FAQ Page 1 - आरबीआय - Reserve Bank of India
Indian Currency
A) Basics of Indian Currency/Currency Management
The Reserve Bank presently manages the currency operations through its 19 Issue Offices located at Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Belapur, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Jammu, Kanpur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, New Delhi, Patna, Thiruvananthapuram and a currency chest at its Kochi office. Further, a wide network of currency chests maintained and managed by scheduled banks are part of currency management architecture. The Issue Offices receive fresh banknotes from the currency printing presses which in turn send fresh banknote remittances to the currency chests. Direct remittances by the presses to the currency chests also happens.
The Reserve Bank offices located at Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai and New Delhi (Mint Linked Offices) receive coins from the mints. These offices then send the coins to the other offices of the Reserve Bank who in turn send the same to Currency Chests and Small Coin Depots. The banknotes and rupee coins are stocked at the currency chests and small coins at the small coin depots. The bank branches receive the banknotes and coins from the Currency Chests and Small Coin Depots for further distribution among the public.
FAQs on Master Directions on Priority Sector Lending Guidelines
H. Weaker Sections
Clarification: As per extant guidelines, priority sector loans are eligible for classification as loans to minority communities as per the list notified by the GoI from time to time. The same may be read with Master Circular- Credit Facilities to Minority Communities which under para 2.2 states “In the case of a partnership firm, if the majority of the partners belong to one or the other of the specified minority communities, advances granted to such partnership firms may be treated as advances granted to minority communities. Further, if the majority beneficial ownership in a partnership firm belongs to the minority community, then such lending can be classified as advances to the specified communities. A company has a separate legal entity and hence advances granted to it cannot be classified as advances to the specified minority communities.”
Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey – India
Important points to remember while participating in CPIS
Ans: The reporting entities should follow the below-mentioned points for filling and submitting the survey schedule:
i. The company must use the latest survey schedule, which is in .xls format, without incorporating any macros.
ii. The company is required to save the survey schedule in Excel 97-2003 workbook, i.e., in .xls format by following the below-mentioned steps:
Go to Office Button / File → Save As → Save As type
Select “Excel 97-2003 Workbook” and Save the survey schedule in .xls format.
iii. The company is requested not to incorporate any macro in the survey schedule while submitting the same.
iv. Survey schedule submitted in any other format (other than .xls format) will be rejected by the system.
v. Ensure that all information furnished in the survey schedule are complete and no information is missed out.
vi. After filling required details, the responding entities have to fill the declaration present in the survey schedule, which helps in validating that the information entered by the entity are reconfirmed before submission to RBI. This helps to avoid data entry errors, missed data and other errors.
Government Securities Market in India – A Primer
All you wanted to know about NBFCs
B. Entities Regulated by RBI and applicable regulations
No. Housing Finance Companies, Merchant Banking Companies, Stock Exchanges, Companies engaged in the business of stock-broking/sub-broking, Venture Capital Fund Companies, Nidhi Companies, Insurance companies and Chit Fund Companies are NBFCs but they have been exempted from the requirement of registration under Section 45-IA of the RBI Act, 1934 subject to certain conditions.
Housing Finance Companies are regulated by National Housing Bank, Merchant Banker/Venture Capital Fund Company/stock-exchanges/stock brokers/sub-brokers are regulated by Securities and Exchange Board of India, and Insurance companies are regulated by Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority. Similarly, Chit Fund Companies are regulated by the respective State Governments and Nidhi Companies are regulated by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. Companies that do financial business but are regulated by other regulators are given specific exemption by the Reserve Bank from its regulatory requirements for avoiding duality of regulation.
It may also be mentioned that Mortgage Guarantee Companies have been notified as Non-Banking Financial Companies under Section 45 I(f)(iii) of the RBI Act, 1934. Core Investment Companies with asset size of less than ₹ 100 crore, and those with asset size of ₹ 100 crore and above but not accessing public funds are exempted from registration with the RBI.
Foreign Investment in India
Domestic Deposits
I. Domestic Deposits
Annual Return on Foreign Liabilities and Assets (FLA) under FEMA 1999
Eligible entities and requirements to submit the FLA return
Ans: If the Indian entity does not have any outstanding investment in respect of inward and outward FDI as on end-March of reporting year, they need not submit the FLA return.