Merger of Districts in the state of Assam - Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility - आरबीआय - Reserve Bank of India
Merger of Districts in the state of Assam - Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility
RBI/2023-24/22 April 26, 2023 The Chairman / Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer Madam/Dear Sir, Merger of Districts in the state of Assam – Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility The Government of Assam vide Gazette Notification ECF No.263174/1, ECF No.263174/2 and ECF No.263174/3 all dated December 31, 2022 had notified merger of Biswanath, Hojai and Bajali districts with the original undivided districts of Sonitpur, Nagaon and Barpeta respectively, in the state of Assam. 2. In view of the above, it has been decided that existing Lead Banks to continue with the lead bank responsibility of the original undivided districts (including merged back districts) as under:
3. There is no change in the Lead Banks of other districts in the state of Assam. Yours sincerely, (Sonali Sen Gupta) |