Notifications -Regulating Co-operative Banking - ആർബിഐ - Reserve Bank of India
മേയ് 12, 2010
List of Terrorist individuals / organizations - under UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban / Al-Qaida Organisation - UCBs
RBI/2009-10/460 UBD. BPD. (PCB).Cir. No.66 /14.01.062/2009-10 May 12, 2010 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir / Madam, List of Terrorist individuals / organizations – under UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban / Al-Qaida Organisation@@NBSP@@ - UCBs Please refer to our circular UBD (PCB) CO.BPD. Cir. No. 61/14.01.062/2009-10 dated April 29, 2010 on the above subject. We have since received from Government of India (Mi
RBI/2009-10/460 UBD. BPD. (PCB).Cir. No.66 /14.01.062/2009-10 May 12, 2010 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir / Madam, List of Terrorist individuals / organizations – under UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban / Al-Qaida Organisation@@NBSP@@ - UCBs Please refer to our circular UBD (PCB) CO.BPD. Cir. No. 61/14.01.062/2009-10 dated April 29, 2010 on the above subject. We have since received from Government of India (Mi
മേയ് 05, 2010
Conversion of term deposits, daily deposits or recurring deposits for reinvestment in term deposits by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs)
RBI/2009-10/447 UBD. BPD. PCB. Cir. No. 65/ 13.01.000/ 2009-10 May 05, 2010 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Conversion of term deposits, daily deposits or recurring deposits for reinvestment in term deposits by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs) Please refer to paragraph 104 of the Annual Policy Statement for the year 2010 -11 of Reserve Bank of India (extract enclosed). 2. As per instructions contained in paragr
RBI/2009-10/447 UBD. BPD. PCB. Cir. No. 65/ 13.01.000/ 2009-10 May 05, 2010 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Conversion of term deposits, daily deposits or recurring deposits for reinvestment in term deposits by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs) Please refer to paragraph 104 of the Annual Policy Statement for the year 2010 -11 of Reserve Bank of India (extract enclosed). 2. As per instructions contained in paragr
മേയ് 04, 2010
Investment in unlisted Non-SLR securities by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks
RBI.No.2009-10/444 UBD. BPD. PCB. Cir. No. 63 / 16.20.000/ 2009-10 May 04, 2010 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir Investment in unlisted Non-SLR securities by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Please refer to paragraphs 67 and 68 of the Annual Policy Statement for the year 2010-2011 (extract enclosed) regarding investment in unlisted Non-SLR debt securities (both primary and secondary market) by banks. 2. In this connecti
RBI.No.2009-10/444 UBD. BPD. PCB. Cir. No. 63 / 16.20.000/ 2009-10 May 04, 2010 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir Investment in unlisted Non-SLR securities by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Please refer to paragraphs 67 and 68 of the Annual Policy Statement for the year 2010-2011 (extract enclosed) regarding investment in unlisted Non-SLR debt securities (both primary and secondary market) by banks. 2. In this connecti
മേയ് 04, 2010
Annual Policy Statement for the year 2010-11 - Opening of Off-site ATMs by Primary (Urban) Cooperative banks-Liberalisation
RBI/2009-10/443 UBD.CO.LS.Cir.No. 64 /07.01.000/2009-10 May 04, 2010 All Primary (Urban) Cooperative Banks Dear Sir/Madam Annual Policy Statement for the year 2010-11- Opening of Off-site ATMs by Primary (Urban) Cooperative banks-Liberalisation Please refer to para 85 of the Annual Policy Statement 2010-11 (copy enclosed) in terms of which, it has been decided to allow well managed UCBs to set up off-site ATMs without seeking approval through the Annual Business Plans
RBI/2009-10/443 UBD.CO.LS.Cir.No. 64 /07.01.000/2009-10 May 04, 2010 All Primary (Urban) Cooperative Banks Dear Sir/Madam Annual Policy Statement for the year 2010-11- Opening of Off-site ATMs by Primary (Urban) Cooperative banks-Liberalisation Please refer to para 85 of the Annual Policy Statement 2010-11 (copy enclosed) in terms of which, it has been decided to allow well managed UCBs to set up off-site ATMs without seeking approval through the Annual Business Plans
ഏപ്രി 30, 2010
UCBs - Classification of investments by banks in Bonds issued by Companies engaged in Infrastructure activities
RBI/2009-10/440 UBD. BPD. PCB. Cir. No. 62/16.20.000/2009-10 April 30, 2010 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir Classification of investments by banks in Bonds issued by Companies engaged in Infrastructure activities Please refer to paragraph 66 of the Annual Policy Statement for the year 2010-11 (extract enclosed) wherein it has been proposed to allow banks to classify their investments in Non-SLR long term bonds issued by
RBI/2009-10/440 UBD. BPD. PCB. Cir. No. 62/16.20.000/2009-10 April 30, 2010 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir Classification of investments by banks in Bonds issued by Companies engaged in Infrastructure activities Please refer to paragraph 66 of the Annual Policy Statement for the year 2010-11 (extract enclosed) wherein it has been proposed to allow banks to classify their investments in Non-SLR long term bonds issued by
ഏപ്രി 30, 2010
UCBs - collection of foreign currency denominated cheques
RBI/2009-10/438 UBD. BPD. (PCB). Cir. No.3/16.26.000/2009-10 April 30, 2010 The Chief Executive Officers of All AD I and AD II UCBs Dear Sir Collection of foreign currency denominated cheques Please refer to our circular UBD. (PCB). Cir. No. 33/16.26.00/2008-09 dated January 14, 2009 advising the steps to be taken for providing a customer friendly arrangement for collection of US Dollar denominated cheques. 2. On a review of the action taken by banks, improvements in
RBI/2009-10/438 UBD. BPD. (PCB). Cir. No.3/16.26.000/2009-10 April 30, 2010 The Chief Executive Officers of All AD I and AD II UCBs Dear Sir Collection of foreign currency denominated cheques Please refer to our circular UBD. (PCB). Cir. No. 33/16.26.00/2008-09 dated January 14, 2009 advising the steps to be taken for providing a customer friendly arrangement for collection of US Dollar denominated cheques. 2. On a review of the action taken by banks, improvements in
ഏപ്രി 29, 2010
List of Terrorist individuals / organizations - under UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban / Al-Qaida Organisation - UCBs
RBI/2009-10/435 UBD. BPD. (PCB).Cir. No. 61 /14.01.062/2009-10 April 29, 2010 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir / Madam, List of Terrorist individuals / organizations – under UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban / Al-Qaida Organisation@@NBSP@@ - UCBs Please refer to our circular UBD (PCB) CO.BPD. Cir. No. 57 / 14.01.062 / 2009-10 dated April 19, 2010 on the above subject. We have since received from Government of In
RBI/2009-10/435 UBD. BPD. (PCB).Cir. No. 61 /14.01.062/2009-10 April 29, 2010 The Chief Executive Officers of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir / Madam, List of Terrorist individuals / organizations – under UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1822(2008) on Taliban / Al-Qaida Organisation@@NBSP@@ - UCBs Please refer to our circular UBD (PCB) CO.BPD. Cir. No. 57 / 14.01.062 / 2009-10 dated April 19, 2010 on the above subject. We have since received from Government of In
ഏപ്രി 29, 2010
UCBs - List of Credit Information Companies
RBI/ 2009-10/437 UBD.CO.BPD.Cir.No. 60/09.11.200/2009-10 April@@NBSP@@ 29, 2010 The Chief Executive Officer All Primary Urban Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005 – List of Credit Information Companies Please refer to our circular UBD.CO BPD.No.25/09.11.200/2009-10 dated December 3, 2009 on the captioned subject. In this connection, we advise that apart from Credit Information Bureau of India Ltd., (existing credit informati
RBI/ 2009-10/437 UBD.CO.BPD.Cir.No. 60/09.11.200/2009-10 April@@NBSP@@ 29, 2010 The Chief Executive Officer All Primary Urban Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005 – List of Credit Information Companies Please refer to our circular UBD.CO BPD.No.25/09.11.200/2009-10 dated December 3, 2009 on the captioned subject. In this connection, we advise that apart from Credit Information Bureau of India Ltd., (existing credit informati
ഏപ്രി 23, 2010
UCBs - Prudential Norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning Pertaining to Advances - Projects under Implementation
RBI/2009-10/424 UBD.BPD.PCB.Cir.No. 59 /09.14.000 / 2009-10 April 23, 2010 The Chief Executive Officer All Primary (Urban) Cooperative Banks Dear Sir, Prudential Norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning Pertaining to Advances - Projects under Implementation 'Project Loan' would mean any term loan which has been extended for the purpose of setting up of an economic venture. Banks must fix a Date of Commencement of Commercial Operations (DCCO)
RBI/2009-10/424 UBD.BPD.PCB.Cir.No. 59 /09.14.000 / 2009-10 April 23, 2010 The Chief Executive Officer All Primary (Urban) Cooperative Banks Dear Sir, Prudential Norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning Pertaining to Advances - Projects under Implementation 'Project Loan' would mean any term loan which has been extended for the purpose of setting up of an economic venture. Banks must fix a Date of Commencement of Commercial Operations (DCCO)
ഏപ്രി 22, 2010
Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme, 2008
RBI/2009-2010/419 UBD.PCB.Cir. No. 58/13.05.000/2009-10 April 21, 2010 The Chief Executive Officer of all Primary (Urban) Co operative Banks Dear Sir / Madam, Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme, 2008 Please refer to our circular UBD.PCB. Cir. No. 54/ 13.05.000/2009-10 dated April 5, 2010. In this connection, we forward herewith a copy of letter bearing F. No.3/ 9/ 2008-AC dated March 26, 2010, received from Government of India, Ministry of Finance, New De
RBI/2009-2010/419 UBD.PCB.Cir. No. 58/13.05.000/2009-10 April 21, 2010 The Chief Executive Officer of all Primary (Urban) Co operative Banks Dear Sir / Madam, Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme, 2008 Please refer to our circular UBD.PCB. Cir. No. 54/ 13.05.000/2009-10 dated April 5, 2010. In this connection, we forward herewith a copy of letter bearing F. No.3/ 9/ 2008-AC dated March 26, 2010, received from Government of India, Ministry of Finance, New De
പേജ് അവസാനം അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്തത്: ജനുവരി 28, 2025