Non-implementation of Senior Citizens Savings Scheme- 2004(SCSS) by certain banks on deposit by Army Personnel - ആർബിഐ - Reserve Bank of India
Non-implementation of Senior Citizens Savings Scheme- 2004(SCSS) by certain banks on deposit by Army Personnel
RBI/2010-11/562 June 09, 2011 The Managing Director/ Chief General Manager Dear Sir/Madam, Non-implementation of Senior Citizens Savings Scheme- 2004(SCSS) It has been brought to our notice that some of the agency banks do not implement the instructions given in Government of India’s Office Memorandum F. No. 2-8/2004-NS-II dated October 29, 2004 and circulated to agency banks vide our circular RBI/2004-05/259 Ref. CO. DT. No. 15.05.001/H-3999-4021/2004-05 dated October 30, 2004 (copy enclosed), particularly in case of retired army personnel and have denied the facility of this Scheme to some of them in contravention of the instructions ibid. 2. We, therefore, reiterate that you may strictly adhere to the instructions issued vide our above circular and ensure extending the benefits of the scheme to retired army personnel also, if otherwise found in order. 3. You may bring the contents of this and the earlier circulars to all your branches dealing with this scheme. Yours faithfully (P. S. Ranga Rao) Encls: As above RBI/2004-05/ 259 October 30, 2004 The Chairman & Managing Director Dear Sir, Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004 (SCSS) - Clarifications In continuation of our circular letter CO.DT.No. 15.15.001/H – 3917-3939/2004-05 dated October 28, 2004, we now forward herewith a copy of Office Memorandum F.No.2-8/2004 - NS-II dated October 29, 2004 on the captioned subject, the contents of which are self-explicit. Accordingly, you may advise immediately your designated branches in the matter. 2. Please acknowledge the receipt. Yours faithfully (P. Loganathan) |