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Reserve Bank of India - Bulletin Weekly Statistical Supplement - Extract

1. Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets*
(₹ Crore)
Item 2020 2021 Variation
Dec. 4 Nov. 26 Dec. 3 Week Year
1 2 3 4 5
4 Loans and Advances          
4.1 Central Government 0 0 0 0 0
4.2 State Governments 10576 460 7758 7298 -2818
* Data are provisional.

2. Foreign Exchange Reserves
Item As on December 3, 2021 Variation over
Week End-March 2021 Year
₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn. ₹ Cr. US$ Mn.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Total Reserves 4776854 635905 797 -1783 557901 58921 501493 56559
1.1 Foreign Currency Assets 4305743 573181 1624 -1483 381575 36488 340003 35795
1.2 Gold 288595 38418 -2197 -407 40872 4538 24936 2690
1.3 SDRs 143677 19126 1101 90 132813 17640 132560 17620
1.4 Reserve Position in the IMF 38839 5180 270 17 2641 255 3994 454
*Difference, if any, is due to rounding off

4. Scheduled Commercial Banks - Business in India
(₹ Crore)
Item Outstanding as on Nov. 19, 2021 Variation over
Fortnight Financial year so far Year-on-year
2020-21 2021-22 2020 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 Liabilities to Others            
2.1 Aggregate Deposits 15779059 -267693 802942 665547 1411961 1408625
2.1a Growth (Per cent)   –1.7 5.9 4.4 10.9 9.8
2.1.1 Demand 1820881 -152239 -105487 -40311 179776 309365
2.1.2 Time 13958178 -115454 908430 705858 1232185 1099260
2.2 Borrowings 260319 2742 -45417 16294 -58149 -3703
2.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities 615238 -20282 32900 -41369 128804 -21337
7 Bank Credit 11162247 1157 64020 212738 574578 727366
7.1a Growth (Per cent)   0.0 0.6 1.9 5.8 7.0
7a.1 Food Credit 82415 5549 37192 21161 -2349 -6541
7a.2 Non-food credit 11079831 -4392 26828 191577 576926 733907

6. Money Stock: Components and Sources
(₹ Crore)
Item Outstanding as on Variation over
2021 Fortnight Financial Year so far Year-on-Year
2020-21 2021-22 2020 2021
Mar. 31 Nov. 19 Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
M3 18844578 19646589 -268109 -1.3 1137975 6.8 802012 4.3 1992190 12.5 1708651 9.5
1 Components (1.1.+1.2+1.3+1.4)                        
1.1 Currency with the Public 2751828 2878178 -1080 0 323786 13.8 126349 4.6 501046 23.1 204644 7.7
1.2 Demand Deposits with Banks 1995120 1957011 -152768 -7.2 -104755 -6.0 -38109 –1.9 184977 12.8 324073 19.8
1.3 Time Deposits with Banks 14050278 14763539 -114241 -0.8 915548 7.2 713261 5.1 1296575 10.5 1173976 8.6
1.4 ‘Other’ Deposits with Reserve Bank 47351 47861 -21 0 3396 8.8 511 1.1 9592 29.7 5958 14.2
2 Sources (2.1+2.2+2.3+2.4-2.5)                        
2.1 Net Bank Credit to Government 5850374 6075969 -94934 -1.5 731152 14.7 225595 3.9 800672 16.4 384455 6.8
2.1.1 Reserve Bank 1099686 1193964 7158 0.6 31755   94278   58509   170017  
2.1.2 Other Banks 4750689 4882005 -102092 -2.0 699397 17.6 131316 2.8 742163 18.9 214438 4.6
2.2 Bank Credit to Commercial Sector 11668466 11870266 -3881 0 53740 0.5 201800 1.7 624115 6.0 777882 7.0
2.2.1 Reserve Bank 8709 4634 2494 116.5 -993   -4075   5029   -7539  
2.2.2 Other Banks 11659757 11865632 -6375 -0.1 54733 0.5 205875 1.8 619086 5.9 785420 7.1

8. Liquidity Operations by RBI
(₹ Crore)
Date Liquidity Adjustment Facility MSF* Standing Liquidity Facilities Market Stabilisation Scheme OMO (Outright) Long Term Repo Opera tions& Targeted Long Term Repo Opera tions# Special Long- Term Repo Operations for Small Finance Banks Special Reverse Repo£ Net Injection (+)/ Absorption (-) (1+3+5+ 6+9+10+ 11+12-2- 4-7-8-13)
Repo Reverse Repo* Variable Rate Repo Variable Rate Reverse Repo Sale Purchase
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Nov. 29, 2021 182093 73 685 305 -182400
Nov. 30, 2021 186256 250016 646 295 -435921
Dec. 1, 2021 242239 2 835 -243072
Dec. 2, 2021 268334 100 100 -268334
Dec. 3, 2021 227557 469737 0 115 -697409
Dec. 4, 2021 34814 129 -34685
Dec. 5, 2021 4998 8 -4990
* Includes additional Reverse Repo and additional MSF operations (for the period December 16, 2019 to February 13, 2020).
# Includes Targeted Long Term Repo Operations (TLTRO) and Targeted Long Term Repo Operations 2.0 (TLTRO 2.0) and On Tap Targeted Long Term Repo Operations. Negative (-) sign indicates repayments done by Banks.
& Negative (-) sign indicates repayments done by Banks.
£ As per Press Release No. 2021-2022/177 dated May 07, 2021. From June 18, 2021, the data also includes the amount absorbed as per the Press Release No. 2021-2022/323 dated June 04, 2021.

The above information can be accessed on Internet at /en/web/rbi/publications/weekly-statistical-supplement

The concepts and methodologies for WSS are available in Handbook on WSS (/en/web/rbi/-/publications/a-handbook-on-rbi-s-weekly-statistical-supplement-15762).

Time series data are available at https://dbie.rbi.org.in

Ajit Prasad           
Director (Communications)

Press Release: 2021-2022/1342


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