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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

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46. Combined Receipts and Disbursements of the Central and State Governments

(₹ Crore)
Item 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Total Disbursements 5410887 6353359 7098451 7880522 9110725 9800798
1.1 Developmental 3074492 3823423 4189146 4701611 5514584 5862996
1.1.1 Revenue 2446605 3150221 3255207 3574503 3965270 4195108
1.1.2 Capital 588233 550358 861777 1042159 1453849 1526993
1.1.3 Loans 39654 122844 72163 84949 95464 140895
1.2 Non-Developmental 2253027 2442941 2810388 3069896 3467270 3800321
1.2.1 Revenue 2109629 2271637 2602750 2895864 3266628 3537378 Interest Payments 955801 1060602 1226672 1377807 1562660 1711972
1.2.2 Capital 141457 169155 175519 171131 196073 259346
1.2.3 Loans 1941 2148 32119 2902 4569 3597
1.3 Others 83368 86995 98916 109015 128871 137481
2 Total Receipts 5734166 6397162 7156342 7855370 9054999 9650488
2.1 Revenue Receipts 3851563 3688030 4823821 5447913 6379349 7209647
2.1.1 Tax Receipts 3231582 3193390 4160414 4809044 5456913 6142276 Taxes on commodities and services 2012578 2076013 2626553 2865550 3248450 3631569 Taxes on Income and Property 1216203 1114805 1530636 1939550 2204462 2506181 Taxes of Union Territories (Without Legislature) 2800 2572 3225 3943 4001 4526
2.1.2 Non-Tax Receipts 619981 494640 663407 638870 922436 1067371 Interest Receipts 31137 33448 35250 42975 49552 57273
2.2 Non-debt Capital Receipts 110094 64994 44077 62716 86733 118239
2.2.1 Recovery of Loans & Advances 59515 16951 27665 15970 55895 45125
2.2.2 Disinvestment proceeds 50578 48044 16412 46746 30839 73114
3 Gross Fiscal Deficit [ 1 - ( 2.1 + 2.2 ) ] 1449230 2600335 2230553 2369892 2644642 2472912
3A Sources of Financing: Institution-wise            
3A.1 Domestic Financing 1440548 2530155 2194406 2332768 2619811 2456959
3A.1.1 Net Bank Credit to Government 571872 890012 627255 687904 346483 ...
3A.1.1.1 Net RBI Credit to Government 190241 107493 350911 529 -257913 ...
3A.1.2 Non-Bank Credit to Government 868676 1640143 1567151 1644864 2273328 ...
3A.2 External Financing 8682 70180 36147 37124 24832 15952
3B Sources of Financing: Instrument-wise            
3B.1 Domestic Financing 1440548 2530155 2194406 2332768 2619811 2456959
3B.1.1 Market Borrowings (net) 971378 1696012 1213169 1651076 1962969 1983757
3B.1.2 Small Savings (net) 209232 458801 526693 358764 434151 447511
3B.1.3 State Provident Funds (net) 38280 41273 28100 13880 21386 19857
3B.1.4 Reserve Funds 10411 4545 42153 68803 52385 -33653
3B.1.5 Deposits and Advances -14227 25682 42203 51989 35819 -10138
3B.1.6 Cash Balances -323279 -43802 -57891 25152 55726 150310
3B.1.7 Others 548753 347643 399980 163104 57374 -100684
3B.2 External Financing 8682 70180 36147 37124 24832 15952
4 Total Disbursements as per cent of GDP 26.9 32.0 30.1 29.2 30.8 30.0
5 Total Receipts as per cent of GDP 28.5 32.2 30.3 29.1 30.7 29.6
6 Revenue Receipts as per cent of GDP 19.2 18.6 20.4 20.2 21.6 22.1
7 Tax Receipts as per cent of GDP 16.1 16.1 17.6 17.8 18.5 18.8
8 Gross Fiscal Deficit as per cent of GDP 7.2 13.1 9.5 8.8 9.0 7.6
… : Not available; RE: Revised Estimates; BE: Budget Estimates
Source : Budget Documents of Central and State Governments.
Note: GDP data is based on 2011-12 base. GDP for 2024-25 is from Union Budget 2024-25.
Data pertains to all States and Union Territories.
1 & 2: Data are net of repayments of the Central Government (including repayments to the NSSF) and State Governments.
1.3: Represents compensation and assignments by States to local bodies and Panchayati Raj institutions.
2: Data are net of variation in cash balances of the Central and State Governments and includes borrowing receipts of the Central and State Governments.
3A.1.1: Data as per RBI records.
3B.1.1: Borrowings through dated securities.
3B.1.2: Represent net investment in Central and State Governments’ special securities by the National Small Savings Fund (NSSF).
This data may vary from previous publications due to adjustments across components with availability of new data.
3B.1.6: Include Ways and Means Advances by the Centre to the State Governments.
3B.1.7: Include Treasury Bills, loans from financial institutions, insurance and pension funds, remittances, cash balance investment account.


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