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Census on Foreign Liabilities and Assets of Indian Direct Investment Entities for 2021-22 - Data release

Today, the Reserve Bank released the provisional results of the 2021-221 round of the annual census on foreign liabilities and assets (FLA) covering cross-border liabilities and assets of the entities with inward/outward direct investment (DI). These entities include companies, limited liability partnerships (LLPs), alternative investment funds (AIFs) and partnership firms.

Out of the 34,079 entities which responded in the latest census round, 30,754 reported foreign direct investment (FDI) and/or overseas direct investment (ODI) in their balance sheet as at end-March 2022. Of these entities, 26,670 had also reported in the previous census round and 4,084 were newly reporting in the current round. More than three-fourths of the companies that reported inward direct investment were subsidiaries of foreign companies (i.e., single foreign investor holding more than 50 per cent of total FDI equity).

The census captures detailed information on (a) market value of liabilities and assets of Indian DI entities arising on account of cross-border direct and other investments; and (b) other business parameters (activity sector, sales, purchase, exports and imports). The variations in outstanding assets / liabilities between the beginning and end of a financial year would be different from flows recorded in India’s balance of payments (BoP) statistics during the year, as the former would also include valuation changes due to price and exchange rate movements.

Main Findings:

  • Nearly 97 per cent of the responding entities were unlisted: they accounted for the bulk of FDI equity capital in India (Tables 1 and 2A).

  • Non-financial companies continued to receive most of the FDI equity (at face value) (Table 2B).

  • During 2021-22, the market value of FDI in India increased by 17.3 per cent in the rupee terms; FDI for listed and unlisted2 companies increased by 17.0 per cent and 17.7 per cent, respectively (Table 3A).

  • As the growth in market value of FDI outpaced that of ODI, the ratio of inward to outward direct investment increased to 6.3 times in March 2022 as compared with 5.6 times a year ago and 4.7 times two years ago (Table 3B).

  • Other investment liabilities {viz., trade credit, loans, currency & deposits and other payable with unrelated (third party) non-resident entities} recorded a rise during 2021-22 and the corresponding overseas assets covered 44.2 per cent of such liabilities (Table 4).

  • Mauritius, the United States, Singapore and the United Kingdom together accounted for over 60 per cent of FDI in India. In case of ODI, Singapore continued to be the most popular destination followed by the United States and Netherlands (Tables 5 and 6).

  • Manufacturing sector attracted the largest share of FDI equity, both at market value as well as at face value (Tables 7 and 8).

  • In the services sector, ‘information & communication’ and ‘financial & insurance activities’ attracted a substantial portion of the FDI (Table 8).

  • Sales and purchases of foreign subsidiary entities in India increased by 31.0 per cent and 37.3 per cent, respectively, in the rupee terms during 2021-22 (Tables 9A and 9B).

  • Foreign subsidiaries in India maintained strong external trade links: exports and imports accounted for nearly a third of their sales and purchases, respectively. ‘Information and communication’ sector had the highest export intensity (74.2 per cent share in total sales) (Tables 9A to 9D).

  • Overseas subsidiaries of Indian companies recorded over 40 per cent expansion in business during 2021-22 in the rupee terms. They also maintained outward looking and their export-to-sales and import-to-purchase ratios stood at 50.1 per cent and 61.5 per cent, respectively, during 2021-22. (Tables 10A to 10D).

  • The difference in the purchase-to-sales ratio of overseas subsidiaries of Indian companies (82.8 per cent) as compared with that of foreign subsidiaries in India (74.0 per cent) reflects the divergence in their focus areas, nature of markets and patterns of value addition.

Director (Communications)

Press Release: 2022-2023/909

Table 1: Coverage in FLA Census, 2021-22
Category Types of Entity No. of Entities with Direct Investment
Both Inward & Outward Only Inward Only Outward Total
1 2 3 4 5 6
Unlisted Foreign Associate companies in India 401 4,886 - 5,287
Foreign Subsidiary companies in India 339 20,057 - 20,396
Alternative Investment Funds 74 236 23 333
LLP1 and Partnership Firms 2 825 209 1,036
Other companies2 - - 2,753 2,753
Total 816 26,004 2,985 29,805
Listed Foreign Associate companies in India 79 149 - 228
Foreign Subsidiary companies in India 32 77 - 109
Other companies - - 612 612
Total 111 226 612 949
Grand Total 927 26,230 3,597 30,754
1 Limited Liabilities Partnership (LLP)
2 Includes entities who have only overseas direct investment

Table 2A: Foreign Equity Participation of FDI entities – Listed and Unlisted
(amount in ₹ crore at face value, end-March 2022)
Category Listed
Amount per cent Amount per cent Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6
Paid-Up Capital 73,315 7.0 9,69,620 93.0 10,42,935
   of which: Equity Capital 68,991 6.9 9,36,898 93.1 10,05,889
      of which: FDI Equity Capital 17,553 2.2 7,89,707 97.8 8,07,260
1. Numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of entities in the respective category.
2. Components may not add up to the total due to rounding off (applicable for all tables).

Table 2B: Foreign Equity Participation of FDI entities – Financial and Non-Financial
(amount in ₹ crore at face value, end-March 2022)
Category No of Entities Paid Up Capital (PUC) Total Equity (PUC excluding Non-Participating Preference Share) Equity exclusively under FDI scheme % share of FDI in Total Equity
1 2 3 4 5 6
Financial 1,177 1,17,622 1,14,735 95,054 82.8
Non-Financial 25,980 9,25,313 8,91,154 7,12,206 79.9
Total 27,157 10,42,935 10,05,889 8,07,260 80.3

Table 3A: Inward Direct Investment for Listed and Unlisted entities
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March)
Direct Investment Listed Companies Unlisted Companies Total % Growth (₹ terms)
2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Equity 21,44,140 25,12,722 18,77,842 22,17,595 40,21,982 47,30,317 17.6
Debt 7,532 3,955 1,89,958 2,15,572 1,97,490 2,19,527 11.2
Total 21,51,672 25,16,677 20,67,800 24,33,167 42,19,472 49,49,844 17.3

Table 3B: Total Inward and Outward Direct Investment
Direct Investment Inward Outward
2021 2022 2021 2022
₹ crore US$ million ₹ crore US$ million ₹ crore US$ million ₹ crore US$ million
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Equity 40,21,982 5,47,173 47,30,317 6,23,994 5,66,490 77,069 6,18,008 81,524
Debt 1,97,490 26,868 2,19,527 28,959 1,92,164 26,143 1,72,556 22,763
Total 42,19,472 5,74,041 49,49,844 6,52,953 7,58,654 1,03,212 7,90,564 1,04,287
Note: The amount in US$ terms is arrived at by using year-end rupee/ dollar exchange rate

Table 4: Other Foreign Liabilities and Assets of Direct Investment Entities
Other Investment Outstanding liabilities with unrelated party Outstanding assets with unrelated party
2021 2022 2021 2022
₹ crore US$ million ₹ crore US$ million ₹ crore US$ million ₹ crore US$ million
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Trade Credits 3,61,885 49,233 4,85,709 64,072 2,93,295 39,902 3,44,586 45,456
Loans 7,44,965 1,01,349 8,17,613 1,07,854 2,96,039 40,275 3,31,017 43,666
Currency & Deposits 5,20,881 70,864 5,50,166 72,574 1,29,760 17,653 1,26,626 16,704
Other receivable and payable accounts 2,37,963 32,374 2,86,533 37,798 1,61,615 21,987 1,43,626 18,946
Total 18,65,694 2,53,820 21,40,021 2,82,298 8,80,709 1,19,817 9,45,855 1,24,772

Table 5: Country-wise distribution of Inward Direct Investment
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March)
Country Name Equity Debt Total FDI % share in 2021-22
2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mauritius 6,12,652 7,85,649 27,613 28,002 6,40,265 8,13,651 16.4
United States of America 7,25,433 8,07,634 -2,776 -656 7,22,657 8,06,978 16.3
Singapore 5,31,828 7,02,394 56,273 61,819 5,88,101 7,64,213 15.4
United Kingdom 5,99,249 5,89,355 6,144 8,085 6,05,393 5,97,440 12.1
Netherlands 3,78,484 4,32,086 38,142 41,009 4,16,626 4,73,095 9.6
Japan 3,24,966 3,62,347 16,268 14,683 3,41,234 3,77,030 7.6
Switzerland 2,32,554 2,58,924 2,984 3,107 2,35,538 2,62,031 5.3
France 1,03,783 1,64,132 4,294 3,746 1,08,077 1,67,878 3.4
Germany 1,08,700 1,50,833 7,615 9,431 1,16,315 1,60,264 3.2
South Korea 77,677 87,825 11,701 14,594 89,378 1,02,419 2.1
Other Countries 3,26,656 3,89,138 29,232 35,707 3,55,888 4,24,845 8.6
All Countries 40,21,982 47,30,317 1,97,490 2,19,527 42,19,472 49,49,844 100.0

Table 6: Country-wise distribution of Outward Direct Investment
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March)
Country Name Equity Debt Total ODI % share in 2021-22
2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Singapore 1,28,298 1,41,583 22,518 43,901 1,50,816 1,85,484 23.5
United States of America 59,304 79,084 68,788 28,781 1,28,092 1,07,865 13.6
Netherlands 78,510 79,370 17,471 18,891 95,981 98,261 12.4
Mauritius 65,633 58,119 23,069 23,457 88,702 81,576 10.3
United Kingdom 49,316 61,057 6,134 7,421 55,450 68,478 8.7
United Arab Emirates 38,489 43,435 14,128 15,854 52,617 59,289 7.5
Jersey 25,626 29,206 109 79 25,735 29,285 3.7
Switzerland 20,818 19,097 7,481 8,748 28,299 27,845 3.5
Bermuda 11,550 11,619 4 22 11,554 11,641 1.5
Cyprus 10,652 7,901 1,844 2,007 12,496 9,908 1.3
Other Countries 78,294 87,537 30,618 23,395 1,08,912 1,10,932 14.0
All Countries 5,66,490 6,18,008 1,92,164 1,72,556 7,58,654 7,90,564 100.0

Table 7: Activity-wise equity participation of the Direct Investment entities
(amount in ₹ crore at face value, end-March 2022)
Activity Total Equity (PUC excluding Non-Participating Preference Share) Equity exclusively under FDI scheme % share of FDI in Total Equity
1 2 3 4
1. Agriculture-related, Plantations & Allied activities 2,568 2,416 94.1
2. Mining 4,949 3,671 74.2
3. Manufacturing 4,00,097 3,53,681 88.4
4. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 65,562 43,675 66.6
5. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 4,426 3,593 81.2
6. Construction 37,403 28,499 76.2
7. Information and communication 1,54,751 1,10,149 71.2
8. Other Services 3,36,133 2,61,576 77.8
Total 10,05,889 8,07,260 80.3

Table 8: Activity-wise distribution of 27,157 FDI entities
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March 2022)
Activity No. of entities Equity Debt Total FDI % share of Total FDI
1 2 3 4 5 6
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations & Allied activities 143 7,906 465 8,371 0.2
B. Mining 142 11,659 5,420 17,079 0.3
C. Manufacturing 6,018 22,90,776 1,18,480 24,09,256 48.7
Manufacture of food products 280 1,75,198 5,188 1,80,386 3.6
Manufacture of beverages 50 65,008 57 65,065 1.3
Manufacture of tobacco products 5 76,079 0 76,079 1.5
Manufacture of textiles 173 6,375 925 7,300 0.1
Manufacture of wearing apparel 82 28,142 687 28,829 0.6
Manufacture of leather and related products 35 14,226 35 14,261 0.3
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture 11 24 35 59 0.0
Manufacture of paper and paper products 60 3,236 188 3,424 0.1
Printing and reproduction of recorded media 27 2,106 7 2,113 0.0
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 26 45,825 143 45,968 0.9
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 430 1,86,924 6,799 1,93,723 3.9
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 324 1,92,491 13,581 2,06,072 4.2
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 251 34,808 2,419 37,227 0.8
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 69 71,836 504 72,340 1.5
Manufacture of basic metals 99 1,66,424 31,139 1,97,563 4.0
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 238 26,991 1,908 28,899 0.6
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 230 92,084 10,997 1,03,081 2.1
Manufacture of electrical equipment 451 1,12,121 5,741 1,17,862 2.4
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified 1,030 1,81,797 8,822 1,90,619 3.9
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 229 2,50,968 9,329 2,60,297 5.3
Manufacture of other transport equipment 139 39,568 1,746 41,314 0.8
Manufacture of furniture 38 1,080 91 1,171 0.0
Other manufacturing 1,528 5,11,480 17,801 5,29,281 10.7
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment 213 5,985 338 6,323 0.1
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 730 2,17,166 15,080 2,32,246 4.7
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 146 5,310 96 5,406 0.1
F. Construction 895 57,801 28,019 85,820 1.7
G. Services 19,083 21,39,699 51,967 21,91,666 44.3
1. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 2,410 99,709 11,784 1,11,493 2.3
2. Transportation and storage 615 86,404 2,638 89,042 1.8
3. Accommodation and Food service activities 530 33,574 3,558 37,132 0.8
4. Information and communication 7,627 9,13,819 1,336 9,15,155 18.5
5. Financial and insurance activities 1,228 7,44,055 12,491 7,56,546 15.3
6. Real estate activities 293 16,948 7,597 24,545 0.5
7. Other Services activities 6,380 2,45,190 12,563 2,57,753 5.1
Total 27,157 47,30,317 2,19,527 49,49,844 100.0

Table 9A: Activity-wise Sales of 20,505* Foreign subsidiary companies in India
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March)
Activity No. of Companies 2020-21 2021-22 % share in Total (2021-22)
1 2 3 4 5
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations & Allied activities 59 7,599 9,049 0.2
B. Mining 47 1,287 1,660 0.0
C. Manufacturing 3,761 14,78,051 19,11,930 48.9
Manufacture of food products 154 77,275 98,624 2.5
Manufacture of beverages 16 59,444 69,049 1.8
Manufacture of tobacco products 1 81 181 0.0
Manufacture of textiles 73 5,273 8,181 0.2
Manufacture of wearing apparel 50 3,873 5,502 0.1
Manufacture of leather and related products 19 3,733 5,746 0.1
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture 5 136 173 0.0
Manufacture of paper and paper products 36 8,359 12,048 0.3
Printing and reproduction of recorded media 14 641 799 0.0
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 13 20,090 26,545 0.7
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 278 1,26,264 1,78,785 4.6
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 167 70,860 78,677 2.0
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 158 34,960 46,535 1.2
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 38 20,029 25,183 0.6
Manufacture of basic metals 53 21,749 38,268 1.0
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 138 15,208 22,720 0.6
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 148 2,06,052 2,70,268 6.9
Manufacture of electrical equipment 315 1,02,116 1,29,058 3.3
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified 717 1,15,431 1,47,566 3.8
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 142 2,79,620 3,51,261 9.0
Manufacture of other transport equipment 94 44,375 58,983 1.5
Manufacture of furniture 20 1,241 1,406 0.0
Other manufacturing 954 2,49,993 3,26,859 8.5
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment 158 11,248 9,513 0.2
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 306 22,751 27,531 0.7
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 77 4,067 5,738 0.1
F. Construction 347 27,418 33,538 0.9
G. Services 12,304 14,46,566 19,23,599 49.2
1. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 1,624 3,86,251 5,11,023 13.1
2. Transportation and storage 357 73,022 1,11,570 2.9
3. Accommodation and Food service activities 196 6,414 17,354 0.4
4. Information and communication 5,489 6,79,968 8,68,560 22.2
5. Financial and insurance activities 375 54,689 69,873 1.8
6. Real estate activities 93 10,029 11,227 0.3
7. Other Services activities 4,170 2,36,193 3,33,992 8.5
Total 16,901 29,87,739 39,13,045 100.0
*Of the 20,505 subsidiary companies, 16,901 reported sales.

Table 9B: Activity-wise Purchase of 20,505* Foreign subsidiary companies in India
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March)
Activity No. of Companies 2020-21 2021-22 % share in Total (2021-22)
1 2 3 4 5
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations & Allied activities 57 5,273 6,764 0.2
B. Mining 51 1,175 1,646 0.1
C. Manufacturing 3,732 11,13,941 14,86,907 51.3
Manufacture of food products 154 57,414 75,298 2.6
Manufacture of beverages 17 33,080 37,406 1.3
Manufacture of tobacco products 1 53 129 0.0
Manufacture of textiles 75 2,866 5,004 0.2
Manufacture of wearing apparel 52 2,321 3,641 0.1
Manufacture of leather and related products 18 1,765 3,463 0.1
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture 5 93 148 0.0
Manufacture of paper and paper products 35 5,833 8,803 0.3
Printing and reproduction of recorded media 12 175 234 0.0
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 13 15,937 22,131 0.8
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 270 91,549 1,33,168 4.6
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 175 46,381 48,129 1.7
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 159 23,905 34,397 1.2
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 37 13,278 17,733 0.6
Manufacture of basic metals 56 17,773 30,273 1.0
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 143 10,383 16,564 0.6
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 134 1,70,781 2,37,469 8.2
Manufacture of electrical equipment 314 1,03,134 1,33,783 4.6
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified 705 81,666 1,07,817 3.7
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 143 2,18,034 2,75,219 9.5
Manufacture of other transport equipment 93 34,091 44,689 1.5
Manufacture of furniture 22 642 826 0.0
Other manufacturing 947 1,79,252 2,45,741 8.5
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment 152 3,535 4,842 0.2
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 297 17,186 20,528 0.7
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 67 2,585 4,106 0.1
F. Construction 313 21,189 24,843 0.9
G. Services 8,406 9,48,756 13,52,413 46.7
1. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 1,573 3,46,620 4,72,854 16.3
2. Transportation and storage 309 51,064 84,203 2.9
3. Accommodation and Food service activities 184 5,260 7,249 0.3
4. Information and communication 3,110 3,52,917 4,59,536 15.9
5. Financial and insurance activities 298 40,926 50,761 1.8
6. Real estate activities 110 9,352 9,869 0.3
7. Other Services activities 2,822 1,42,617 2,67,941 9.2
Total 12,923 21,10,105 28,97,207 100.0
*Of the 20,505 subsidiary companies, 12,923 reported purchase.

Table 9C: Activity-wise Export of 20,505* Foreign subsidiary companies in India
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March)
Activity 2020-21 2021-22
Amount % share in Total % share in Total sales
1 2 3 4 5
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations & Allied activities 644 757 0.1 8.4
B. Mining 219 330 0.0 19.9
C. Manufacturing 3,06,807 4,11,693 31.2 21.5
Manufacture of food products 10,281 12,720 1.0 12.9
Manufacture of beverages 662 988 0.1 1.4
Manufacture of tobacco products 81 181 0.0 100.0
Manufacture of textiles 1,718 2,783 0.2 34.0
Manufacture of wearing apparel 1,909 2,636 0.2 47.9
Manufacture of leather and related products 458 683 0.1 11.9
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture 4 6 0.0 3.5
Manufacture of paper and paper products 1,436 2,463 0.2 20.4
Printing and reproduction of recorded media 75 102 0.0 12.8
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 6,774 8,224 0.6 31.0
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 20,546 30,169 2.3 16.9
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 35,920 37,800 2.9 48.0
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 8,261 11,694 0.9 25.1
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 1,299 1,830 0.1 7.3
Manufacture of basic metals 2,351 3,958 0.3 10.3
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 2,466 3,936 0.3 17.3
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 51,558 74,015 5.6 27.4
Manufacture of electrical equipment 22,262 27,934 2.1 21.6
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified 28,198 39,583 3.0 26.8
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 42,860 63,442 4.8 18.1
Manufacture of other transport equipment 12,733 17,242 1.3 29.2
Manufacture of furniture 422 602 0.0 42.8
Other manufacturing 49,858 66,047 5.0 20.2
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment 4,675 2,655 0.2 27.9
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 1,843 2,358 0.2 8.6
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 323 420 0.0 7.3
F. Construction 1,537 1,940 0.1 5.8
G. Services 6,93,786 9,02,594 68.4 46.9
1. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 29,613 43,228 3.3 8.5
2. Transportation and storage 21,938 37,378 2.8 33.5
3. Accommodation and Food service activities 1,172 1,102 0.1 6.4
4. Information and communication 5,06,176 6,44,837 48.8 74.2
5. Financial and insurance activities 8,946 11,018 0.8 15.8
6. Real estate activities 171 218 0.0 1.9
7. Other Services activities 1,25,770 1,64,813 12.5 49.3
Total 10,05,159 13,20,092 100.0 33.7
*Of the 20,505 subsidiary companies, 12,631 reported exports.

Table 9D: Activity-wise Import of 20,505* Foreign subsidiary companies in India
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March)
Activity 2020-21 2021-22
Amount % share in Total % share in Total purchase
1 2 3 4 5
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations & Allied activities 804 1,042 0.1 15.4
B. Mining 226 283 0.0 17.2
C. Manufacturing 4,84,047 6,61,393 69.4 44.5
Manufacture of food products 16,533 26,210 2.8 34.8
Manufacture of beverages 1,606 2,188 0.2 5.8
Manufacture of tobacco products 22 26 0.0 20.2
Manufacture of textiles 851 1,482 0.2 29.6
Manufacture of wearing apparel 1,016 1,464 0.2 40.2
Manufacture of leather and related products 627 787 0.1 22.7
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture 58 91 0.0 61.5
Manufacture of paper and paper products 2,069 3,471 0.4 39.4
Printing and reproduction of recorded media 54 88 0.0 37.6
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 5,591 7,235 0.8 32.7
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 54,777 77,421 8.1 58.1
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 21,410 20,542 2.2 42.7
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 9,151 13,764 1.4 40.0
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 2,116 3,353 0.4 18.9
Manufacture of basic metals 6,986 13,768 1.4 45.5
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 2,798 5,226 0.5 31.6
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 1,35,475 1,89,033 19.8 79.6
Manufacture of electrical equipment 33,995 46,380 4.9 34.7
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified 32,837 45,185 4.7 41.9
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 44,884 61,479 6.5 22.3
Manufacture of other transport equipment 11,078 14,142 1.5 31.6
Manufacture of furniture 414 452 0.0 54.7
Other manufacturing 97,847 1,24,799 13.0 50.8
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment 1,852 2,807 0.3 58.0
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 5,704 7,454 0.8 36.3
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 268 459 0.0 11.2
F. Construction 1,837 2,777 0.3 11.2
G. Services 2,01,494 2,79,520 29.3 20.7
1. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 1,16,099 1,62,651 17.1 34.4
2. Transportation and storage 11,970 19,870 2.1 23.6
3. Accommodation and Food service activities 789 1,166 0.1 16.1
4. Information and communication 50,524 65,102 6.8 14.2
5. Financial and insurance activities 3,940 5,281 0.6 10.4
6. Real estate activities 260 304 0.0 3.1
7. Other Services activities 17,912 25,146 2.6 9.4
Total 6,94,380 9,52,928 100.0 32.9
*Of the 20,505 subsidiary companies, 7,176 reported imports.

Table 10A: Activity-wise Sales of 6,448 Overseas Subsidiaries of 3,883 Indian entities
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March)
Activity No. of Companies 2020-21 2021-22 % Share in Total (2021-22)
1 2 3 4 5
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations & Allied activities 15 1,463 1,740 0.2
B. Mining 69 12,358 10,744 1.3
C. Manufacturing 1,236 2,81,788 4,03,071 50.5
Manufacture of food products 69 8,646 10,922 1.4
Manufacture of beverages 12 4,005 5,582 0.7
Manufacture of tobacco products 6 2,599 2,972 0.4
Manufacture of textiles 55 3,156 4,694 0.6
Manufacture of wearing apparel 29 2,581 3,888 0.5
Manufacture of leather and related products 14 4,831 9,635 1.2
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture 10 210 310 0.0
Manufacture of paper and paper products 8 836 1,614 0.2
Printing and reproduction of recorded media 4 57 67 0.0
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 12 57,331 1,15,192 14.4
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 130 29,289 45,726 5.7
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 171 55,544 57,235 7.2
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 58 4,116 4,965 0.6
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 15 1,478 1,768 0.2
Manufacture of basic metals 32 6,525 9,281 1.2
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 40 6,886 14,296 1.8
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 22 5,084 5,536 0.7
Manufacture of electrical equipment 43 1,894 2,566 0.3
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified 117 5,555 6,059 0.8
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 29 27,093 28,537 3.6
Manufacture of other transport equipment 12 2,120 2,769 0.3
Manufacture of furniture 4 443 515 0.1
Other manufacturing 335 51,416 68,841 8.6
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment 9 93 101 0.0
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 42 174 710 0.1
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 8 211 239 0.0
F. Construction 86 6,652 6,556 0.8
G. Services 2,427 2,64,829 3,75,266 47.1
1. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 354 46,315 58,725 7.4
2. Transportation and storage 99 13,995 24,382 3.1
3. Accommodation and Food service activities 75 1,364 1,942 0.2
4. Information and communication 964 1,57,879 2,03,069 25.4
5. Financial and insurance activities 206 11,541 13,374 1.7
6. Real estate activities 62 247 437 0.1
7. Other Services activities 667 33,488 73,337 9.2
Total 3,883 5,67,475 7,98,326 100.0

Table 10B: Activity-wise Purchase of 6,448 Overseas Subsidiaries of 3,883 Indian entities
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March)
Activity No. of Companies 2020-21 2021-22 % Share in Total (2021-22)
1 2 3 4 5
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations & Allied activities 15 1,149 1,322 0.2
B. Mining 69 10,315 8,083 1.2
C. Manufacturing 1,236 2,37,350 3,63,780 55.0
Manufacture of food products 69 7,470 9,973 1.5
Manufacture of beverages 12 1,577 5,096 0.8
Manufacture of tobacco products 6 813 870 0.1
Manufacture of textiles 55 2,034 8,812 1.3
Manufacture of wearing apparel 29 2,346 3,735 0.6
Manufacture of leather and related products 14 4,113 8,480 1.3
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture 10 171 253 0.0
Manufacture of paper and paper products 8 686 1,195 0.2
Printing and reproduction of recorded media 4 44 52 0.0
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 12 54,821 1,12,033 16.9
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 130 24,497 40,922 6.2
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 171 43,365 43,718 6.6
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 58 2,984 3,831 0.6
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 15 685 1,445 0.2
Manufacture of basic metals 32 6,201 8,251 1.2
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 40 5,705 12,333 1.9
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 22 4,452 4,582 0.7
Manufacture of electrical equipment 43 1,523 1,941 0.3
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified. 117 3,521 3,648 0.6
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 29 29,850 34,414 5.3
Manufacture of other transport equipment 12 1,479 2,046 0.3
Manufacture of furniture 4 251 301 0.0
Other manufacturing 335 38,714 55,799 8.4
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment 9 48 50 0.0
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 42 216 589 0.2
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 8 216 211 0.0
F. Construction 86 5,174 6,090 0.9
G. Services 2,427 1,92,731 2,81,071 42.5
1. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 354 40,162 53,370 8.1
2. Transportation and storage 99 12,555 22,060 3.3
3. Accommodation and Food service activities 75 901 2,141 0.3
4. Information and communication 964 1,02,709 1,31,938 20.0
5. Financial and insurance activities 206 8,212 7,560 1.1
6. Real estate activities 62 257 240 0.0
7. Other Services activities 667 27,935 63,762 9.6
Total 3,883 4,47,151 6,61,146 100.0

Table 10C: Activity-wise Exports of 6,448 Overseas Subsidiaries of 3,883 Indian entities
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March)
Activity 2020-21 2021-22
Amount Amount % share in total % share in sales
1 2 3 4 5
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations & Allied activities 599 1,054 0.3 60.6
B. Mining 8,733 5,049 1.3 47.0
C. Manufacturing 1,32,797 2,23,963 56.0 55.6
Manufacture of food products 5,149 6,235 1.6 57.1
Manufacture of beverages 685 782 0.2 14.0
Manufacture of tobacco products 347 236 0.1 7.9
Manufacture of textiles 2,282 2,920 0.7 62.2
Manufacture of wearing apparel 1,892 3,592 0.9 92.4
Manufacture of leather and related products 4,163 8,936 2.2 92.7
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture 191 292 0.1 94.2
Manufacture of paper and paper products 597 1,191 0.3 73.8
Printing and reproduction of recorded media 37 50 0.0 74.6
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 53,791 1,10,353 27.6 95.8
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 14,549 25,270 6.3 55.3
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 17,003 15,242 3.8 26.6
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 1,417 1,424 0.4 28.7
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 397 617 0.2 34.9
Manufacture of basic metals 111 233 0.1 2.5
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 3,171 7,976 2.0 55.8
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 4,197 4,346 1.1 78.5
Manufacture of electrical equipment 799 1,167 0.3 45.5
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified 1,790 2,116 0.5 34.9
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 5,363 7,700 1.9 27.0
Manufacture of other transport equipment 847 1,000 0.2 36.1
Manufacture of furniture 32 42 0.0 8.2
Other manufacturing 13,987 22,241 5.5 32.3
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment 0 2 0.0 2.0
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 89 115 0.0 16.2
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 18 41 0.0 17.2
F. Construction 3,658 2,632 0.7 40.1
G. Services 1,05,711 1,67,325 41.7 44.6
1. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 31,769 41,960 10.5 71.5
2. Transportation and storage 9,646 14,389 3.6 59.0
3. Accommodation and Food service activities 413 641 0.2 33.0
4. Information and communication 38,801 50,848 12.7 25.0
5. Financial and insurance activities 3,172 3,331 0.7 24.9
6. Real estate activities 205 251 0.1 57.4
7. Other Services activities 21,705 55,905 13.9 76.2
Total 2,51,605 4,00,179 100.0 50.1

Table 10D: Activity-wise Imports of 6,448 Overseas Subsidiaries of 3,883 Indian entities
(amount in ₹ crore at market value, end-March)
Activity 2020-21 2021-22
Amount Amount % share in total % share in purchase
1 2 3 4 5
A. Agriculture-related, Plantations & Allied activities 860 1,171 0.3 88.6
B. Mining 7,415 4,190 1.0 51.8
C. Manufacturing 1,61,472 2,52,667 62.2 69.5
Manufacture of food products 4,330 4,160 1.0 41.7
Manufacture of beverages 561 1,083 0.3 21.3
Manufacture of tobacco products 495 379 0.1 43.6
Manufacture of textiles 1,659 2,819 0.7 32.0
Manufacture of wearing apparel 836 554 0.1 14.8
Manufacture of leather and related products 3,005 8,263 2.0 97.4
Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture 128 196 0.0 77.5
Manufacture of paper and paper products 204 260 0.1 21.8
Printing and reproduction of recorded media 39 48 0.0 92.3
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 54,217 1,10,913 27.3 99.0
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 16,744 27,936 6.9 68.3
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 35,342 32,897 8.1 75.2
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 2,130 3,058 0.8 79.8
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 141 188 0.0 13.0
Manufacture of basic metals 5,128 7,048 1.7 85.4
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 3,230 5,072 1.2 41.1
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 4,061 4,051 1.0 88.4
Manufacture of electrical equipment 965 1,325 0.3 68.3
Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified 1,937 1,925 0.5 52.8
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 5,175 6,387 1.6 18.6
Manufacture of other transport equipment 955 1,501 0.4 73.4
Manufacture of furniture 215 261 0.1 86.7
Other manufacturing 19,967 32,333 8.0 57.9
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment 8 10 0.0 20.0
D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 66 97 0.0 16.5
E. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 7 20 0.0 9.5
F. Construction 2,553 2,099 0.5 34.5
G. Services 97,663 1,46,348 36.0 52.1
1. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 28,900 37,625 9.3 70.5
2. Transportation and storage 3,631 5,223 1.3 23.7
3. Accommodation and Food service activities 237 369 0.1 17.2
4. Information and communication 40,459 45,396 11.2 34.4
5. Financial and insurance activities 2,583 2,684 0.7 35.5
6. Real estate activities 134 162 0.0 67.5
7. Other Services activities 21,719 54,889 13.4 86.1
Total 2,70,036 4,06,592 100.0 61.5

1 The previous data release in the series, covering 2020-21 census round, was published on December 14, 2021 on the RBI website.

2 Market value of equity of unlisted companies is compiled as per the own fund book value (OFBV) method prescribed in the Coordinated Direct Investment Survey Guide (2015) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).


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