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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

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                                                                                                                           (Rs. in crores)
             Items                        1990-91                    1992-93                     1993-94                    1994-95
                                 Credit    Debit     Net    Credit    Debit      Net    Credit    Debit     Net    Credit    Debit     Net
               1                    2        3        4        5        6         7        8        9       10       11       12       13
I. MERCHANDISE                   33152.6  50086.2 -16933.6  54762.0   68862.9 -14100.9  71146.0  78630.3  -7484.3  84328.5 106155.2 -21826.7

II.INVISIBLES (a+b+c)            13393.6  13828.5   -434.9  23901.0   22563.6   1337.4  30262.2  26413.7   3848.5  42245.1  31001.0  11244.1

a) Services                       8167.1   6408.1   1759.0  13718.1   11019.6   2698.5  16510.6  14833.9   1676.7  19258.8  17375.0   1883.8

  i) Travel                       2612.5    702.5   1910.0   6060.3    1176.9   4883.4   6970.3   1558.5   5411.8   7423.8   2569.5   4854.3
  ii) Transportation              1764.6   1961.0   -196.4   2850.4    4547.0  -1696.6   4494.9   5536.5  -1041.6   5328.1   5851.8   -523.7
  iii) Insurance                   198.4    158.4     40.0    459.4     448.9     10.5    388.1    611.8   -223.7    475.7    566.6    -90.9
  iv) G.n.i.e.                      27.3    311.2   -283.9    219.6     305.2    -85.6     94.5    480.6   -386.1     28.3    518.4   -490.1
  v) Miscellaneous                3564.3   3275.0    289.3   4128.4    4541.6   -413.2   4562.8   6646.5  -2083.7   6002.9   7868.7  -1865.8

b) Transfers                      4566.0     27.5   4538.5   9179.0      37.3   9141.7  12514.0     83.4  12430.6  20203.8     71.5  20132.3

  vi) Official                     829.3      1.8    827.5   1055.0       2.3   1052.7   1170.3     15.0   1155.3   1322.9     13.9   1309.0
  vii) Private                    3736.7     25.7   3711.0   8124.0      35.0   8089.0  11343.7     68.4  11275.3  18880.9     57.6  18823.3

c) Investment Income               660.5   7392.9  -6732.4   1003.9   11506.7 -10502.8   1237.6  11496.4 -10258.8   2782.5  13554.5 -10772.0

Total Current Account            46546.2  63914.7 -17368.5  78663.0   91426.5 -12763.5 101408.2 105044.0  -3635.8 126573.6 137156.2 -10582.6

Foreign Investment                 201.8     18.3    183.5   1798.5      98.6   1699.9  14461.4   1179.9  13281.5  18085.5   2998.4  15087.1
a) In India                        201.8     18.3    183.5   1798.5      98.6   1699.9  14461.4   1178.8  13282.6  18058.0   2608.6  15449.4
i. Direct                          191.7     18.1    173.6   1051.1      92.4    958.7   2041.6    203.8   1837.8   4241.0     25.0   4216.0
ii. Portfolio                       10.1      0.2      9.9    747.4       6.2    741.2  12419.8    975.0  11444.8  13817.0   2583.6  11233.4
b) Abroad                           -        -        -        -         -        -        -         1.1     -1.1     27.5    389.8   -362.3

 2.Loans                         16922.4   6994.7   9927.7  26639.3   25193.9   1445.4  31275.8  25590.1   5685.7  34328.9  24786.5   9542.4
a) External Assistance            6094.5   2140.1   3954.4  10172.7    4433.5   5739.2  10903.5   4954.7   5948.8  10029.7   5256.5   4773.2
  i) By India                                10.5    -10.5     -         10.5    -10.5     -        15.1    -15.1      4.3     29.4    -25.1
  ii) To India                    6094.5   2129.6   3964.9  10172.7    4423.0   5749.7  10903.5   4939.6   5963.9  10025.4   5227.1   4798.3

b) Commercial Borrowings          7683.8   3639.2   4044.6   3620.3    4739.6  -1119.3   9457.1   7307.7   2149.4  13346.7   9813.4   3533.3
      (MT & LT)
  i) By India                       54.1     43.9     10.2     37.6      62.2    -24.6    320.1     75.6    244.5    306.2     10.7    295.5
  ii) To India                    7629.7   3595.3   4034.4   3582.7    4677.4  -1094.7   9137.0   7232.1   1904.9  13040.5   9802.7   3237.8

c) Short Term
    To India                      3144.1   1215.4   1928.7  12846.3   16020.8  -3174.5  10915.2  13327.7  -2412.5  10952.5   9716.6   1235.9

 3. Banking Capital              18133.4  16908.6   1224.8  34255.4   22098.6  12156.8  36069.8  28971.3   7098.5  22033.5  23091.6  -1058.1
a) Commercial Banks              14282.0  12659.8   1622.2  29682.7   20726.8   8955.9  33289.3  28091.0   5198.3  20243.9  22215.7  -1971.8
     i)  Assets                    764.2   1415.8   -651.6   3782.7     484.9   3297.8    864.4   3513.0  -2648.6    755.8   3779.7  -3023.9
     ii)  Liabilities              334.5    817.1   -482.6    709.3    1148.4   -439.1   4665.8    598.8   4067.0   1263.9    751.0    512.9
     iii) Non-Resident Deposits  13183.3  10426.9   2756.4  25190.7   19093.5   6097.2  27759.1  23979.2   3779.9  18224.2  17685.0    539.2
b) Others                         3851.4   4248.8   -397.4   4572.7    1371.8   3200.9   2780.5    880.3   1900.2   1789.6    875.9    913.7

 4. Rupee Debt Service              -      2139.8  -2139.8     -       2334.6  -2334.6     -      3301.6  -3301.6     -      3089.6  -3089.6

 5. Other Capital                 5593.3   2128.7   3464.6   3432.9    4191.5   -758.6   9450.5   3872.7   5577.8   7901.9    700.7   7201.2

Total Capital Account            40850.9  28190.1  12660.8  66126.1   53917.2  12208.9  91257.5  62915.6  28341.9  82349.8  54666.8  27683.0
     (1 to 5)

C. Errors & Omissions              236.8     -       236.8     -        245.6   -245.6   2510.1     -      2510.1   2049.1     -      2049.1

D. Overall Balance               87633.9  92104.8  -4470.9 144789.1  145589.3   -800.2 195175.8 167959.6  27216.2 210972.5 191823.0  19149.5
(Total Capital Account,
Current Account and
Errors & Omissions (A+B+C)
E. Monetary Movements             5626.8   1155.9   4470.9   4231.0    3430.8    800.2   1006.9  28223.1 -27216.2     -     19149.5 -19149.5
i)  I.M.F.                        3333.7   1155.9   2177.8   4231.0     867.6   3363.4   1006.9    419.7    587.2     -      3585.0  -3585.0
ii) SDR Allocation                  -        -        -        -         -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -
iii) Foreign Exchange Reserves    2293.1     -      2293.1     -       2563.2  -2563.2     -     27803.4 -27803.4     -     15564.5 -15564.5
    ( Increase - / Decrease +)

                                                  NO.35: INDIA'S OVERALL BALANCE OF PAYMENTS IN RUPEES (QUARTERLY) (Concld.)
                                                                                                                           (Rs. in crores)
             Items                  April-June 1994           July-Sept.1994             Oct.-Dec.1994              Jan-March 1995
                                 Credit    Debit     Net    Credit    Debit      Net    Credit    Debit     Net    Credit    Debit     Net
                                    14       15       16       17       18        19       20       21       22       23       24       25
I. MERCHANDISE                   18284.5  21693.8  -3409.3  19813.5   24670.0  -4856.5  21434.3  28894.8  -7460.5  24796.2  30896.6  -6100.4

II.INVISIBLES (a+b+c)             9804.8   7501.7   2303.1   9402.8    7840.5   1562.3  12087.6   7195.0   4892.6  10949.9   8463.8   2486.1

a) Services                       4650.4   4396.1    254.3   4741.0    4335.8    405.2   4947.3   4199.8    747.5   4920.1   4443.3    476.8

  i) Travel                       1639.9    791.8    848.1   1765.0     689.8   1075.2   2065.9    581.7   1484.2   1953.0    506.2   1446.8
  ii) Transportation              1061.0   1380.9   -319.9   1231.3    1499.1   -267.8   1522.7   1429.5     93.2   1513.1   1542.3    -29.2
  iii) Insurance                   105.8    128.1    -22.3    108.0     162.8    -54.8    130.9    143.5    -12.6    131.0    132.2     -1.2
  iv) G.n.i.e.                       3.1    163.9   -160.8      8.2     135.9   -127.7      5.6    111.6   -106.0     11.4    107.0    -95.6
  v) Miscellaneous                1840.6   1931.4    -90.8   1628.5    1848.2   -219.7   1222.2   1933.5   -711.3   1311.6   2155.6   -844.0

b) Transfers                      4573.7      7.6   4566.1   4031.7      29.2   4002.5   6426.0     15.3   6410.7   5172.4     19.4   5153.0

  vi) Official                     136.5      2.6    133.9    238.2      11.0    227.2    447.1      0.3    446.8    501.1     -       501.1
  vii) Private                    4437.2      5.0   4432.2   3793.5      18.2   3775.3   5978.9     15.0   5963.9   4671.3     19.4   4651.9

c) Investment Income               580.7   3098.0  -2517.3    630.1    3475.5  -2845.4    714.3   2979.9  -2265.6    857.4   4001.1  -3143.7

Total Current Account            28089.3  29195.5  -1106.2  29216.3   32510.5  -3294.2  33521.9  36089.8  -2567.9  35746.1  39360.4  -3614.3

1. Foreign Investment             4648.8    658.0   3990.8   4555.1     621.8   3933.3   5066.4    730.0   4336.4   3815.2    988.6   2826.6
a) In India                       4634.1    588.7   4045.4   4546.5     487.8   4058.7   5064.5    649.0   4415.5   3812.9    883.1   2929.8
i. Direct                          535.0      1.8    533.2    952.6       2.9    949.7    980.0     10.1    969.9   1773.4     10.2   1763.2
ii. Portfolio                     4099.1    586.9   3512.2   3593.9     484.9   3109.0   4084.5    638.9   3445.6   2039.5    872.9   1166.6
b) Abroad                           14.7     69.3    -54.6      8.6     134.0   -125.4      1.9     81.0    -79.1      2.3    105.5   -103.2

2. Loans                          5591.9   5279.4    312.5   8332.2    6672.4   1659.8   8139.2   6653.8   1485.4  12265.6   6180.9   6084.7
a) External Assistance            1020.0   1169.2   -149.2   2301.1    1399.0    902.1   2163.4   1361.3    802.1   4545.2   1327.0   3218.2
  i) By India                        0.2      4.9     -4.7      1.6       2.6     -1.0      0.6      2.8     -2.2      1.9     19.1    -17.2
  ii) To India                    1019.8   1164.3   -144.5   2299.5    1396.4    903.1   2162.8   1358.5    804.3   4543.3   1307.9   3235.4

b) Commercial Borrowings          2668.6   2083.0    585.6   3375.0    2614.2    760.8   3183.7   2665.0    518.7   4119.4   2451.2   1668.2
      (MT & LT)
  i) By India                      267.8     10.7    257.1     16.0     -         16.0     10.1     -        10.1     12.3     -        12.3
  ii) To India                    2400.8   2072.3    328.5   3359.0    2614.2    744.8   3173.6   2665.0    508.6   4107.1   2451.2   1655.9

c) Short Term
    To India                      1903.3   2027.2   -123.9   2656.1    2659.2     -3.1   2792.1   2627.5    164.6   3601.0   2402.7   1198.3

3. Banking Capital                7391.9   6474.0    917.9   7813.8    7412.7    401.1   3583.8   4503.9   -920.1   3244.0   4701.0  -1457.0
a) Commercial Banks               5964.9   6459.3   -494.4   7792.9    7188.9    604.0   3580.8   3883.1   -302.3   2905.3   4684.4  -1779.1
     i) Assets                     268.5   1116.3   -847.8    211.2     913.9   -702.7    201.5    162.1     39.4     74.6   1587.4  -1512.8
     ii) Liabilities               510.1    175.4    334.7    308.4     379.4    -71.0    401.2     73.1    328.1     44.2    123.1    -78.9
     iii) Non-Resident Deposits   5186.3   5167.6     18.7   7273.3    5895.6   1377.7   2978.1   3647.9   -669.8   2786.5   2973.9   -187.4
b) Others                         1427.0     14.7   1412.3     20.9     223.8   -202.9      3.0    620.8   -617.8    338.7     16.6    322.1

4. Rupee Debt Service                  -   1860.8  -1860.8        -     172.1   -172.1        -     26.2    -26.2        -   1030.5  -1030.5

5. Other Capital                   253.5    171.5     82.0   2344.2      39.4   2304.8   2735.4    339.8   2395.6   2568.8    150.0   2418.8

Total Capital Account            17886.1  14443.7   3442.4  23045.3   14918.4   8126.9  19524.8  12253.7   7271.1  21893.6  13051.0   8842.6
     (1 to 5)

C. Errors & Omissions             4895.4     -      4895.4   2477.2      -      2477.2     -      2693.4  -2693.4        -   2630.1  -2630.1

D. Overall Balance               50870.8  43639.2   7231.6  54738.8   47428.9   7309.9  53046.7  51036.9   2009.8  57639.7  55041.5   2598.2
(Total Capital Account,
Current Account and
Errors & Omissions (A+B+C)
E. Monetary Movements               -      7231.6  -7231.6        -    7309.9  -7309.9        -   2009.8  -2009.8        -   2598.2  -2598.2
i)  I.M.F.                          -      3547.1  -3547.1        -         -        -        -        -        -        -     37.9    -37.9
ii) SDR Allocation                  -        -        -           -         -        -        -        -        -        -        -        -
iii) Foreign Exchange Reserves      -      3684.5  -3684.5        -    7309.9  -7309.9        -   2009.8  -2009.8        -   2560.3  -2560.3
    ( Increase - / Decrease +)


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