Extension of Credit Facilities to Overseas Step-down Subsidiaries of Indian Companies - आरबीआय - Reserve Bank of India
Extension of Credit Facilities to Overseas Step-down Subsidiaries of Indian Companies
RBI/2006-2007/389 May 10, 2007 All Scheduled Commercial Banks Dear Sir, Please refer to our circular DBOD. IBD. BC. No.41/ 23.37.001/ 2006-07 dated November 6, 2006 in terms of which the prudential limit on funded / non-funded credit facilities extended by banks in India to Indian Joint Ventures (JVs) (where the holding by the Indian company is more than 51%) / Wholly Owned Subsidiaries (WOS) abroad, was enhanced from the then existing limit of 10% to 20% of their unimpaired capital funds (Tier I and Tier II capital). 2. In this connection, a reference is invited to paragraph 173 of the Governor's Annual Policy Statement for the year 2007-08 (copy of the paragraph enclosed as Annex). Accordingly, it has been decided to permit banks in India to extend funded and/or non-funded credit facilities to wholly owned step-down subsidiaries of subsidiaries of Indian companies (where the holding by the Indian company is more than 51%) abroad. 3. Before granting the facility, banks should ensure that :
4. Please acknowledge receipt.
Annex Para 173 of Annual Policy Statement 2007-08 173. Over the years, Indian industry has been successfully building up its presence abroad with increasing overseas acquisitions and as a consequence, the exposure of banks to such financing is rising. As overseas markets are expected to offer better opportunities for growth and bring in higher revenue and volumes, it is proposed: |