RBI issues Draft Guidelines for NoC to open Offices or Undertaking Investment Abroad by NBFCs - आरबीआय - Reserve Bank of India
RBI issues Draft Guidelines for NoC to open Offices or Undertaking Investment Abroad by NBFCs
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) today posted on its website the draft Guidelines for extending No Objection Certificate (NoC) for opening of branch/subsidiary/representative office or undertaking investment abroad by Non Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs). The Reserve Bank evolved the draft guidelines as it had been receiving requests from NBFCs for NoC to open branch/subsidiary/joint venture abroad or to invest in foreign entities. The guidelines will be kept in view while considering application for NoC. To adopt a consultative approach, the guidelines have been placed on the Reserve Bank's website (www.rbi.org.in) for study by a wider audience. Comments/suggestions may please be sent by e-mail at the earliest but within 30 days of the publication of the guidelines for consideration of the Reserve Bank. Alpana Killawala Press Release: 2007-2008/977 |