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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

Asset Publisher


Timing and Sequencing of Measures for Capital Account Convertibility (Part 1 of 2)

Chapter 4


The establishment of preconditions/signposts have been outlined in Chapter 3. The timing and sequencing of phasing out of capital controls assumes operational significance in the move towards CAC and these issues are addressed in this Chapter.



Capital account convertibility is at present available for foreign direct investors under the extant FDI policy, portfolio investment for FIIs, NRIs and investment in non resident repatriable deposit schemes with banks in India. The international experience has shown that liberalisation of the capital account induces large capital inflows, which can cause a real appreciation of the exchange rate and erode the effectiveness of certain domestic macro economic policies. The Committee recommends that alongside further measures of liberalisation of capital inflows it is desirable to simultaneously liberalise controls on outflows as a means of contending with capital inflows. An early albeit cautious beginning to allow capital outflows is desirable as the system is attuned to a totally rigid ban on certain outflows and there is a need to develop confidence that some capital outflows, far from being destabilising, would be conducive to the overall efficiency of deployment of resources. Capital outflows, in the context of larger inflows, could relieve pressure on the exchange rate and the foreign exchange reserves and thereby enhance the effectiveness of domestic policies.



The Committee recognises that while the timing and sequencing of CAC proposed in this chapter can be undertaken under the existing laws and regulations relating to foreign exchange, they would be facilitated by the proposed changes in the legislative framework governing foreign exchange transactions. In this regard, Shri. P. Chidambaram, the Union Finance Minister in his speech while presenting the Union Budget for 1997-98 said


" As we progress towards a more open economy with greater trade and investment linkages with the rest of the world, the regulations governing foreign exchange transactions also needs to be modernised it is generally acknowledged that the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973 needs to be replaced by a new law consistent with full capital account, convertibility .........." [Part A - Paragraph 38]



In this Chapter, the timing and sequencing of liberalising both inflows and outflows of capital are set out within the framework of a phased three year road map, classified in relation to various economic agents, viz., resident and non resident corporates, banks, non bank financial institutions and individuals. Concomitant measures for the development of financial markets to handle the enhanced mobility of capital flows are also set out.



The banking system in India has been insulated from overseas markets for decades. Severe restrictions have been placed on banks borrowing funds from overseas or investing/lending abroad. Arbitraging between domestic and overseas markets have been strictly prohibited. The Committee recommends several measures for liberalising capital transfers by banks. Having regard to the fact that large scale short-term borrowings can be destabilising, the Committee recommends limits on such borrowings by the banking system. At the same time, a level playing field is to be ensured and the phased relaxation of controls should be concurrent with measures undertaken to ensure such a level playing field. In the area of foreign direct investment and portfolio investment, the Committee recommends complete elimination of the prior approval process from exchange control for investment/disinvestment.



Having regard to the need to keep external debt within sustainable limits, the Committee has proposed continuance of the policy of ceilings on external commercial borrowings (except for loans with long maturities). The Committee recommends simplification of the procedure for investments overseas in joint ventures/subsidiaries and substantial increase in the value limit for such investments (without prior approval) which is expected to make Indian industry competitive. Moreover, the Committee recommends that the exacting repatriation stipulations for such investments should be totally removed.



The Committee is of the view that a start should be made to liberalize outflows by individual residents. This will lend credibility to the commitment for CAC and give confidence to both residents and non residents that their genuine requirements for capital transactions are adequately met.



The various measures for removing capital controls and the timings and sequencing thereof proposed by the Committee are tabulated in Chapter. The rationale for the measures is given in the paragraphs following the tabulated list of measures.

Capital Account Convertibility- Timing and Sequencing of Measures

($ indicates US dollars)



Present Position

Phase I

Phase II

Phase III









Corporates/Businesses - Residents



Issuing foreign currency

Not permitted

To be permitted

Same as

Same as


denominated bonds to residents


without any ceiling

Phase I

Phase I


(only rupee settlement) and



investing in foreign currency


denominated bonds and deposits


(only rupee settlement).



Financial capital transfers abroad

Not permitted.

$ 25,000 per annum.

$ 50,000 per

$ 100,000 per


including for opening current/





chequeable accounts.



Accessing capital markets abroad through


No approval to be

Same as

Same as


GDRs & ADRs/ other forms of equity issues.

individually by

taken from RBI/

Phase I

Phase I


Government. Approval

Government Reporting


under FERA given

within 30 days from


by RB1.

close of issue



External Commercial Borrowings(ECBs)

ECBs are subject to

Queuing for

Same as

Same as


overall ceiling with

purposes of

Phase I

Phase II


sub-ceilings as indicated


except for



ceiling on ECB

loans with


(i) Import linked

while ensuring



short-term loans (Buyers/

that relatively

maturity of


Suppliers credit) for less


7 years and


than 3 years (i.e., 35

borrowers are

above to be


months) approved by RBI

not crowded



subject to sub- ceiling

out by a few



fixed by Government.

very large


ii) Loans beyond 35 months

borrowers. No


approved by Government.

restrictions on end use


iii) US $ 3 million for a

of funds.


minimum period of 3


years for business related

Loans for


expenses including

periods with average


financing rupee cost of

maturity of 10


the project - approved by

years and above


RBI within sub-ceiling

to be kept outside the


fixed by Government.



iv) All other loans are


approved by Government


(generally for financing


requirements of


infrastructure projects, etc.).



Foreign Currency Convertible


To be within ECB

Same as

Same as


Bonds/Floating Rate Notes

individually by

celling with same

Phase 1

Phase I


Government within

procedure viz.


overall ECB ceiling.

queuing vide item 4.



Loans from non residents

Allowed by RBI on a

To be allowed to

To be allowed

To be allowed


case-by-case basis

borrow up to $

borrow up to

to borrow up to


for loans from NRIs

250,000 per entity

$ 500,000 per

$ 1 million per


on non repatriable

with payment of

entity with

entity with


basis with

interest not exceeding

payment of

payment of


restrictions on

LIBOR without

interest not

interest not


interest payment and

restriction on period





of loan, use of funds

LIBOR without



and repatriation of

restriction on




period of loan,

restriction on


use of funds

period of loan,



use of funds


repatriation of

and repatria-



tion of loan/





Joint ventures/wholly owned

Proposals for

Direct investments

Same as

Same as


subsidiaries abroad

investments up to

abroad to be allowed

Phase I

Phase I


$ 4 million are

for ventures up to $


cleared by the RBI.

50 million by ADs


The extent of

subject to transparent


outflow is dependent

guidelines to be laid


upon the export

down by the RBI.


performance of the

Above $ 50 million


Indian promoter and

through Special


capability for

Committee. The


repatriation by way

current stipulation on


of dividend, etc.,

repatriation of


within a period of

earnings by way of


five years. Cases not

dividend etc. within a


covered by these

specified time period


criteria are cleared

should be removed.


by a Special

JVs/WOSs can be set



up by all parties and


Recently, an

not restricted only to


announcement has



been made in the



Budget that balances


in EEFC accounts


can be used for


investments upto


$ 15 million without


the specific approval


of RBI.



Project Exports

Indian project

Requirement of prior

Same as



exporters are

approval by the RBI

Phase I

Phase I


required to approach

may be dispensed


the RBI for prior

with subject, to


approval for variety

reporting to the RBI.


of purposes while


executing the


projects abroad



Establishment of offices abroad

Powers given to ADs

Any corporate entity

Same as

Same as


to allow remittances

may open offices

Phase I

Phase I


for exporters with an

abroad without the


average annual

need for prior


export turnover of

approval from RBI.


Rs. 150 lakhs and

Capital expenditure


above to open

towards opening of



the offices and current


trading offices.

expenditure for


Further, EEFC

maintenance could be


account holders have

subject to overall


been permitted to

value limits to be


utilise their EEFC

allowed by ADs.


balances without any


restriction for


establishing any type


of offices. Other


cases require RBI





EEFC accounts for exporters and

50 per cent for EOUs

100 per cent of

Same as

Same as


exchange earners

and 25 percent for

earnings for all

Phase I

Phase I with


others- restrictions





on use of funds for

earners to be allowed


provision that


current account and

to be held in EEFC


EEFC ac counts


permitted capital

accounts in India. Use


can be


account transactions.

of funds allowed for


held with banks


current and permitted


outside India at


capital account


the option


transactions with


of the exporter


cheque writing


and the exchange







Corporates - Non Residents


(including OCBs)



Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Currently OCBs are

Prior approval

Same as

Same as


allowed facilities similar to

of RBI not

Phase I

Phase I


NRIs. Other corporates are

required for


allowed to invest up to

FDI. Reporting


various proportions with

by ADs to the


RBI/Government approval



under the FDI policy of the





Portfolio Investment in India through

Allowed within the 24 per

To be allowed to

Same as

Same as


stock exchanges in shares/

cent limit (can be increased

all non-residents

Phase I

Phase I



to 30 per cent at the option

without prior


of the company) which

approval by


includes portfolio

RBI. Designated


investment by NRIs, FIls &

ADs should be


OCBs subject to approval

required to


by the RBI which is valid

report to the


for a period of five years.



The investment restricted to


1 per cent by individual


NRIs/OCBs and 10 per


cent by individual FIIs.


Corporates, other than


OCBs and FIIs, are not






Disinvestment as

RBI approval to be

Same as

Same as


approved by the RBI

dispensed with.

Phase I

Phase I


except where sales


are made through


stock exchange


under portfolio


investment scheme.






Banks - Residents



Loans and borrowings from overseas

ADs are permitted to

(i) Each bank may be

Same as

Same as


banks and correspondents including

borrow up to $ 10

allowed to borrow

Phase I except

Phase I except


overdrafts in nostro account

million from their

from overseas

that the ceiling

that the ceiling


overseas offices/

markets, short-term

will be 75 per

will be 100 per



(up to one year) and

cent of

cent of


without any

long-term (over one




conditions on end

year), to the extent of

Tier I capital

Tier I capital


use and repayment of

50 per cent of the

with a sub-

with a sub-


such borrowings.

unimpaired Tier I

limit of one

limit of one


capital with a sub

third (i.e., 25

third (i.e.,


limit of one third (i.e.,

per cent of

33.33 per cent


16.67 per cent of


of unimpaired


unimpaired Tier I

Tier I capital)

Tier I capital)


capital) for short-term

for short- term

for short- term






(ii) No restrictions on


use of funds and


repayment. Prudential


norms regarding open


position and gap


limits to continue.



Investments in overseas markets

Banks allowed to

Investments may be in

Same as

Same as


invest in overseas

overseas money markets,

Phase I

Phase I


money markets up

mutual funds and


to $ 10 million.

foreign securities. To be


allowed subject


only to (i) requirements


of Section 25 of BR Act


1949* (ii) open


position/gap limits.



Fund based /non fund based facilities

Cleared by RBI/

To be left to banks'

Same as

Same as


to Indian joint ventures and wholly


discretion - only

Phase I

Phase I


owned subsidiaries abroad


restriction to be Section


25 of BR Act.



Buyers' credit/acceptance for

Depending on

To be allowed subject

Same as

Same as


financing importer/their bankers for

amount cleared by

only to Section 25 of

Phase I

Phase I


buying goods and services from India

ADs/EXIM Bank/

BR Act.


(including financing of overseas

Working Group.



FERA approval


required from RBI.



Note :

Section 25 of the Banking, Regulation Act, 1949 stipulates that the assets in India of every bank at the close of business on the last Friday of every quarter shall not be less than 75 per cent of its demand and time liabilities in India.


Accept deposits and

Not allowed other

To be allowed without

Same as

Same as


extend loans

than under existing

any ceilings - assets/


denominated in foreign

foreign currency

liabilities mismatch to

Phase I

Phase I



deposit schemes.

be taken into overall


from /to individuals


open position /gap


(only rupee settlement)






Exim Bank alone has

All ADs should be

Same as

Same as


been permitted by

permitted to

Phase I

Phase I


RBI to do forfaiting

undertake forfaiting.



Banks - Non Residents



Rupee Accounts of non resident

Used only for

Forward cover to be

Same as

Non resident



merchant based

allowed to the extent

Phase I

banks may be


transactions -

of balances.


allowed to


investments not



freely open


allowed. Overdrafts

rebooking to be


rupee accounts


allowed upto Rs.

allowed. The present


with banks in


150 lakhs for normal

overdraft limit could


India without



be increased and


any restrictions


requirements for

limited investments


on their


temporary periods.

may be allowed in




rupee accounts






Non Banks - Financial - Residents



SEB I registered Indian

Not allowed

Overall ceiling of

Overall ceiling

Overall ceiling


investors (including Mutual Funds)


$ 500 million and the

of $ 1 billion.

of $ 2 billion.


investments overseas


ceiling should be so


operated that a few


large funds do not


pre-empt the overall





All India Financial Institutions

Borrowings from

(i) Borrowings more

(i) Same as

(i) Same as


overseas markets or

than one year to

Phase I

Phase I


investments abroad

continue within ECB


subject to RBI/

ceiling with


Government prior

Government approval.




(ii) Short-term

(ii) Short-term

(ii) Short-term


borrowings to be

borrowings to

borrowings to


allowed subject to

be allowed

be allowed


limits. Investments in

subject to

subject to


short term


limits. Invest-


instruments to be

Investments in

ments in short


permitted within

short term

term instru-


limits up to the extent

instruments to

ments to be


of liabilities maturing

be permitted



within one month.

within limits

within limits


up to the extent of

up to the extent



of liabilities


maturing within 3.

maturing within 6






Non Banks - Non Residents






Portfolio Investment

(a) Investments in

To be allowed without

Same as

Same as


secondary market

RBI prior approval.

Phase I

Phase I


allowed once FII is

Designated ADs


registered with

would be required to


SEBI subject to 24

report to RBI


per cent ceiling


(can be increased


to 30 per cent at


the option of the


company) which


includes portfolio


investment by


NRIs, FlIs and


OCBs with a 10


per cent limit for


individual FlIs and


1 per cent by


individual NRIs/




approval is given


by RBI which is


valid for a period


of five years.



Primary market investment/private

Primary market

RBI approval not

Same as

Same as



required. Designated

Phase I

Phase I



ADs to report to the


placement allowed



with RBI approval


up to 15 per cent of


the new issue/






(i) Disinvestment

RBI approval for

Same as

Same as


through stock

disinvestment to be

Phase I

Phase I


exchange allowed

dispensed with.




(ii) Other routes of




require RBI approval



lnvestments in debt instruments

Permitted to invest

Maturity restrictions

Same as

Same as


in dated Government

on investments in

Phase I

Phase I


securities of Central

debt instruments


and State

(including, treasury



bills) to be removed.


(excluding Treasury

FII investments in


Bills) both in

rupee debt securities


primary and

to be kept outside


secondary markets.

ECB ceiling but


ECB ceiling

could be part of a


includes FII

separate ceiling


investment in rupee


debt instruments.


The Debt Funds of


FIIs are also allowed


to invest in corporate


debt securities


(NCDs, Bonds, etc.)


listed or to be listed.


FIIs can invest in


equity and debt


(NCDs, Bonds, etc.,)


in the ratio of 70:30,


Debt Funds of FIIs


can invest upto 100


per cent in debt


instruments subject


to a ceiling,


prescribed by SEB1.






Individuals -Residents



Foreign currency denominated

Not permitted

To be permitted

Same as

Same as


deposits with banks/corporates in


without ceiling

Phase I

Phase I


India (only-rupee settlement)



Financial capital transfers including

Not permitted

$ 25,000 per annum

$ 50,000 per

$ 100,000 per


for opening current/chequeable








Loans from non residents

Residents are

Residents to be

Residents to be

Residents to be


allowed to obtain

allowed to take loans

allowed to take

allowed to take


interest free loans on

from non residents up

loans from non

loans from non


non repatriation

to $ 250,000 per

residents up to

residents up to


basis from non

individual with

$ 500,000 per

$ 1 million per


resident relatives for

payment of interest

individual with

individual with


personal and

not exceeding

payment of

payment of


business purposes

LIBOR, without

interest not

interest not


other than

restrictions on period




investment. Other

of loan, repatriation




cases need RBI

of principal/interest





and use of funds.

restrictions on

restrictions on


period of loan,

period of loan,


repatriation of

repatriation of





interest and use

interest and


of funds.

use of funds.



Individuals : Non Residents



Capital transfers from non

Not allowed;

$ 25,000 per year*

$ 50,000 per

$ 100,000 per


repatriable assets held in India

however, a few cases





(including NRO and NRNR RD

allowed on



sympathetic grounds.



Foreign Direct Investment in India

(a) FDI for NRIs

No RBI permission

Same as

Same as


(FDI) (other than in real estate)

with repatriation

for FDI subject to

Phase I

Phase I


benefits are to be

reporting by ADs.


cleared by RBI/


Government under


FDI policy.


(b) FDI for other non


resident individuals


are to be cleared by


Government and





No fresh NRNRRD accounts from 1997-98. On maturity the balances in the accounts get merged with other non repatriable funds or depositors can shift the maturity proceeds to a special 3 year NRE account with full repatriation benefit on maturity. If prematurely withdrawn from special NRE account, funds will get merged with other non repatriable funds of the non resident. In case of investments permitted on non repatriation basis on maturity or on disinvestment, the proceeds will be merged with other non repatriable assets.


Portfolio Investment in India through

Allowed to NRIs

Allowed to all non

Same as

Same as


stock exchanges.

within the 24 per

residents without RBI

Phase I

Phase I


cent ceiling (can be

prior approval.


increased to 30 per

Designated ADs


cent at the option of

would be required to


the company) which

report to RBI.


includes portfolio


investment by NRIs,


FlIs and OCBs


subject to approval


by the Reserve Bank


which is given for a


period of five years.


The investment


restricted to 1 per


cent by individual


NRIs/OCBs and 10


per cent by


individual FlIs.




Disinvestment to be

RBI approval to be

Same as

Same as


approved by RBI

dispensed with.

Phase I

Phase I


except where sales


are made through


stock exchange


under portfolio


investment scheme.






Foreign Exchange Market



Forward contracts

Forward contracts

To allow all

Same as

Same as


are allowed to be

participants in the

Phase I

Phase I. No


booked on the basis

spot market to


restrictions on


of business

participate in the


participants in


projections in

forward market; FlIs,




respect of exporters

non residents and non


markets i.e.,


and importers. Also

resident banks having




forward cover

rupee assets can be




allowed for non

allowed forward cover


without any


residents for limited

to the extent of their




purposes such as

assets in India. Banks




dividend remittance

to be allowed to quote


and freight/passage

two way in rupee to



overseas banks/


correspondents both


spot and forward


subject to their


position/gap limits.


Those with economic


exposures to be


allowed to participate


in forward market.



Authorised dealers

Authorised dealers at

All India FIs which

Same as

To allow select


present are only banks.

comply with the

Phase I

NBFCs to act




as full-fledged


requirements and




fulfil well defined


dealers on the


criteria should be


basis of criteria


allowed to participate


similar to FIs.


as full-fledged ADs in


the forex market.




Currently the only

All derivatives

Direct access to

Same as


derivative in the

including rupee based


Phase I & 11


rupee $ market is the

derivatives to be

markets by


forward contract.

allowed. Futures in

corporates for


ADs have been

currencies and



allowed to enter into

interest rates to be

without routing


Rupee/$ currency

introduced with the

through ADs


swaps with

system of screen-

Phase I to


counterparties in

based trading and an



India subject to open

efficient settlement


position and gap



limits. Cross


currency derivatives


and interest rate


derivatives allowed


for covering




exposures - to be


routed through ADs



Money Market

Banks allowed to

Market segmentation

Same as

Same as


lend and borrow

to be removed.

Phase I

Phase I


freely. FIs allowed to

Deposit rates to be


lend with no limit/

deregulated and


allowed to borrow

minimum period


within small limits.

restrictions to be


Others allowed to

removed. Restrictions


lend to primary

on participants in the


dealers for minimum

money market to be


amount of Rs. 10

freed. Level playing


crores. MFs

field for all banks , FIs


participate only as

and NBFCs regarding


lenders. Residual

reserve requirements


restrictions on

and prudential norms.


deposit rates


applicable to public


deposits; minimum


period for CDs/




deposits specified.



Government Securities Market

A number of

(i) Access to FIIs in

(i) The OPD to

(i) The OPD to


measures have been taken to

Treasury bill market.

take up part of

take full


strengthen the market for

(ii) RBI to develop

issue of dated

responsibility for



Treasury bill merket

securities and all

primary issues of


securities such as a

offering tow-way quotes.

Treasury bills. (ii)

all Treasury bills


move towards market

(iii) Government

RBI to discontinue

and dated


related rates of

Securities (including

participation in



interest introduction

Treasury bills)

91 day Treasury

(ii) Full


of auctions and new

futures to be introduced.

bill primary

underwriting of


instruments and

(iv) RBI to provide

auctions and it

issues by PDs with


measures to develop

Liquidity Adjustment

should only

RBI discontinuing


the secondary market

Facility to PDs

participate in

participation in


through Primary

through Repos and

the secondary

primary market


Dealers (PDs) and

Reverse Repos.

market. (iii)

for dated


Satellite Dealers

(v) Dedicated gilt funds

Number of PDs




to be given strong and

and SDs to be


exclusive fiscal

further increase


incentives to individuals

with a quantum


to develop the retail

jump in share of


segment. (vi) Number

PDs in


of PDs and SDs to

underwriting with


increase. Progressive

strong incentives


increase in share of PDs



in underwriting.



Commission to PDs to be



related to PDs to be


related to




commitment (vii).


Government to


initiate action for setting


up of an Office of Public


Debt (OPD) (viii)


Delivery Versus


Payment (DVP) system


to be fully automated for


all securities on a real


time basis with proper


safeguards for ensuring


that risks are controlled.




At present, there are

(i) Banks and financial

Steps to be

Same as Phase


restrictions on

institutions fulfilling

taken by

I and 11


import of gold. There

well- defined criteria



are only three

to be allowed

and the RBI for


channels through

to operate freely both in

developing, a


which import of gold is

domestic and

well regulated



international markets.

market in India


(1) through

(ii) Sale of gold by

for gold and


channels agencies

banks and FIs

gold derivatives


(ii) through returning

included under



NRIs and (iii)

(i) above to be



through special

freely allowed to all

trading. Both


import Iicences.

residents. (iii) Banks to

residents and


be allowed to offer gold

non residents


denominated deposits

to be allowed


and loans

to operate in


(iv) Banks fulfilling

this market.




criteria may be allowed


to mobilise household


gold and provide


working capital gold


loans to jewellery


manufacturers as also


traders. (v) Banks may


be allowed to offer


deposit schemes akin


to GAPs (gold


accumulation plans)



Participation in

Not allowed

To be allowed

Same as

Same as


international commodity


Phase I

Phase I





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