Priority Sector Lending Scheme for financing Agriclinics and Agribusiness Centres - आरबीआय - Reserve Bank of India
Priority Sector Lending Scheme for
financing Agriclinics and Agribusiness Centres
RPCD.PLFS.BC.No. 18 /05.02.02/2001-02
August 31, 2001
The Chairman/Managing Director/
Chief Executive Officer
All Scheduled Commercial Banks
(excluding RRBs)
Dear Sir
Priority Sector Lending Scheme for
financing Agriclinics and Agribusiness Centres
It has been decided that finance granted under the Scheme of financing ‘Agriclinics’ and ‘Agribusiness Centres’ communicated in terms of NABARD Circular No.DPD.FS/12/2001-02 dated 23 July, 2001 will qualify for inclusion under "Indirect Finance to Agriculture under Priority Sector Lending".
This may be taken into account in reporting of advances in the half-yearly returns on Priority Sector Lending.
Yours faithfully
(Smt. Vani Sharma)
Chief General Manager