RBI/2016-17/192 DGBA.GAD.No.1478/15.01.001/2016-17 December 22, 2016 The Chairman/Chief Executive Officer Agency Banks handling Special Deposit Scheme,1975 Dear Sir, Special Deposit Scheme 1975 – Payment of interest for the calendar year 2016 Please find enclosed copies of Government of India Gazette Notifications dated April 20, 2015, June 3, 2016, June 30, 2016 and October 3, 2016 regarding interest rates on Special Deposit Scheme 1975. You may please ensure that interest for the calendar year 2016 for the Special Deposit Scheme 1975 is disbursed to the account holders as per rates mentioned therein. The disbursement may be made through electronic mode or by way of account payee cheques on January 2, 2017 itself (January 1, 2017 being Sunday), subject to instructions, as applicable now, contained in our circular CO.DT.No.15.01.001/H-3527/2003-04 dated December 30, 2003. Yours faithfully, (V.S.Prajish) Assistant General Manager Encl : 4 |