Master Circular - Housing Finance - आरबीआय - Reserve Bank of India
Master Circular - Housing Finance
RBI/ 2008-09/67 July 1, 2008 All Scheduled Commercial Banks Dear Sir, Master Circular on Housing Finance As you are aware, in order to have all current instructions on the subject at one place, the Reserve Bank of India had issued a Master Circular DBOD.DIR(Hsg.)No.02/08.12.01/2007-08 dated July 2, 2007 on the captioned subject, which is now updated up to 30th June 2008. It may be noted that the Master Circular consolidates and updates all the instructions contained in the circulars listed in the Appendix, in so far they relate to providing bank finance to the housing sector. This Master Circular also incorporates instructions contained in certain clarifications issued by RBI to banks during the course of the year. The Master Circular has also been placed on the RBI web-site ( A copy of the revised Master Circular is enclosed. Yours faithfully, (P. Vijaya Bhaskar) Master Circular
MASTER CIRCULAR ON HOUSING FINANCE To consolidate the framework of rules/regulations and clarifications on Housing Finance issued by Reserve Bank of India from time to time. A statutory directive issued by the Reserve Bank in exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 21 and 35 A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. Previous instructions consolidated This Master Circular consolidates and updates all the instructions contained in the Circulars listed in the Appendix and clarifications issued during the year. Applicable to all Scheduled Commercial Banks, excluding Regional Rural Banks. Structure 1. Introduction 2. Direct Housing Finance 3. Indirect Housing Finance 4. Housing Loans Under Priority Sector 5. RBI Refinance 6. Construction Activities Eligible For Bank Credit 7. Construction Activities Not Eligible For Bank Credit 8. Reporting 9. Home Loan Account Scheme (HLAS) for NHB 10. Banks' Exposure to Real Estate Sector 11. Risk Weight on Housing Finance 12. Delhi High Court Order on Unauthorized Construction 13. Terms and Conditions for Banks Investments in Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) 14. Annex : Financial assistance granted by scheduled commercial banks under the category 'Housing Finance' as on Sept. 30 /Mar.31 15. Appendix: Housing Finance circulars In pursuance of National Housing Policy of Central Government, Reserve Bank of India has been facilitating the flow of credit to housing sector. During recent period the housing has emerged as one of the sectors attracting a large quantum of bank finance. Therefore, the current focus of RBI's regulation is to ensure orderly growth of housing loan portfolios of banks. 1.1 National Housing Policy (i) development of a viable and accessible institutional system for the provision of housing finance; (ii) establishing a system where housing boards and development authorities would concentrate on acquisition and development of land and infrastructure; and (iii) creation of conditions in which access to institutional finance is made easier and affordable for individuals for construction/buying of houses/flats. This may include outright purchase of houses/flats constructed by or under the aegis of public agencies. Banks with their vast branch network throughout the length and breadth of the country, occupy a very strategic position in the financial system and were required to play an important role in providing credit to the housing sector in consonance with the National Housing Policy. 1.1.2 Housing Finance AllocationKeeping in view the objectives of National Housing Finance Policy, RBI was announcing minimum housing finance allocation annually on the basis of the growth of deposits recorded during the previous year till the year 2002-03. Banks could deploy their funds under the housing finance allocation in any of the three categories, i.e. (i) direct finance, (iii) investment in bonds of NHB/HUDCO, or combination thereof. 2.1 Direct Housing Finance refers to the finance provided to individuals or groups of individuals including co-operative societies. 2.2 Banks are free to evolve their own guidelines with the approval of their Boards on aspects such as security, margin, age of dwelling units, repayment schedule, etc. 2.3 Other Guidelines The following types of bank finance may be included under Direct Housing Finance: (i) Bank finance extended to a person who is already owning a house in town/village where he resides, for buying/ constructing a second house in the same or other town/ village for the purpose of self occupation. (ii) Bank finance extended for purchase of a house by a borrower who proposes to let it out on rental basis on account of his posting outside the headquarters or because he has been provided accommodation by his employer. (iii) Bank finance extended to a person who proposes to buy an old house where he is presently residing as a tenant. (iv) Bank finance granted only for purchase of a plot, provided a declaration is obtained from the borrower that he intends to construct a house on the said plot, with the help of bank finance or otherwise, within such period as may be laid down by the banks themselves (v) Supplementary finance (a) Banks may consider requests for additional finance within the overall ceiling for carrying out alterations/ additions/repairs to the house/flat already financed by them. 3.1 General 3.2.1 Lending to Housing Finance Institutions (i) Banks may grant term loans to housing finance institutions taking in to account (long-term) debt-equity ratio, track record, recovery performance and other relevant factors. (ii) In terms of NHB guidelines, housing finance companies’ total borrowings, whether by way of deposits, issue of debentures/ bonds, loans and advances from banks or from financial institutions including any loans obtained from NHB, should not exceed 16 times of their net owned funds (i.e. paid-up capital and free reserves less accumulated balance of loss, deferred revenue expenditure and intangible assets). (iii) All housing finance companies registered with NHB are eligible to apply for refinance from NHB and will be eligible subject to the refinance policy. The quantum of term loan to be sanctioned to them will not be linked to net owned fund as NHB has already prescribed the above referred ceiling on total borrowing of housing finance companies. A list of housing finance companies registered with NHB may be obtained by the banks directly from NHB or download from Lending to Housing Boards and Other Agencies Banks may extend term loans to state level housing boards and other public agencies. However, in order to develop a healthy housing finance system, while doing so, the banks must not only keep in view the past performance of these agencies in the matter of recovery from the beneficiaries but they should also stipulate that the Boards will ensure prompt and regular recovery of loan installments from the beneficiaries. 3.2.3 Financing of Land Acquisition In view of the need to increase the availability of land and house sites for increasing the housing stock in the country, banks may extend finance to public agencies and not private builders for acquisition and development of land, provided it is a part of the complete project, including development of infrastructure such as water systems, drainage, roads, provision of electricity, etc. Such credit may be extended by way of term loans. The project should be completed as early as possible and, in any case, within three years, so as to ensure quick re-cycling of bank funds for optimum results. If the project covers construction of houses, credit extended therefor in respect of individual beneficiaries should be on the same terms and conditions as stipulated for direct finance. (ii) Banks can grant term loans to housing intermediary agencies against the direct loans sanctioned/proposed to be sanctioned by them to Non-Resident Indians also. However, banks should ensure that housing finance intermediary agencies being financed by them, are authorised by RBI to grant housing loans to NRIs as all housing finance intermediaries are not authorised by RBI to provide housing finance to NRIs. Further, such finance granted by banks to housing finance intermediary agencies against the latters’ on-lending to NRIs will not be treated as housing finance for the purpose of scheme of yearly allocation of housing finance applicable to banks. (iii) Banks have freedom to charge interest rates to housing intermediary agencies without reference to Benchmark Prime Lending Rates (BPLR) 3.3 Term Loans to Private Builders 3.3.1 In view of the important role played by professional builders as providers of construction services in the housing field, especially where land is acquired and developed by State Housing Boards and other public agencies, commercial banks may extend credit to private builders on commercial terms by way of loans linked to each specific project. However, the banks are not permitted to extend fund based or non-fund based facilities to private builders for acquisition of land even as part of a housing project. The period of credit for loans extended by banks to private builders may be decided by banks themselves based on their commercial judgement subject to usual safeguards and after obtaining such security, as banks may deem appropriate. Such credit may be extended to builders of repute, employing professionally qualified personnel. It should be ensured, through close monitoring, that no part of such funds is used for any speculation in land. Care should also be taken to see that prices charged from the ultimate beneficiaries do not include any speculative element, that is, prices should be based only on the documented price of land, the actual cost of construction and a reasonable profit margin. 3.3.2 It is advised that banks adhere to the National Building Code (NBC) formulated by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) in view of the importance of safety of buildings especially against natural disasters. Banks’ may consider this aspect for incorporation in their loan policies. 4. HOUSING LOANS UNDER PRIORITY SECTOR Banks may refer to the Master Circular on Lending to Priority Sectors issued by Rural Planning and Credit Department. Finance provided by the banks would not be eligible for refinance from Reserve Bank. 6. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ELIGIBLE FOR BANK CREDIT AS FINANCE (i) Loans to individuals for purchase/construction of dwelling unit per family and loans given for repairs to the damaged dwelling units of families (iii) Finance for construction of educational, health, social, cultural or other institutions/centers, which are part of a housing project and which are necessary for the development of settlements or townships; iv) Finance for construction meant for improving the conditions in slum areas for which credit may be extended directly to the slum-dwellers on the guarantee of the Government, or indirectly to them through the State Governments. (vi) Bank credit given for slum improvement schemes to be implemented by Slum Clearance Boards and other public agencies; (vii) Finance provided to–
(viii) Housing finance provided by banks for which refinance is availed of from National Housing Bank (NHB); (ix) Investment in the guarantee/non-guaranteed bonds and debentures of NHB/HUDCO in the primary market, provided investment in non-guaranteed bonds is made only if guaranteed bonds are not available. 7. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES NOT ELIGIBLE FOR BANK CREDIT 7.1 Banks should not grant finance for construction of buildings meant purely for Government/Semi-Government offices, including Municipal and Panchayat offices. However, banks may grant loans for activities, which will be refinanced by institutions like NABARD. 7.2 Projects undertaken by public sector entities which are not corporate bodies (i.e. public sector undertakings which are not registered under Companies Act or which are not Corporations established under the relevant statute) may not be financed by banks. Even in respect of projects undertaken by corporate bodies, as defined above, banks should satisfy themselves that the project is run on commercial lines and that bank finance is not in lieu of or to substitute budgetary resources envisaged for the project. The loan could, however, supplement budgetary resources if such supplementing was contemplated in the project design. Thus, in the case of a housing project, where the project is run on commercial lines, and the Government is interested in promoting the project either for the benefit of the weaker sections of the society or otherwise, and a part of the project cost is met by the Government through subsidies made available and/or contributions to the capital of the institutions taking up the project, the bank finance should be restricted to an amount arrived at after reducing from the total project cost the amount of subsidy/capital contribution receivable from the Government and any other resources proposed to be made available by the Government. 7.3 Banks had, in the past, sanctioned term loans to Corporations set up by Government like State Police Housing Corporation, for construction of residential quarters for allotment to employees where the loans were envisaged to be repaid out of budgetary allocations. As these projects cannot be considered to be run on commercial lines, it would not be in order for banks to grant loans to such projects. Banks should compile the data relating to Housing Finance at half-yearly intervals on the lines of format given in Annex and keep it ready for being made available to the bank’s internal inspectors/RBI’s inspectors. 9. HOME LOAN ACCOUNT SCHEME (HLAS) OF NHB 9.1 Foreclosure of Loans obtained from Other Sources 9.1.1 Under the HLAS, a member of HLAS is eligible for a loan after subscription to the scheme for a minimum period of 5 years. The member has to declare while joining the scheme/availing loan that he/ she does not own a house/flat. However, a member may acquire a house or a flat from a public agency/co-operative/ private builder by obtaining a loan from a bank at the normal rate of interest or from friends and relatives or through a hire-purchase scheme of Housing Board/ Development Authority. Thereafter, when the member becomes eligible for a loan under HLAS, he/she may approach the bank for such a loan to repay the loan(s) raised earlier from other sources. 9.2 Classification of Deposits/Loans under HLAS (ii) In terms of sub-clause (ii) of clause (c) of the Explanation to Sub-Section (1) of Section 42 of the RBI Act, as amended by clause 3 of the Second Schedule to the National Housing Bank Act, 1987, ‘liabilities’ will not include any loan taken from NHB. Hence, the deposits utilised as refinance from NHB should be deducted from the total deposits received under the HLA Scheme while including the amount under item II (a) (ii) of Form ‘A’. 10. BANK'S EXPOSURE TO REAL ESTATE SECTOR While the development of real estate is welcome, there is a need for the banks to curb the excessively risk lending by exercising selectivity and strengthening the loan approval process. Banks should ensure that the borrowers should have obtained prior permission from government./local governments./other statutory authorities for the project, wherever required. While the proposals could be sanctioned in normal course, the disbursements should be made only after the borrower has obtained requisite clearances from the government authorities. 11. RISK WEIGHT ON HOUSING FINANCE Banks extending housing loans to individuals against the mortgage of residential housing properties were required to assign risk weight of 75% on such loans which were fully secured by mortgage of residential properties and investments in Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) of Housing Finance Companies (HFCs), recognized and supervised by NHB. In view of the fact that banks have been advised from time to time to tighten their credit administration in this area in particular it has been decided to reduce the risk weight on the residential housing loans to individuals from the existing 75% to 50% as given below :
Similarly, the risk weight for banks' investment in mortgage backed securities, which are backed by housing loans which would now qualify for 50% risk weight, and are issued by the housing finance companies regulated by the National Housing Banks is also reduced from 75% to 50%. In all other cases, it will be 100%. However the risk weight for commercial real estate exposure has been raised to 125% on July 26, 2005 and further to 150% on May 25, 2006. 12. DELHI HIGH COURT ORDER ON UNAUTHORISED CONSTRUCTION The Monitoring Committee constituted by the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi regarding Unauthorised Construction, Misuse of Properties and Encroachment on Public Land, has issued the following directions for immediate compliance by the banks/ Financial Institutions. A. Housing Loan for building construction i) In cases where the applicant owns a plot/land and approaches the banks/FIs for a credit facility to construct a house, a copy of the plan sanctioned by the competent authority in the name of a person applying for such credit facility must be obtained by the Banks/FIs before sanctioning the home loan. ii) An affidavit-cum-undertaking must be obtained from the person applying for such credit facility that he shall not violate the sanctioned plan, construction shall be strictly as per the sanctioned plan and it shall be the sole responsibility of the executant to obtain completion certificate within 3 months of completion of construction, failing which the bank shall have the power and the authority to recall the entire loan with interest, costs and other usual bank charges. iii) An Architect appointed by the bank must also certify at various stages of construction of building that the construction of the building is strictly as per sanctioned plan and shall also certify at a particular point of time that the completion certificate of the building issued by the competent authority has been obtained. B. Housing Loan of purchase of constructed property/ built up property i) In cases where the applicant approaches the bank/FIs for a credit facility to purchase the built up house/flat, it should be mandatory for him to declare by way of an affidavit-cum-undertaking that the built up property has been constructed as per the sanctioned plan and/or building bye-laws and as far as possible has a completion certificate also. ii) An Architect appointed by the bank must also certify before disbursement of the loan that the built up property is strictly as per sanctioned plan and/or building bye-laws. C. Unauthorised colonies No loan should be given in respect of those properties which fall in the category of unauthorized colonies unless and until they have been regularized and development and other charges paid. D. Commercial Property No loan should also be given in respect of properties meant for residential use but which the applicant intends to use for commercial purposes and declares so while applying for loan. 13. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR BANKS’ INVESTMENT IN MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MBS) (i) The right, title, and interest of an HFC in securitised housing loans and receivables there under should irrevocably be assigned in favour of a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) / Trust. (a) shall not own any share capital in the SPV or be the beneficiary of the Trust used as a vehicle for the purchase and securitisation of assets. Share capital for this purpose shall include all classes of common and preferred share capital, (b) shall not name the SPV in such manner as to imply any connection with the bank, (c) shall not have any directors, officers, or employees on the board of the SPV unless the board is made of at least three members and where there is a majority of independent directors. In addition, the official (s) representing the bank will not have veto powers, (e) shall not support any losses arising from the securitisation transaction or by investors involved in it or bear any of the recurring expenses of the transaction. (v) The loans to be securitised should be accorded an investment grade credit rating by any of the credit rating agencies at the time of assignment to the SPV. (vi) The investors should be entitled to call upon the issuer-SPV-to take steps for recovery in the event of default and distribute the net proceeds to the investors as per the terms of issue of MBS. 13.2 If the issue of MBS is in accordance with the terms and conditions stated in above paragraph and includes irrevocable transfer of risk and reward of housing loan assets to the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) / Trust, investment in such MBS by any bank would not be reckoned as an exposure on the HFC originating the securitised housing loan. However, it would be treated as an exposure on the underlying assets of the SPV/ Trust. HOUSING FINANCE (Vide paragraph 8) Financial assistance granted by scheduled commercial banks under the For use of RBI
Instructions for Compiling the Statement 1. This statement should invariably be prepared horizontally on paper of foolscap (32 cms x 21 cms), to facilitate computerised processing of the data. Further, the column numbers and item numbers should not be changed. 5. Loans to co-operative housing societies should be included under items 11 & 13 in Block I, only if the number of SC/ST members is more than 50% of the total membership. Master circular