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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

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Appendix Table VI.3: Consolidated Balance Sheet of NBFC-ML

(Amount in ₹ crore)
Item End-March 2022 End-March 2023 End-March 2024 End-September 2024 Percentage variation 2023-24
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Share Capital 1,04,939 1,14,559 1,38,135 1,38,675 20.6
2. Reserves & Surplus 5,30,934 6,48,921 7,62,594 8,49,827 17.5
3. Public Deposits 22,955 20,457 19,893 19,805 -2.8
4. Total Borrowings (A+B) 19,56,046 22,25,527 24,92,619 27,32,471 12.0
A. Secured Borrowings 9,60,375 11,03,359 11,96,921 13,24,646 8.5
A.1. Debentures 3,82,786 4,07,723 4,09,113 4,59,375 0.3
A.2. Borrowings from Banks 4,80,610 5,86,352 6,61,971 7,16,981 12.9
A.3. Borrowings from FIs 38,342 43,213 50,288 61,085 16.4
A.4. Interest Accrued 11,646 9,055 8,783 25,506 -3.0
A.5. Others 46,992 57,016 66,767 61,699 17.1
B. Un-Secured Borrowings 9,95,670 11,22,168 12,95,697 14,07,825 15.5
B.1. Debentures 4,26,736 4,72,806 5,48,440 5,92,154 16.0
B.2. Borrowings from Banks 1,74,038 2,12,199 2,56,574 2,64,870 20.9
B.3. Borrowings from FIs 9,654 13,071 17,424 19,114 33.3
B.4. Borrowings from Relatives 1,947 1,983 1,924 1,968 -2.9
B.5. Inter-Corporate Borrowings 71,454 80,864 79,199 89,398 -2.1
B.6. Commercial Paper 44,058 43,979 51,228 67,816 16.5
B.7. Interest Accrued 15,468 15,827 18,452 20,147 16.6
B.8. Others 2,52,316 2,81,440 3,22,455 3,52,358 14.6
5. Current Liabilities & Provisions 2,58,081 2,76,605 2,95,846 3,39,029 7.0
Total Liabilities/ Total Assets 28,72,954 32,86,069 37,09,086 40,79,806 12.9
1. Loans & Advances 21,68,501 24,81,353 28,41,857 30,98,474 14.5
1.1. Secured 15,29,369 16,71,978 22,19,451 23,44,006 32.7
1.2. Un-Secured 6,39,132 8,09,375 6,22,406 7,54,469 -23.1
2. Investments 3,84,350 4,40,663 5,29,071 6,03,877 20.1
2.1. Govt. Securities 39,729 56,212 71,513 86,911 27.2
2.2. Equity Shares 2,22,535 2,40,725 3,18,383 3,56,681 32.3
2.3. Preference Shares 4,313 17,360 12,069 6,256 -30.5
2.4. Debentures & Bonds 30,018 31,679 33,943 41,315 7.1
2.5. Units of Mutual Funds 58,022 53,350 50,156 66,522 -6.0
2.6. Commercial Paper 1,714 1,620 1,542 2,535 -4.8
2.7. Other Investments 28,019 39,717 41,465 43,658 4.4
3. Cash & Bank Balances 1,22,616 1,26,856 1,29,194 1,45,047 1.8
3.1. Cash in Hand 4,469 5,704 5,594 3,590 -1.9
3.2. Deposits with Banks 1,11,376 1,10,830 1,13,061 1,29,761 2.0
4. Others 1,97,487 2,37,197 2,08,963 2,32,409 -11.9
Memo Items          
1. Capital Market Exposure 1,91,700 2,29,625 3,25,328 3,00,167 41.7
of which: Equity Shares 1,54,711 1,76,717 2,55,008 2,25,988 44.3
2. CME as per cent to Total Assets 6.7 7.0 8.8 7.4  
3. Leverage Ratio 2.4 2.2 2.0 2.1  
Notes: 1. Data are provisional.
2. Data given for 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24 are for NBFCs (excluding CICs, HFCs & SPDs) falling in Upper layer and Middle layer as on March 31, 2024.
3. Percentage figures are rounded-off.
Source: Quarterly returns of NBFCs, RBI.


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