Banks advised to improve performance in achieving SGSY Targets - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Banks advised to improve performance in achieving SGSY Targets
RBI /2004-05/307 December 21, 2004 The Chairman and Managing Director Dear Sir, Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)- Review by Central Level Coordination Committee (CLCC) Central Level Coordination Committee (CLCC) for the Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) while reviewing the performance under the SGSY scheme during the year 2003-04 have expressed concern over the unsatisfactory response from the banks. The committee observed that the credit mobilisation under SGSY during the year 2003-04 could cover only 56% of the targets and the subsidy-credit ratio is far below the desired level of 1: 3. It was felt that these issues need to be addressed by the banks seriously to keep the programme moving with required pace. (2) Based on the decision taken in the review meeting banks are advised to take action as under.
(3) In this connection we reiterate our earlier instructions issued vide our circulars RPCD SP.BC.68/09.01.01/2002-03 dated January 29, 2003, RPCD. SP. BC. 06/ 09.01.01 / 2003-04 dated July 4, 2003. and RPCD. SP. BC. 47/ 09.01.01 / 2003-04 dated November 18, 2003 (4) You are further, requested to play a pro-active role in achieving the targets set under the scheme keeping in view the significance attached to the scheme by the Government of India and take appropriate action on para 2. (5) Please acknowledge the receipt and advise us the action taken in this regard in due course. Yours faithfully, Sd/- (G.Srinivasan)