Tender for Competitive Bids - 7.56 per cent - आरबीआय - Reserve Bank of India
Tender for Competitive Bids - 7.56 per cent
Annexure I The Regional Director, Dear Sir, Tender for “7.56 percent Government Stock, 2014” for an aggregate amount of Rs.6,000 crore : Auction to be held on November 14, 2008. iii) SGL Code, if any iv) Telephone No. 1. On your acceptance of my/our bid, i) I/we agree/undertake to immediately collect the letter of acceptance from your office and to deposit the requisite amount at Reserve Bank of India, Fort, Mumbai on the day/time as indicated therein. ii) I/We authorise you to debit my/our current account maintained with Reserve Bank of India with the requisite amount. 2. I/We have read the terms and conditions of bid for the auction to be held on the captioned date and undertake to abide by them. 3. I/We have also submitted another bid(s)/not submitted any other bid (strike out which is not necessary) for the auction to be held on the captioned date. Yours faithfully, Signature and Dated : $$ If the application is on behalf of a Constituent, indicate the name of the Constituent. Notes 1. If the applicant's signature is by thumb mark, it should be witnessed by two persons. The full name, occupation and address of the witnesses should be appended to their signature. 2. If the application is made in the name of a registered body, the under noted documents, if not already registered at the Public Debt Office, should be submitted to the Public Debt Office along with the investment amount: i) Certificate of Incorporation/Registration in original or a copy thereof certified as true by the Issuing authority under his official seal. ii) Certified copies of Memorandum and Articles of Association or the rules and regulations/ Bye-Laws of the Company/body. iii) Certified copy of resolution in favour of person/s authorised to deal in government securities on behalf of the company/body together with his/their duly attested specimen signature(s). 3. Applicant should also complete a Mandate Form (obtainable from the Public Debt Office) for remittance of half-yearly interest on Stock Certificate/s issued to them. Terms and Conditions 2. Separate tender form should be completed for each bid. 3. Results of the auction would be displayed at Reserve Bank of India, Fort, Mumbai. 4. The Reserve Bank of India will have full discretion to accept or reject any or all bids either wholly or partially, if deemed fit, without assigning any reason. 5. Tenderer should check for himself the result of the auction and, if successful, collect the letter of acceptance of the tender from the Reserve Bank of India, Fort, Mumbai. 6. In the case of accepted tenders, the Government Stock would be issued for the nominal amount applied for at a price as given in the bid. 7. Payment shall be made at the Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai Office, Fort, Mumbai, in cash or by cheque drawn on it, or by Banker's Pay Order payable at Mumbai or by debit to current account maintained with Reserve Bank of India and the required amount shall be deposited by the close of banking hours on November 17, 2008. 8. The Government Stock will be issued to the parties by credit to their Subsidiary General Ledger Account maintained with Reserve Bank of India and in the form of Stock Certificates to others. |