Master Circular - Para-banking Activities - आरबीआय - Reserve Bank of India
Master Circular - Para-banking Activities
RBI/2012-13/72 July 2, 2012 All Scheduled Commercial Banks Dear Sir, Master Circular - Para-banking Activities Please refer to the Master Circular No.DBOD.FSD.BC.15/24.01.001/2011-12 dated July 1, 2011 consolidating the instructions/guidelines issued to banks till June 30, 2011 on para-banking activities. The Master Circular has been suitably updated by incorporating instructions issued upto June 30, 2012. The Master Circular has also been placed on the RBI website ( A copy of the Master Circular is enclosed. A separate Master Circular has been issued on the Credit Card Operations of banks. Yours faithfully (Sudha Damodar) Encl: As above
MASTER CIRCULAR – PARA-BANKING ACTIVITIES A. Purpose To provide a framework of rules/regulations/instructions to the Scheduled Commercial. Banks for undertaking certain financial services or para-banking activities as permitted by RBI. Banks should adopt adequate safeguards and implement the following guidelines in order to ensure that the financial services or para-banking activities undertaken by them are run on sound, and prudent lines. B. Classification A statutory guideline issued by the RBI C. Previous guidelines consolidated This Master Circular consolidates the instructions contained in the circulars listed in the Appendix. D. Scope of Application To all scheduled commercial banks (excluding RRBs) that undertake financial services or para-banking activities departmentally or through their subsidiaries or affiliated companies controlled by them. Structure
Annex-1 Financial Service Companies Banks can undertake certain eligible financial services or para-banking activities either departmentally or by setting up subsidiaries. Banks may form a subsidiary company for undertaking the types of business which a banking company is otherwise permitted to undertake, with prior approval of Reserve Bank of India. The instructions issued by Reserve Bank of India to banks for undertaking certain financial services or parabanking activities as permitted by RBI have been compiled in this Master Circular. Under the provisions of Section 19(1) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, banks may form subsidiary companies for (i) undertaking of any business which are permissible under clauses (a) to (o) of sub-section 1 of Section 6 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, (ii) carrying on the business of banking exclusively outside India, and (iii) for such other business purposes which Reserve Bank may, with prior approval of Central Government, consider to be conducive to the spread of banking in India or to be otherwise useful or necessary in public interest. Prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India should be taken by a bank to set up a subsidiary company. 3. Investment ceiling in subsidiaries and other companies Under the provisions of Section 19(2) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, a banking company cannot hold shares in any company whether as pledgee, mortgagee or absolute owner of an amount exceeding 30 per cent of the paid-up share capital of that company or 30 per cent of its own paid-up share capital and reserves, whichever is less. However, there are no statutory restrictions, unlike in the case of subsidiaries, on the activities of companies in which banks can hold equity within the ceiling laid down under section 19(2) of the B.R. Act. In other words, these companies could be both financial services companies as well as companies not engaged in financial services. 3.1) Prudential regulations for banks’ investments in subsidiaries and financial services companies a) Equity investments by a bank in a subsidiary company, or a financial services company including financial institution, stock and other exchanges, depositories, etc., which is not a subsidiary should not exceed 10 per cent of the bank’s paid-up share capital and reserves and the total investments made in all subsidiaries and all non-subsidiary financial services companies should not exceed 20 per cent of the bank’s paid-up share capital and reserves. b) Banks cannot, however, participate in the equity of financial services ventures;; including stock exchanges, depositories, etc. without obtaining the prior specific approval of the Reserve Bank of India notwithstanding the fact that such investments may be within the ceiling prescribed under Section 19(2) of the Banking Regulation Act. c) The cap of 20 per cent does not apply, nor is prior approval of RBI required, if investments in financial services companies are held under ‘Held for Trading’ category, and are not held beyond 90 days as envisaged in the Master Circular on Prudential norms for classification, valuation and operation of investment portfolio by banks. 3.2 Prudential regulation for banks’ investments in non-financial services companies Since investments in non-financial services companies do not require prior approval from RBI, banks could potentially acquire substantial equity holding in these companies within the provisions of Section 19 (2) of the BR Act. It is, therefore, possible that banks could, directly or indirectly through their holdings in other entities, exercise control on or have significant influence over such companies and thus, engage in activities directly or indirectly not permitted to banks. This would be against the spirit of the provisions of the Act and is not considered appropriate from prudential perspective. With the objective to limit investments in non-financial services companies, the following guidelines are laid down: a) Equity investment by a bank in companies engaged in non-financial services activities would be subject to a limit of 10 per cent of the investee company’s paid up share capital or 10 per cent of the bank’s paid up share capital and reserves, whichever is less. For the purpose of this limit, equity investments held under ‘Held for Trading’ category would also be reckoned. Investments within the above mentioned limits, irrespective of whether they are in the ‘Held for Trading’ category or otherwise, would not require prior approval of the Reserve Bank. b) Equity investments in any non-financial services company held by (a) a bank; (b) entities which are bank’s subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures or entities directly or indirectly controlled by the bank; and (c) mutual funds managed by AMCs controlled by the bank should in the aggregate not exceed 20 per cent of the investee company’s paid up share capital. c) A bank’s request for making investments in excess of 10 per cent of such investee company’s paid up share capital, but not exceeding 30 per cent, would be considered by RBI if the investee company is engaged in non financial activities which are permitted to banks in terms of Section 6(1) of the B. R. Act. d) A bank’s equity investments in subsidiaries and other entities that are engaged in financial services activities together with equity investments in entities engaged in non financial services activities should not exceed 20 per cent of the bank’s paid-up share capital and reserves. The cap of 20 per cent would not apply for investments classified under ‘Held for Trading’ category and which are not held beyond 90 days. e) Equity holding by a bank in excess of 10 per cent of non financial services investee company’s paid up capital would be permissible without RBI’s prior approval (subject to the statutory limit of 30 per cent in terms of Section 19 (2) of the B.R. Act) if the additional acquisition is through restructuring/CDR, or acquired by the bank to protect its interest on loans/investments made in a company. The equity investment in excess of 10 per cent of investee company’s paid up share capital in such cases would be exempted from the 20 per cent limit referred to above. However, banks will have to submit to RBI a time bound action plan for disposal of such shares within a specified period. 3.3 For the purposes of the above guidelines, Financial Services Companies shall have the meanings as detailed in Annex 1. Also, the terms subsidiary, associate or joint venture shall have the meanings assigned to them in Accounting Standards notified by the Central Government under Section 211(3c) of the Companies Act, 1956 (extract enclosed as Annex 2). 4. Relationship with subsidiaries The sponsor bank is required to maintain an "arms length" relationship from the subsidiary/mutual fund sponsored by it in regard to business parameters such as, taking undue advantage in borrowing/lending funds, transferring/selling/buying of securities at rates other than market rates, giving special consideration for securities transactions, overindulgence in supporting / financing the subsidiary, financing the bank's clients through them when the bank itself is not able or is not permitted to do so, etc. Supervision by the parent bank should not, however, result in interference in the day-to-day management of the affairs of the subsidiary/mutual fund. Banks should evolve appropriate strategies such as: a) The Board of Directors of the parent/sponsor bank may review the working of subsidiaries/mutual fund at periodical intervals (say once in six months) covering the major aspects relating to their functioning and give proper guidelines/suggestions for improvement, wherever considered necessary. b) The parent bank may cause inspection/audit of the books and accounts of the subsidiaries/mutual fund at periodical intervals, as appropriate, and ensure that the deficiencies noticed are rectified without lapse of time. If a bank's own inspection staff is not adequately equipped to undertake the inspection/audit, the task may be entrusted to outside agencies like firms of Chartered Accountants. In case there is technical difficulty for causing inspection/audit (e.g. on account of non-existence of an enabling clause in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the subsidiary or Asset Management Company), steps should be taken to amend the same suitably. c) Where banks have equity participation by way of portfolio investment in companies offering financial services, they may review the working of the latter at least on an annual basis. 5. Banks as sponsors to Infrastructure Debt Funds (IDFs) In order to accelerate and enhance the flow of long term funds to infrastructure projects for undertaking the Government’s ambitious programme of infrastructure development, scheduled commercial banks have been allowed to act as sponsors to Infrastructure Debt Funds (IDFs). IDFs can be set up either as Mutual Funds (MFs) or as Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs). While IDF-MFs will be regulated by SEBI (SEBI has amended the Mutual Funds Regulations to provide regulatory framework for IDF-MFs by inserting Chapter VI-B to the MF Regulations), IDF-NBFCs will be regulated by Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Banks can sponsor IDF-MFs and IDF-NBFCs with prior approval from RBI subject to the following conditions: i) Sponsor to IDF-MF Banks may act as sponsors to IDF–MFs subject to adherence to SEBI regulations in this regard. ii) Sponsor to IDF – NBFC A bank acting as sponsor of IDF–NBFC shall contribute a minimum equity of 30 per cent and maximum equity of 49 per cent of the IDF-NBFC. Since in terms of Section 19 (2) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, a bank cannot hold shares in excess of 30 per cent of the paid up share capital of a company, unless it is a subsidiary, Reserve Bank would, based on merits, recommend to the Government to grant exemption from the provisions of Section 19(2) of the Act, ( i.e. under Section 53 of the Act ibid) for investment in excess of 30 per cent and upto 49 per cent in the equity of the IDF-NBFC. iii) General conditions for banks to act as sponsors to IDFs – both under MF and NBFC structures a) Investment by a bank in the equity of a single IDF – MF and NBFC should not exceed 10 per cent of the bank’s paid up share capital and reserves. b) Investment in the equity of a bank in subsidiary companies, financial and non-financial services companies, financial institutions, stock and other exchanges put together should not exceed 20 per cent of bank’s paid up share capital and reserves and this limit will also cover bank’s investments in IDFs as sponsors. c) Banks’ exposures to IDFs - (MFs and NBFCs) by way of contribution to paid up capital as sponsors will form part of their capital market exposure and should be within the regulatory limits specified in this regard. d) Banks should have clear Board laid down policies and limits for their overall infrastructure exposure which should include their exposures as sponsors to IDFs - (MFs and NBFCs). e) The IDFs - (MFs and NBFCs) should make a disclosure in the prospectus / offer document at the time of inviting investments that the sponsoring bank's liability is limited to the extent of its contribution to the paid up capital. 6. Equipment leasing, Hire purchase business and Factoring services 6.1 With the prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India, banks can form subsidiary companies for undertaking equipment leasing, hire purchase business and factoring services. The subsidiaries formed should primarily be engaged in any of these activities and such other activities as are incidental to equipment leasing, hire purchase business and factoring services. In other words, they should not engage themselves in direct lending or carrying on of activities which are not approved by the Reserve Bank and financing of other companies or concerns engaged in equipment leasing, hire purchase business and factoring services. 6.2 Banks can also undertake equipment leasing, hire purchase and factoring services departmentally. Prior approval of the RBI is not necessary for undertaking these activities departmentally. The banks should, however, report to the RBI about the nature of these activities together with the names of the branches from where these activities are taken up. The banks should comply with the following prudential guidelines when they undertake these activities departmentally:
7. Primary Dealership Business The permitted structure of Primary Dealership (PD) business has been expanded to include banks and banks fulfilling the following minimum eligibility criteria may apply to the Reserve Bank of India for approval for undertaking Primary Dealership (PD) business. 7.1 Eligibility Criteria The following categories of banks may apply for PD licence: i) Banks, which do not at present, have a partly or wholly owned subsidiary and fulfill the following criteria:
ii) Indian banks, undertaking PD business through a partly or wholly owned subsidiary and proposing to undertake PD business departmentally by merging/ taking over PD business from their partly/ wholly owned subsidiary should fulfill the criteria mentioned in 7.1.(i) (a) to (c) above. iii) Foreign banks operating in India, proposing to undertake PD business departmentally by merging the PD business being undertaken by group companies should fulfill criteria at 7.1.(i) (a) to (c). 7.2 Application for Primary Dealership Banks eligible to apply for Primary Dealership should approach Department of Banking Operations and Development, Reserve Bank of India for in-principle approval. On obtaining an in-principle approval from DBOD, banks may then apply to Internal Debt Management Department, Reserve Bank of Indiafor an authorization for undertaking PD business departmentally. 7.3 Authorization The authorization granted by the Reserve Bank will be initially for a period of one year (July-June) and thereafter, RBI will review the authorization on a yearly basis. 7.4 Obligations of Bank-PDs The Bank-PDs will be subject to underwriting and all other obligations as applicable to standalone PDs. 7.5 Prudential Norms i) No separate capital adequacy requirement is prescribed for PD business. The usual capital adequacy requirement/risk management guidelines applicable for a bank will also apply to its PD business. The bank undertaking PD activity may put in place adequate risk management systems to measure and provide for the risks emanating from the PD activity. ii) The Government Dated Securities and Treasury Bills under PD business will count for SLR, if they are notified by RBI as SLR securities. iii) The classification, valuation and operation of investment portfolio guidelines as applicable to banks in regard to “Held for Trading“ portfolio will also apply to the portfolio of Government Dated Securities and Treasury Bills earmarked for PD business. iv) The banks shall have to maintain separate SGL accounts for their subsidiaries. The bank should also develop proper MIS in this regard. 7.6 Regulation and Supervision i) RBI’s instructions to Primary Dealers will apply to Bank-PDs to the extent applicable. ii) As banks have access to the call money market and the Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) of RBI, Bank-PDs will not have separate access to these facilities. iii) RBI will conduct on-site inspection of Bank-PD business. iv) Bank-PDs will be required to submit prescribed returns, as advised by RBI from time to time. v) A Bank-PD should bring to the RBI’s attention any major complaint against it or action initiated / taken against it by the authorities such as the Stock Exchanges, SEBI, CBI, Enforcement Directorate, Income Tax, etc. vi) Reserve Bank of India reserves the right to cancel the Bank-PD authorisation if, in its view, the concerned bank has not fulfilled any of the prescribed eligibility and performance criteria. 7.7 Applicability of the guidelines issued for Primary Dealers to banks-PDs i) The bank-PDs are expected to join Primary Dealers Association of India (PDAI) and Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association (FIMMDA) and abide by the code of conduct framed by them and such other actions initiated by them in the interests of the securities markets. ii) The requirement of ensuring minimum investment in Government Securities and Treasury Bills on a daily basis based on net call / RBI borrowing and Net Owned Funds will not be applicable to bank-PDs. iii) It is clarified that for the purpose of "when-issued trades" permitted vide circular IDMD.No/3426 /11.01.01 (D)/2005-06 dated May 3, 2006, bank-PDs will be treated as Primary Dealers. iv) Bank-PDs shall be guided by the extant guidelines applicable to the banks as regards borrowing in call / notice / term money market, Inter-Corporate Deposits, FCNR (B) loans / External Commercial Borrowings and other sources of funds. v) The investment policy of the bank may be suitably amended to include PD activities also. Within the overall framework of the investment policy, the PD business undertaken by the bank will be limited to dealing, underwriting and market-making in Government Securities. Investments in Corporate /PSU / FIs bonds, Commercial Papers, Certificate of deposits, debt mutual funds and other fixed income securities will not be deemed to be a part of PD business. 7.8 Maintenance of books and accounts i) The transactions related to Primary Dealership business, undertaken by a bank departmentally, would be executed through the existing Subsidiary General Ledger (SGL) account of the bank. However, such banks will have to maintain separate books of accounts for transactions relating to PD business (distinct from normal banking business) with necessary audit trails. It should be ensured that, at any point of time, there is a minimum balance of Rs. 100 crore of Government Securities earmarked for PD business. ii) Bank-PDs should subject the transactions by PD department to concurrent audit. An auditors' certificate for having maintained the minimum stipulated balance of Rs. 100 crore of Government Securities in the PD-book on an ongoing basis and having adhered to the guidelines / instructions issued by RBI, should be forwarded to IDMD, RBI on quarterly basis. 8. Underwriting of Corporate Shares and Debentures Generally, there are demands on the banks for underwriting the issues of shares and debentures. In order to ensure that there is no overexposure to underwriting commitments, the guidelines detailed below should be strictly adhered to:
9. Underwriting of bonds of Public Sector Undertakings The banks can play a useful role in relation to issue of bonds by Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) by underwriting a part of these issues. Banks should subject the proposals for underwriting to proper scrutiny having regard to all the relevant factors and accept such commitments only on well-reasoned commercial considerations with the approval of the appropriate authority. The banks should formulate their own internal guidelines as approved by their Boards of Directors on investments in and underwriting of PSU bonds, including norms to ensure that excessive investment in any single PSU is avoided. Banks should undertake an annual review of the underwriting operations relating to bonds of the public sector undertakings, with PSU-wise details of such operations, bonds devolved on the banks, the loss (or expected loss) from unloading the devolved bonds indicating the face-value and market value thereof, the commission earned, etc. and place the same before their Boards of Directors within two months from the close of the fiscal year. i) Prior approval of the RBI should be obtained by banks before undertaking mutual fund business. Bank-sponsored mutual funds should comply with guidelines issued by SEBI from time to time. ii) The bank-sponsored mutual funds should not use the name of the sponsoring bank as part of their name. Where a bank's name has been associated with a mutual fund, a suitable disclaimer clause should be inserted while publicising new schemes that the bank is not liable or responsible for any loss or shortfall resulting from the operations of the scheme. iii) Banks may enter into agreements with mutual funds for marketing the mutual fund units subject to the following terms and conditions:
11. Money Market Mutual Funds (MMMFs) MMMFs would come under the purview of SEBI regulations. Banks and Financial Institutions desirous of setting up MMMFs would however have to seek necessary clearance from RBI for undertaking this additional activity before approaching SEBI for registration. 12. Cheque writing facility for investors of Money Market Mutual Funds (MMMFs) Banks are permitted to tie-up with MMMFs as also with MFs in respect of Gilt Funds and Liquid Income Schemes which predominantly invest in money market instruments (not less than 80 per cent of the corpus) to offer cheque writing facilities to investors subject to the following safeguards:
13. Entry of banks into Insurance business With the issuance of Government of India Notification dated August 3, 2000, specifying ‘Insurance’ as a permissible form of business that could be undertaken by banks under Section 6(1)(o) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, banks were advised that any bank intending to undertake insurance business as per the guidelines set out in the Annex-3 should obtain prior approval of Reserve Bank of India before engaging in such business. Banks may, therefore, submit necessary applications to RBI furnishing full details in respect of the parameters as specified in the above guidelines, details of equity contribution proposed in the joint venture/strategic investment, the name of the company with whom the bank would have tie-up arrangements in any manner in insurance business, etc. The relative Board note and Resolution passed thereon approving the bank’s proposal together with viability report prepared in this regard may also be forwarded to Reserve Bank. However, insurance business will not be permitted to be undertaken departmentally by the banks. Further, banks need not obtain prior approval of the RBI for engaging in insurance agency business or referral arrangement without any risk participation, subject to certain conditions (Annex- 4). 14. Smart/ Debit Card Business 14.1 Banks may introduce smart/on-line debit cards with the approval of their Boards, keeping in view the Guidelines contained in Annex-5. In the case of debit cards, where authorization and settlement are off-line or where either authorization or settlement is off-line, banks should obtain prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India for introduction of the same by submitting the details on the mode of authorization and settlement, authentication method employed, technology used, tie-ups with other agencies/service providers (if any), together with Board note/Resolution. However, only banks with networth of Rs.100 crore and above should undertake issue of off-line debit cards. Banks cannot issue smart/debit cards in tie-up with other non-bank entities. Banks should review operations of smart/debit cards and put up review notes to their Boards at half-yearly intervals, say at the end of March and September, every year. A report on the operations of smart/debit cards issued by banks should be forwarded to the Department of Payment and Settlement Systems (DPSS) with a copy to the concerned Regional Office of Department of Banking Supervision on a half yearly basis, say at the end of March and September every year, incorporating information as indicated in Annex-6. There is no objection to banks offering incentives to promote debit card usage without prior approval of RBI, provided that no element of lottery or chance is involved in such incentive schemes. 14.2 As regards prepaid cards, banks may be guided by the instructions contained in the circular DPSS.CO.PD.No.1873/02.14.06/2008-09 dated April 27, 2009 issued by Department of Payment and Settlement Systems, Reserve Bank of India as amended from time to time. 15. Pension Funds Management by banks Consequent upon the issue of Government of India Notification F.No.13/6/2005-BOA dated May 24, 2007 specifying “acting as Pension Fund Manager” as a form of business in which it would be lawful for a banking company to engage in, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (o) of sub-section (1) of Section 6 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, banks have been advised that they may undertake Pension Funds Management (PFM) through their subsidiaries set up for the purpose. This would be subject to their satisfying the eligibility criteria prescribed by PFRDA for Pension Fund Managers. PFM should not be undertaken departmentally. Banks intending to undertake pension funds management as per the guidelines set out in Annex-7 should obtain prior approval of Reserve Bank of India before engaging in such business furnishing full details in respect of the various eligibility criteria as specified in the Annex-7 along with the details of the equity contribution proposed to be made in the subsidiary. The relative Board Note and Resolution passed thereon approving the bank’s proposal together with a detailed viability report prepared in this regard may also be forwarded to Reserve Bank. There is no objection to banks offering referral services to their customers for financial products subject to the following conditions:
17. Membership of currency futures exchanges Scheduled commercial banks (AD Category I) have been permitted to become trading / clearing members of the currency derivatives segment to be set up by the Stock Exchanges recognized by SEBI, subject to their fulfilling the following prudential requirements.
Banks which fulfill the conditions mentioned above should lay down detailed guidelines with Board's approval for conduct of this activity and management of risks. It should be ensured that the bank’s position is kept distinct from the clients' position. In case of supervisory discomfort with the functioning of a bank, the Reserve Bank may impose restrictions on the bank regarding the conduct of this business as it deems fit. The banks which do not meet the above minimum prudential requirements are permitted to participate in the currency futures market only as clients. Reserve Bank had observed that some banks/their subsidiaries were providing buy back facilities under the name of ‘Safety Net’ Schemes in respect of certain public issues as part of their merchant banking activities. Under such schemes, large exposures are assumed by way of commitments to buy the relative securities from the original investors at any time during a stipulated period at a price determined at the time of issue, irrespective of the prevailing market price. In some cases, such schemes were offered suo motto without any request from the company whose issues are supported under the schemes. Apparently, there was no undertaking in such cases from the issuers to buy the securities. There is also no income commensurate with the risk of loss built into these schemes, as the investor will take recourse to the facilities offered under the schemes only when the market value of the securities falls below the pre-determined price. Banks/their subsidiaries have therefore been advised that they should refrain from offering such ‘Safety Net’ facilities by whatever name called. 19. Disclosure of commissions/ remunerations Further, in some cases, banks have also been permitted to offer discretionary Portfolio Management Services, through their subsidiaries, subject to certain conditions. In all the activities referred to above, it is likely that banks may be marketing / referring, several competing products of various mutual fund / insurance / financial services companies to their customers. Keeping in view the need for transparency in the interest of the customers to whom the products are being marketed / referred, the banks are advised to disclose to the customers, details of all the commissions / other fees (in any form) received, if any, from the various mutual fund / insurance / other financial services companies for marketing / referring their products. This disclosure would be required even in cases where the bank is marketing/ distributing/ referring products of only one mutual fund/ insurance companies etc. In order to increase transparency in the financial statements of banks, Reserve Bank of India has from time to time issued circulars to banks requiring disclosures in the 'Notes to Accounts' to their Balance Sheet. As a further step in enhancing transparency, it has been decided that banks should disclose in the 'Notes to Accounts', from the year ending March 31, 2010, the details of fees / remuneration received in respect of the bancassurance business undertaken by them. Financial Services Companies For the purpose of prudential guidelines on investments in subsidiaries and other companies, ‘financial services companies’ are companies engaged in the ‘business of financial services’. The ‘business of financial services’ means – i) the forms of business enumerated in clauses (a), (c), (d), (e) of sub-section (1) of section 6 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and notified under clause (o) of sub-section (1) of section 6 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949; ii) the forms of business enumerated in clause (c) and clause (f) of Section 45 I of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934; iii) business of credit information as provided under the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005; iv) operation of a payment system as defined under the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007; v) operation of a stock exchange, commodity exchange, derivatives exchange or other exchange of similar nature; vi) operation of a depository as provided under the Depositories Act, 1996; vii) business of a securitization or reconstruction company as provided under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002; viii) business of a merchant banker, portfolio manager, stock broker, sub-broker, share transfer agent, trustee of trust deeds, registrar to an issue, merchant banker, underwriter, debenture trustee, investment adviser and such other intermediary as provided in the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 and the regulations made thereunder; ix) business of a credit rating agency as defined in Securities and Exchange Board of India (Credit Rating Agencies) Regulations, 1999; x) business of a collective investment scheme as defined under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992; xi) business of managing a pension fund; xii) business of an authorized person as defined under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999; and xiii) such other business as may be specified by the Reserve Bank from time to time. Definition of Subsidiary, Associates, Joint Ventures, ‘Control and Significant Influence’ in terms of Indian Accounting Standards Accounting Standards 18, 21, 23 and 27 define the above mentioned terms. An Associate is an enterprise in which the investor has significant influence and which is neither a subsidiary nor a Joint venture of the investor, and Joint Venture is a contractual arrangement whereby two or more parties undertake an economic activity, which is subject to joint control. Significant Influence is the power to participate in the financial and/or operating policy decisions of the investee but not control over their policies. Control –
Control exists when the parent owns, directly or indirectly through subsidiary (ies), more than one-half of the voting power of an enterprise. Control also exists when an enterprise controls the composition of the board of directors (in the case of a company) or of the corresponding governing body (in case of an enterprise not being a company) so as to obtain economic benefits from its activities. An enterprise is considered to control the composition of the board of directors of a company, if it has the power, without the consent or concurrence of any other person, to appoint or remove all or a majority of directors of that company. An enterprise is deemed to have the power to appoint a director, if any, if the following conditions are satisfied.
For the purpose of AS 23, significant influence does not extend to power to govern the financial and/or operating policies of an enterprise. Significant influence may be gained by share ownership, statute or agreement. As regards share ownership, if an investor holds, directly or indirectly through subsidiary (ies), 20% or more of the voting power of the investee, it is presumed that the investor has significant influence, unless it can be clearly demonstrated that this is not the case. Conversely, if the investor holds, directly or indirectly through subsidiary (ies), less than 20% of the voting power of the investee, it is presumed that the investor does not have significant influence, unless such influence can be clearly demonstrated. A substantial or major ownership by another investor does not necessarily preclude an investor from having significant influence. The existence of significant influence by an investor is usually evidenced in one or more of the following ways:
Entry of banks into Insurance business 1. Scheduled commercial banks are permitted to undertake insurance business as agent of insurance companies on fee basis, without any risk participation. The subsidiaries of banks will also be allowed to undertake distribution of insurance product on agency basis. 2. Banks which satisfy the eligibility criteria given below will be permitted to set up a joint venture company for undertaking insurance business with risk participation, subject to safeguards. The maximum equity such a bank can hold in the joint venture company will normally be 50 per cent of the paid-up capital of the insurance company. On a selective basis, the Reserve Bank of India may permit a higher equity contribution by a promoter bank initially, pending divestment of equity within the prescribed period (see Note 1 below). The eligibility criteria for joint venture participant are as under:
3. In cases where a foreign partner contributes 26 per cent of the equity with the approval of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority/Foreign Investment Promotion Board, more than one public sector bank or private sector bank may be allowed to participate in the equity of the insurance joint venture. As such participants will also assume insurance risk, only those banks which satisfy the criteria given in paragraph 2 above, would be permitted. 4. A subsidiary of a bank or of another bank will not normally be allowed to join the insurance company on risk participation basis. Subsidiaries would include bank subsidiaries undertaking merchant banking, securities, mutual fund, leasing finance, housing finance business, etc. 5. Banks which are not eligible as joint venture participant as above, can make investments up to 10% of their networth or Rs.50 crore, whichever is lower, in the insurance company for providing infrastructure and services support. Such participation shall be treated as an investment and should be without any contingent liability for the bank. The eligibility criteria for these banks will be as under:
Note :
Entry of banks into Insurance business - insurance agency business/ referral arrangement The banks need not obtain prior approval of the RBI for engaging in insurance agency business or referral arrangement without any risk participation, subject to the following conditions:
Guidelines for Issue of Smart Cards/Debit Cards by banks 1. Coverage The guidelines apply to the smart cards/cards encompassing all or any of the following operations:
2. Cash Withdrawals No cash transaction, that is, cash withdrawals or deposits should be offered at the Point of Sale, with the smart/debit cards under any facility, without prior authorization of RBI under Section 23 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. 3. Eligibility of Customers The banks can issue smart (both on-line and off-line)/on-line debit cards to select customers with good financial standing even if they have maintained the accounts with the banks for less than six months subject to their ensuring the implementation of 'Know Your Customer' concept as stipulated in para 9.2 of the Report of the Study Group on Large Value Bank Frauds forwarded vide circular No.DBS. FGV.BC.56/23.04.001/98-99 dated 21st June 1999. However, banks introducing off-line mode of operation of debit cards should adhere to the minimum period of satisfactory maintenance of accounts for six months. Banks can extend the smart card/ debit card facility to those having saving bank account/current account/fixed deposit accounts with built-in liquidity features maintained by individuals, corporate bodies and firms. Smart card/debit card facility should not be extended to cash credit/loan account holders. The banks can, however, issue on-line debit cards against personal loan accounts, where operations through cheques are permitted. 4. Treatment of Liability The outstanding balances/unspent balances stored on the smart/debit cards shall be subject to the computation for the purpose of maintenance of reserve requirements. This position will be computed on the basis of the balances appearing in the books of the bank as on the date of reporting. 5. Payment of Interest In case of smart cards having stored value (as in case of the off-line mode of operation of the smart card), no interest may be paid on the balances transferred to the smart cards. In case of debit cards or on line smart cards, the payment of interest should be in accordance with the interest rate directives issued to banks from time to time under Sections 21 and 35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. 6. Security and other aspects (a) The bank shall ensure full security of the smart card. The security of the smart card shall be the responsibility of the bank and the losses incurred by any party on account of breach of security, failure of the security mechanism shall be borne by the bank. (b) In terms of instructions contained in the circular RBI/DPSS. No.1 501/02.14.003/2008-09 dated February 18, 2009 and amendments thereof, issued by Department of Payment and Settlement Systems, Reserve Bank of India on security issues and risk mitigation measures relating to online card not present transactions using Credit/Debit cards, banks were advised to put in place
(c) No bank shall dispatch a card to a customer unsolicited, except in the case where the card is a replacement for a card already held by the customer. (d) Banks shall keep for a sufficient period of time, internal records to enable operations to be traced and errors to be rectified (taking into account the law of limitation for the time barred cases). (e) The cardholder shall be provided with a written record of the transaction after he has completed it, either immediately in the form of receipt or within a reasonable period of time in another form such as the customary bank statement. (f) The cardholder shall bear the loss sustained up to the time of notification to the bank of any loss, theft or copying of the card but only up to a certain limit (of fixed amount or a percentage of the transaction agreed upon in advance between the cardholder and the bank), except where the cardholder acted fraudulently, knowingly or with extreme negligence. (g) Each bank shall provide means whereby his customers may at any time of the day or night notify the loss, theft or copying of their payment devices. (h) On receipt of notification of the loss, theft or copying of the card, the bank shall take all action open to it to stop any further use of the card. 7. Terms and Conditions for issue The relationship between the bank and the card holder shall be contractual. In case of contractual relationship between the cardholder and the bank:
Reporting format for the issue and operations of Smart Cards/Debit Cards Name of the bank: 2. Period of reporting: 3. Type of the card with the hardware components – (I.C. Chip) e.g. magnetic stripe, CPU, memory: 4. Type of the software used: 5. Names of products offered through the smart card: 6. Limits on the storage of the amount: 7. Re-loadability features: 8. Security standards followed: 9. Service provider: (self or otherwise) 10. Total no. of outlets where the smart cards can be used of which:
11. Total no of cards issued of which :
12. Total amount of balance stored on the smart cards as on the date of reporting: 13. Total amount of unspent balance on the smart cards as on the date of reporting: 14. Total no. of transactions during the period: 15. Amount involved in the total no. of transactions: 16. Transaction settlement mechanism (full procedure):
17. Instances of fraud, if any, during the period
Guidelines for banks' acting as Pension Fund Managers 1. Eligibility Criteria Banks will be allowed to undertake Pension Fund Management (PFM) through their subsidiaries only. Pension Fund Management should not be undertaken departmentally. Banks may lend their names/abbreviations to their subsidiaries formed for Pension Fund Management, for leveraging their brand names and associated benefits thereto, only subject to the banks maintaining ‘arms length' relationship with the subsidiary. In order to provide adequate safeguards against associated risks and ensure that only strong and credible banks enter into the business of pension fund management, the banks complying with the following eligibility criteria (as also the solvency margin prescribed by PFRDA) may approach the Reserve Bank of India for necessary permission to enter into the business of pension funds management:
2. Pension Fund Subsidiary - Safeguards The banks fulfilling the above eligibility criteria as also the criteria prescribed by PFRDA for Pension Fund Managers will be permitted to set up subsidiaries for pension fund management subject to the following conditions:
List of Circulars consolidated in the Master Circular