NO. 9 : Money Stock Measures - आरबीआय - Reserve Bank of India
प्रकाशित तारीख जून 30, 1997
NO. 9 : Money Stock Measures
(Rs.Crore) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- Currency with the public Deposit money of the public ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- March 31/Reporting Notes in Circulation of Cash on Total Demand `Other' Total M1 Post Office M2 Time M3 Total post M4 Fridays of the month/ circula- -------------------- hand with (2+3+4-5) deposits deposits (7+8) (6+9) savings ban (10+11) deposits (10+13) office (14+15) Last reporting tion (1) rupee Small banks with with deposits with banks deposits Friday of the month coins(2) coins(2) banks Reserve Bank(3) --------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 --------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------------------------------------------------------- 1990-91 53,661 936 685 2,234 53,048 39,170 674 39,844 92,892 4,205 97,097 172,936 265,828 14,681 280,509 1991-92 62,034 975 729 2,640 61,098 52,423 885 53,308 114,406 4,620 119,026 202,643 317,049 20,141 337,190 1992-93 69,502 1,044 780 3,053 68,273 54,480 1,313 55,793 124,066 4,824 128,890 242,759 366,825 21,589 388,414 1993-94 83,405 1,161 829 3,094 82,301 65,952 2,525 68,477 150,778 5,116 155,894 283,629 434,407 24,029 458,436 1994-95 102,302 1,498 881 4,000 100,681 88,193 3,383 91,576 192,257 5,041 197,298 339,169 531,426 25,969 557,395 1995-96 120,066 1,563 940 4,311 118,258 93,233 3,344 96,577 214,835 5,041 219,876 389,172 604,007 25,969 629,976 1996-97 134,299 1,874 982 4,633 132,522 103,384 3,242 106,626 239,148 5,041 244,189 458,908 698,056 25,969 724,025 April 12,1996 125,253 1,563 940 3,686 124,070 86,659 6,133 92,792 216,862 5,041 221,903 392,799 609,661 25,969 635,630 April 26,1996 126,823 1,590 944 3,814 125,543 86,586 5,350 91,936 217,479 5,041 222,520 394,902 612,381 25,969 638,350 December 1996 130,784 1,874 977 4,137 129,498 88,262 4,528 92,790 222,288 5,041 227,329 435,756 658,044 25,969 684,013 January 1997 130,097 1,874 982 4,237 128,716 92,290 4,490 96,780 225,496 5,041 230,537 445,150 670,646 25,969 696,615 February 1997 132,353 1,874 982 4,152 131,057 94,211 3,558 97,769 228,826 5,041 233,867 449,533 678,359 25,969 704,328 March 1997 134,299 1,874 982 4,633 132,522 103,384 3,242 106,626 239,148 5,041 244,189 458,908 698,056 25,969 724,025 April 11,1997 140,040 1,874 982 4,583 138,313 102,114 4,358 106,472 244,785 5,041 249,826 465,998 710,783 25,969 736,752 April 25,1997 140,629 1,874 982 4,698 138,788 101,237 3,433 104,670 243,457 5,041 248,498 467,858 711,316 25,969 737,285 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
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