Executive Director | Shri Arnab Kumar Chowdhury - ആർബിഐ - Reserve Bank of India
Executive Director
Shri Arnab Kumar Chowdhury
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has appointed Shri Arnab Kumar Chowdhury as Executive Director (ED) with effect from June 3, 2024.
Prior to being promoted as ED, Shri Chowdhury was serving as Chief General Manager-in-Charge in the Department of Supervision.
Shri Chowdhury has experience of over 3 decades in Reserve Bank of India. He has worked extensively in the area of supervision of financial entities. He has worked in the area of corporate strategy, budgeting, accounting and Issue Department. He has also served as member of several committees and working groups and has been contributing to policy formulation.
As Executive Director, Shri Chowdhury will look after 1. Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation, 2. Foreign Exchange Department, 3. International Department.
Shri Chowdhury is a Chartered Accountant and holds a master’s Degree in Economics. He is also a Certified Associate of IIBF.
Contact Information
- Reserve Bank Of India
9th Floor, Central Office Building, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road
Mumbai-400 001.
Departments under Executive Director Shri Arnab Kumar Chowdhury
Shri Manoranjan Mishra
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has appointed Shri Manoranjan Mishra as Executive Director (ED) with effect from November 01, 2023.
Prior to being promoted as ED, Shri Mishra was serving as Chief General Manager in the Department of Regulation.
Shri Mishra has experience of over three decades in the Reserve Bank having worked in the areas of regulation of banks and NBFCs, supervision of banks and currency management. He has served as a member in several Working Groups at the national and international levels contributing to formulation of regulatory/ supervisory policies.
As Executive Director, Shri Mishra will look after 1. Enforcement Department, 2. Risk Monitoring Department, 3. Department of External Investments & Operations.
Shri Mishra is a post graduate in Economics and MBA (banking and Finance). He also holds a master’s degree in Finance and Financial Regulation from Aston Business School, UK.
Dr. Sitikantha Pattanaik
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has appointed Dr. Sitikantha Pattanaik as Executive Director (ED) with effect from May 02, 2022.
Prior to being promoted as ED, Dr. Pattanaik was an Adviser in the Department of Economic and Policy Research (DEPR).
Dr. Pattanaik has, over a span of three decades, worked in the areas of economic research and monetary policy in RBI’s Monetary Policy Department and Department of Economic and Policy Research. He was with the Central Bank of Oman on deputation from RBI for about five years.
As Executive Director, Dr. Pattanaik will look after the Department of Economic and Policy Research (DEPR).
Dr. Pattanaik has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Mumbai; an M. Phil in Economics from Jawaharlal Nehru University; a master’s degree in International Finance from the University of Amsterdam; and an MA in Economics from Utkal University, besides having earned professional qualifications including Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (CAIIB).
Dr. Deepak Kumar
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has appointed Dr. Deepak Kumar as Executive Director (ED) with effect from January 03, 2022.
Prior to being promoted as ED, Dr. Deepak Kumar was heading the Department of Information Technology of the Reserve Bank of India.
Dr. Kumar has, over a span of three decades, worked in RBI’s Central Office Departments covering policy making and project management functions in the areas of information technology, cyber security, payment systems, currency management, human resource management, banking supervision, foreign exchange management.
As Executive Director, Dr. Kumar will look after Foreign Exchange Department, Department of Communication and Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the RBI.
Dr. Kumar holds a Ph.D. on the subject ‘Impact of Computerisation on Banking Industry during Nineties - an Evaluation’. He is a Post Graduate Diploma in International Marketing from Delhi School of Economics, besides having earned professional qualifications including Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (CAIIB).
Shri Ajay K. Choudhary
Jan 03, 2022 - Oct 31, 2023
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has appointed Shri Shri Ajay Kumar Choudhary as Executive Director (ED) with effect from January 03, 2022.
Prior to being promoted as ED, Shri Ajay Kumar Choudhary was Chief General Manager-in-Charge, Department of Supervision.
Shri Choudhary has, over a span of three decades, served in supervision, regulation, currency management, payments and settlements, and other areas in the Reserve Bank, in its Central Office as well as Regional Offices.
As Executive Director, Shri Choudhary will look after Fintech Department, Risk Monitoring Department and Inspection Department.
Shri Choudhary holds a Master’s degree in Physics from Delhi University, besides having earned professional qualifications including Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (CAIIB).
Shri Jose J. Kattoor
The Reserve Bank of India has appointed Shri Jose J. Kattoor as Executive Director (ED) with effect from May 04, 2021.
Prior to being promoted as ED, Shri Jose J. Kattoor was heading Bengaluru Regional Office of the Reserve Bank as Regional Director for Karnataka.
Shri Kattoor has, over a span of three decades, served in communication, human resource management, financial inclusion, supervision, currency management and other areas in the Reserve Bank.
As Executive Director, Shri Kattoor will look after Human Resource Management Department, Corporate Strategy and Budget Department and Rajbhasha Department.
Shri Kattoor holds a Post Graduate qualification from Institute of Rural Management, Anand, Bachelor of Law from Gujarat University, and Advanced Management Program (AMP) from Wharton School of Business, Pennsylvania, besides having earned professional qualifications including Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (CAIIB).
The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> category.getParentCategory() [in template "20099#20125#25193910" at line 43, column 109] ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)?? ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #assign speakerName += ", " + categor... [in template "20099#20125#25193910" at line 43, column 49] ----
2 AssetEntryLocalServiceUtil=serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")
3 DLFileEntryLocalService=serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLFileEntryLocalService")
4 AssetVocabularyLocalService=serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetVocabularyLocalService") />
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9 <div class="Notification-content-wrap full-width governor-page-related-links dynamic-resize" tabindex="0">
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14 <div class="col-10">
15 <h3 class="section-blcok-heading">${languageUtil.get(locale, "interviews")}</h3>
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17 <div class="col-12">
18 <div class="notifications-row-wrapper toogle-grid-row show-row-view">
19 <div class="row">
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23 URL=article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("pdf-url") groupId=article.getGroupId()
24 content=saxReaderUtil.read(assetRenderer.getArticle().getContentByLocale(locale))
25 speaker=content.valueOf("//dynamic-element[@name='Text48856133'
26 ]/dynamic-content")
27 designation=content.valueOf("//dynamic-element[@name='Text01027456'
28 ]/dynamic-content")
29 displayDate=article.getDisplayDate() publishDate=curEntry.publishDate
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31 curEntry) viewURL=assetRenderer.getURLViewInContext(renderRequest, renderResponse,
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44 <#assign set =category.getCategoryId()>
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46 <#if category.getParentCategory()?has_content >
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48 <#assign set =category.getCategoryId()>
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50 </#if>
51 </#if>
52 </#list>
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56 <div class=" col-12 toggle-content-each grid-view-col d-none">
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58 <div class="col-12 toggle-content-each grid-view-col">
59 </#if>
60 <div class="notification-row-each">
61 <div class="notification-row-each-inner">
62 <div class="notification-date">
63 <#if displayDate?has_content>
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67 <div class="tag-new tag-date"><span>New</span></div>
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71 </div>
74 <a href="${viewURL}" class="mtm_list_item_heading">
75 <div
76 class="covid19-result-heading c-tooltips position-relative">
77 <span
78 class="mtm_list_item_heading textTruncate governor-page-title">
79 ${curEntry.getTitle(locale)}
80 </span>
82 <div class="custom-tooltip covid19-tooltip">
83 <div class="tooltip-arrow-up"></div>
84 <div class="tooltip-content covid19-content">
85 ${curEntry.getSummary(locale)}
86 </div>
88 </div>
89 </div>
91 </a>
93 <div class="speaker-content font-resized">
94 <#if speaker?has_content>${speaker}, </#if>
95 <#if designation?has_content>${designation} </#if>
96 </div>
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138 title="Download File">
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149 <div class="col-12 ">
150 <div class="view-all-wrap toggle-view-content">
151 <a href=" ${themeDisplay.getURLPortal()}/web/rbi/interviews?category=${set}" role="button"
152 class=" link-view-more link-animation-hover">
153 <span class="txtToggle"> ${languageUtil.get(locale, "view-more")} </span>
154 <span>
155 <img class="down-arrow" src="/documents/20125/67624/icon+feather-down.svg"
156 alt="view more" title="view more">
157 </span>
158 </a>
160 </div>
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