Exchange Facility for Public in Pedder Road - आरबीआय - Reserve Bank of India
Exchange Facility for Public in Pedder Road
With a view to enlarging the exchange facility to the public, the Reserve Bank of India has made special arrangement for distribution of packets of Rs.5 notes and coins in Pedder Road. The facility will be offered on Friday, June 27, 2003 between 11.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. at Allahabad Bank, Pedder Road, Mumbai-400 026.
In order to make available clean currency notes to public in adequate quantity, the Reserve Bank has taken several steps in the recent past. These include making arrangements with the postal authorities in Mumbai for distribution of coins through the post offices in Maharashtra and Goa and opening one currency chest branch on one Sunday in a month at selected centers to exclusively provide currency exchange and distribution of small coins and suck out the bad notes.
P.V. Sadanandan
Press Release : 2002-2003/1320