opened
Name of the District Block Village

Date of opening the branch

Reference and Date of application for licence to RBI

Date of issuance of licence by RBI







List of Circulars consolidated by the Master Circular


Circular No.






Financial Inclusion – Use of Business Correspondents




Section 23 of Banking Regulation Act, 1949- Relaxations in Branch Licensing Policy




Section 23 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949-Relaxations in Branch Licensing Policy




Policy for opening of Regional Offices by RRBs


RPCD.CO.RRB.BCNo.114/03.05. 90-A/2008-09


"Controlling Office" renamed as "Regional Office"- RRBs


RPCD.CO.RRB.BC.No.101/03.05. 90-A/2008-09


"Controlling Office" renamed as "Regional Office"- RRBs




Mid-Term Review of annual policy for the year 2008-09 Branch Licensing - Regional Rural Banks- Further Liberalization-Conditions for opening of new branches.




Opening of Controlling Offices by amalgamated RRBs


RPCD.CO.RRB.No.BC.25/03.05.90- A/2007-08

21. 09.2007

Opening, shifting, merger and conversion of branches of RRBs - Dispensing with Service Area Obligations


RPCD.CO.RRB.No.BC.24/03.05.90- A/2007-08


Conversion of Satellite Offices into full-fledged branch - RRBs


RPCD.CO.RRB.No.BC.22/03.05. 90-A/2007-08


Opening of Extension Counters by RRBs




Section 23 of Banking Regulation Act 1949 - Master Circular on Branch Licensing - RRBs




Section 23 of Banking Regulation Act 1949 -Master Circular on Branch Licensing - RRBs


RPCD.CO.RRB.No.BC.102/03.05 90-A/2006-07


Section 23 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 - Master Circular on Branch Licensing - RRBs


RPCD.CO.RRB.BL.BC.90/ 03.05.90-A/2005-06


Annual Policy Statement for the year 2006-07-Liberalisation and simplification of branch licensing policy for RRBs.


RPCD.CO.No.RRB.BC.57/03.05.33 (F)/2005-06

27.12. 2005

Special package for RRBs.




Branch Banking Statistics-Submission of Quarterly Returns-Revision of Proforma -I & II.




Opening of branches / extension counters / shifting etc. Obtention of prior licence.




Rationalisation of Returns submitted by banks to RBI.




Shifting of Rural branches outside the Block / Service Area.




Branch Banking Statistics - Submission of Monthly Returns - Revision of Proforma II & III.


RPCD.RRB.No.BC.111/03.05.65/ 96-97


Opening of branches by RRBs.




Relocation of loss-making branches and rationalisation of branch network of RRBs.


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