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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

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List of Select Abbreviations

ACB Audit Committee of the Board
AD Authorised Dealer
ADSCR Average Debt Service Coverage Ratio
AEs Advanced Economies
AePS Aadhar Enabled Payment Services
AIFIs All-India Financial Institutions
AIFs Alternative Investment Funds
ANBC Adjusted Net Bank Credit
API Application Programming Interface
AQR Asset Quality Review
ARCs Asset Reconstruction Companies
ARR Alternative Reference Rate
ATMs Automated Teller Machines
BCs Business Correspondents
BCBS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
BFS Board for Financial Supervision
BIS Bank for International Settlements
BPLR Benchmark Prime Lending Rate
BO Banking Ombudsman
BR Banking Regulation
BSBDA Basic Saving Bank Deposit Accounts
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
CASA Current Account and Savings Account
CBDCs Central Bank Digital Currencies
CCB Capital Conservation Buffer
CC Cash Credit
CCPs Central Counterparties
CCyB Countercyclical Capital Buffers
C-D Credit-Deposit
CDs Certificates of Deposits
CDS Credit Default Swap
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CEOBE Credit Equivalent of Off Balance-sheet Exposures
CEPCs Consumer Education and Protection Cells
CET Common Equity Tier
CIC Core Investment Company
CISBI Central Information System for Banking Infrastructure
CKYCR Centralised KYC Registry
CMBs Cash Management Bills
CoC Committee of Creditors
CoFT Card-on-File Tokenisation
CPI Consumer Price Index
CPMI Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures
CPs Commercial Papers
CPS Centralised Payment System
CRAR Capital to Risk-Weighted Asset Ratio
CRR Cash Reserve Ratio
CSF Cyber Security Framework
CUG Closed User Groups
DBTs Direct Benefit Transfer
DCCBs District Central Co-operative Banks
DISCOMs Distribution Companies
DICGC Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
DIF Deposit Insurance Fund
DFI Development Finance Institution
DLT Distributed Ledger Technology
DPI Digital Payments Index
DSCR Debt Service Coverage Ratio
D-SIBs Domestic Systemically Important Banks
ECB External Commercial Borrowings
ECL Expected Credit Loss
ECLGS Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme
EDPMS Export Data Processing and Monitoring System
EMDEs Emerging Market and Developing Economies
EMEs Emerging Market Economies
eNWRs electronic Negotiable Warehouse Receipts
ESG Environmental, Social and Governance
ESOP Employees Stock Option Plans
EXIM Bank Export Import Bank of India
FAS Financial Access Survey
FCA Financial Conduct Authority
FCNR Foreign Currency Non-Resident
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FEMA Foreign Exchange Management Act
FI-Index Financial Inclusion Index
FIP Financial Inclusion Plan
FMI Financial Market Infrastructure
FPO Follow-on Public Offer
FSB Financial Stability Board
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GNPA Gross Non-Performing Assets
GSAP Government Securities Acquisition Programme
G-secs Government securities
G-SIBs Global Systemically Important Banks
HDI Human Development Index
HFCs Housing Finance Companies
HNIs High Net-worth Individuals
HPI Human Poverty Index
HQLAs High Quality Liquid Assets
HTM Held to Maturity
IBA Intercontinental Benchmark Administration
IBC Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
IBORs Interbank Offered Rates
IBPCs Inter-Bank Participation Certificates
ICAAP Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
ICC Investment and Credit Company
ICE Intercontinental Exchange
ICT Information and Communication Technology
I-D Investment-Deposit
IFC International Finance Corporation
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
IL&FS Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Ltd
IMF International Monetary Fund
IOS Integrated Ombudsman Scheme
IPO Initial Public Offer
IoT Internet of Things
IRRBB Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book
ISSB International Sustainability Standards Board
IT Information Technology
IWG Internal Working Group
JLGs Joint Liability Groups
KCC Kisan Credit Card
KYC Know Your Customer
LABs Local Area Banks
LAF Liquidity Adjustment Facility
LCR Liquidity Coverage Ratio
LEs Legal Entities
LEX Large Exposures
LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate
LR Leverage Ratio
LTV Loan-to-Value
MFIs Micro Finance Institutions
MFIN Microfinance Institutions Network
MFs Mutual Funds
MGC Mortgage Guarantee Company
MHP Minimum Holding Period
MMFs Money Market Funds
MPC Monetary Policy Committee
MRR Minimum Retention Requirement
MRTs Material Risk Takers
MSF Marginal Standing Facility
MSMEs Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
NABARD National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NABFID National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development
NARCL National Asset Reconstruction Company Limited
NBFC-AA NBFC-Account Aggregator
NBFC-IDF NBFC-Infrastructure Debt Fund
NBFC-IFC NBFC-Infrastructure Finance Company
NBFC-MFI NBFC-Micro Finance Institution
NBFC-ML NBFC Middle Layer
NBFC-MGCs NBFC Mortgage Guarantee Companies
NBFC-NOFHC NBFC-Non-Operative Financial Holding Company
NBFC-P2P NBFC–Peer to Peer Lending Platform
NBFCs Non-Banking Financial Companies
NBFCs-D Deposit-taking NBFCs
NBFCs-ND Non-Deposit taking NBFCs
NBFCs-ND-SI Non-Deposit taking Systemically Important NBFCs
NBFC-UL NBFC Upper Layer
NBFI Non-Bank Financial Intermediation
NBFIs Non-Banking Financial Institutions
NCCDs Non-Centrally Cleared Derivatives
NCDs Non-Convertible Debentures
NCLT National Company Law Tribunal
NDTL Net Demand and Time Liabilities
NEFT National Electronic Fund Transfer
NETC National Electronic Toll Collection
NGFS Network for Greening the Financial System
NHB National Housing Bank
NII Net Interest Income
NIM Net Interest Margin
NOF Net Owned Funds
NNPA Net Non-Performing Asset
NPA Non-Performing Asset
NPCI National Payments Corporation of India
NPL Non-Performing Loans
NRC Nomination and Remuneration Committee
NRI Non-Resident Indian
NSFE National Strategy for Financial Education
NSFI National Strategy for Financial Inclusion
NSFR Net Stable Funding Ratio
NSUCBs Non-Scheduled UCBs
NWRs Negotiable Warehouse Receipts
OCC Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
OD Overdraft
OEFs Open Ended Funds
OMOs Open Market Operations
OTC Over-The-Counter
OTs Operation Twists
PACS Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
PAT Profit After Tax
PBs Payments Banks
PCA Prompt Corrective Action
PCARDBs Primary Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks
PCR Provision Coverage Ratio
PDI Perpetual Debt Instruments
PDs Primary Dealers
PIDF Payments Infrastructure Development Fund
PLR Prime Lending Rate
PMAY Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
PMJDY Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
PPI Producer Price Inflation
PPIs Prepaid Payment Instruments
PSBs Public Sector Banks
PSL Priority Sector Lending
PSLCs Priority Sector Lending Certificates
PSPs Payment System Providers
PVBs Private Sector Banks
QE Quantitative Easing
RBIH Reserve Bank Innovation Hub
RB-IOS Reserve Bank – Integrated Ombudsman Scheme
REs Regulated Entities
RF Resolution Framework
RIDF Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
RMCB Risk Management Committee of the Board
RNBC Residuary Non-Banking Companies
RoA Return on Assets
RoE Return on Equity
RP Resolution Plan
RRBs Regional Rural Banks
RSA Restructured Advances
RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement
RWAs Risk Weighted Assets
SAs Statutory Auditors
SA-CCR Standardised Approach for measuring Counterparty Credit Risk exposure
SAF Supervisory Action Framework
SAR Stressed Assets Ratio
SARFAESI Act Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act
SCA Statutory Central Auditors
SCARDBs State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks
SCBs Scheduled Commercial Banks
SDLs State Development Loans
SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India
SFBs Small Finance Banks
SFG Sustainable Finance Group
SHG – BLP Self-help Groups – Bank Linkage Programme
SHGs Self-help Groups
SIDBI Small Industries Development Bank of India
SLF Special Liquidity Facility
SLR Statutory Liquidity Ratio
SLS Special Liquidity Scheme
SLTRO Special Three-year Long-Term Repo Operations
SMA Special Mention Accounts
SMFs Small and Marginal Farmers
SPDs Standalone Primary Dealers
SPE Special Purpose Entity
SPV Special Purpose Vehicle
SRs Security Receipts
SRO Self-Regulatory Organization
SSBs Standard-Setting Bodies
STC Simple, Transparent and Comparable
StCBs State Co-operative Banks
SUCBs Scheduled UCBs
SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
T-Bills Treasury Bills
TBTF Too-Big-To-Fail
TC Trade Credit
TCFD Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
TLAC Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity
TLTRO Targeted Long-Term Repo Operations
TReDS Trade Receivables Discounting System
TREPS Triparty Repo Dealing and Settlement
UCBs Urban Co-operative Banks
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UPI Unified Payments Interface
USD U.S. dollar
VICS Vulnerability Index for Cyber Security Framework
VINFRA Fraud Vulnerability Index
VRRR Variable Rate Reverse Repo
WAC Weighted Average Cost
WAPs Weighted Average Premiums
WLAs White Label ATMs
WTDs Whole Time Directors


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