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Feb 18, 2020
Implementation of Section 51A of UAPA, 1967: Addition of one new entry to 1533 Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Sanctions list
RBI/2019-20/161 DOR.AML.BC.No.35/14.06.001/2019-20 February 18, 2020 The Chairpersons/ CEOs of all the Regulated Entities Madam/Dear Sir, Implementation of Section 51A of UAPA, 1967: Addition of one new entry to 1533 Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Sanctions list Please refer to Section 51 of our Master Direction on Know Your Customer dated February 25, 2016 as amended on January 09, 2020, in terms of which “Regulated Entities (REs) shall ensure that in terms o
RBI/2019-20/161 DOR.AML.BC.No.35/14.06.001/2019-20 February 18, 2020 The Chairpersons/ CEOs of all the Regulated Entities Madam/Dear Sir, Implementation of Section 51A of UAPA, 1967: Addition of one new entry to 1533 Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Sanctions list Please refer to Section 51 of our Master Direction on Know Your Customer dated February 25, 2016 as amended on January 09, 2020, in terms of which “Regulated Entities (REs) shall ensure that in terms o
Jan 21, 2020
Lending against security of single product - Gold jewellery
RBI/2019-20/148DOR.NBFC (PD).CC.No.108/03.10.001/2019-20 January 21, 2020 All Non-Banking Financial Companies (excluding Primary Dealers) Madam/Sir, Lending against security of single product – Gold jewellery Please refer to paragraph 27 of Master Direction – Non-Banking Financial Company – Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Company and Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016; and paragraph 27 of Master Direction – Non-Banking Financial Company –
RBI/2019-20/148DOR.NBFC (PD).CC.No.108/03.10.001/2019-20 January 21, 2020 All Non-Banking Financial Companies (excluding Primary Dealers) Madam/Sir, Lending against security of single product – Gold jewellery Please refer to paragraph 27 of Master Direction – Non-Banking Financial Company – Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Company and Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016; and paragraph 27 of Master Direction – Non-Banking Financial Company –
Jan 09, 2020
Amendment to Master Direction (MD) on KYC
RBI/2019-20/138 DOR.AML.BC.No.27/14.01.001/2019-20 January 9, 2020 The Chairpersons/ CEOs of all the Regulated Entities Dear Sir/Madam, Amendment to Master Direction (MD) on KYC Government of India, vide Gazette Notification G.S.R. 582(E) dated August 19, 2019 and Gazette Notification G.S.R. 840(E) dated November 13, 2019, has notified amendment to the Prevention of Money-laundering (Maintenance of Records) Rules, 2005. Further, with a view to leveraging the digital c
RBI/2019-20/138 DOR.AML.BC.No.27/14.01.001/2019-20 January 9, 2020 The Chairpersons/ CEOs of all the Regulated Entities Dear Sir/Madam, Amendment to Master Direction (MD) on KYC Government of India, vide Gazette Notification G.S.R. 582(E) dated August 19, 2019 and Gazette Notification G.S.R. 840(E) dated November 13, 2019, has notified amendment to the Prevention of Money-laundering (Maintenance of Records) Rules, 2005. Further, with a view to leveraging the digital c
Dec 31, 2019
Extension of relaxation on the guidelines to NBFCs on securitisation transactions
RBI/2019-20/131 DOR.NBFC (PD) CC.No.107/03.10.001/2019-20 December 31, 2019 All NBFCs Madam/Sir, Extension of relaxation on the guidelines to NBFCs on securitisation transactions Please refer to the circular DNBR (PD)CC.No.95/03.10.001/2018-19 dated November 29, 2018 on “Relaxation on the guidelines to NBFCs on securitisation transactions” and the circular DNBR (PD)CC.No.100/03.10.001/2018-19 dated May 29, 2019 extending the dispensation till December 31, 2019. 2. On
RBI/2019-20/131 DOR.NBFC (PD) CC.No.107/03.10.001/2019-20 December 31, 2019 All NBFCs Madam/Sir, Extension of relaxation on the guidelines to NBFCs on securitisation transactions Please refer to the circular DNBR (PD)CC.No.95/03.10.001/2018-19 dated November 29, 2018 on “Relaxation on the guidelines to NBFCs on securitisation transactions” and the circular DNBR (PD)CC.No.100/03.10.001/2018-19 dated May 29, 2019 extending the dispensation till December 31, 2019. 2. On
Dec 23, 2019
Review of Master Directions - Non-Banking Financial Company - Peer to Peer Lending Platform (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2017
RBI/2019-20/121DOR.NBFC(PD) CC.No.106/03.10.124/2019-20 December 23, 2019 All Non-Banking Financial Company – Peer to Peer Lending Platforms Madam/Sir, Review of Master Directions - Non-Banking Financial Company – Peer to Peer Lending Platform (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2017 Please refer to paragraphs 7 and 9 of Master Directions - Non-Banking Financial Company – Peer to Peer Lending Platform (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2017, dated October 04, 2017. 2. On a review, it
RBI/2019-20/121DOR.NBFC(PD) CC.No.106/03.10.124/2019-20 December 23, 2019 All Non-Banking Financial Company – Peer to Peer Lending Platforms Madam/Sir, Review of Master Directions - Non-Banking Financial Company – Peer to Peer Lending Platform (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2017 Please refer to paragraphs 7 and 9 of Master Directions - Non-Banking Financial Company – Peer to Peer Lending Platform (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2017, dated October 04, 2017. 2. On a review, it
Dec 06, 2019
Acquisition of financial assets by Asset Reconstruction Companies from sponsors and lenders
RBI/2019-20/110 DOR.NBFC(ARC) CC. No. 8/26.03.001/2019-20 December 6, 2019 All Asset Reconstruction Companies Madam/ Sir, Acquisition of financial assets by Asset Reconstruction Companies from sponsors and lenders Please refer to para 2(A) of Circular DNBS (PD) CC.No.37/SCRC/26.03.001/2013-2014 dated March 19, 2014. 2. On a review, it has been decided that Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs) shall not acquire financial assets from the following on a bilateral basis,
RBI/2019-20/110 DOR.NBFC(ARC) CC. No. 8/26.03.001/2019-20 December 6, 2019 All Asset Reconstruction Companies Madam/ Sir, Acquisition of financial assets by Asset Reconstruction Companies from sponsors and lenders Please refer to para 2(A) of Circular DNBS (PD) CC.No.37/SCRC/26.03.001/2013-2014 dated March 19, 2014. 2. On a review, it has been decided that Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs) shall not acquire financial assets from the following on a bilateral basis,
Nov 11, 2019
Withdrawal of exemptions granted to Housing Finance Institutions
RBI/2019-20/98 DOR NBFC (PD) CC.No.105/03.10.136/2019-20 November 11, 2019 To All Housing Finance Companies Madam/Sir, Withdrawal of exemptions granted to Housing Finance Institutions Please refer to Para 1 of our Master Direction – Exemptions from the provisions of RBI Act, 1934. 2.@@NBSP@@ Housing Finance Institutions as defined under Clause (d) of Section 2 of the National Housing Bank Act, 1987 are currently exempt from the provisions of Chapter IIIB of Reserve Ba
RBI/2019-20/98 DOR NBFC (PD) CC.No.105/03.10.136/2019-20 November 11, 2019 To All Housing Finance Companies Madam/Sir, Withdrawal of exemptions granted to Housing Finance Institutions Please refer to Para 1 of our Master Direction – Exemptions from the provisions of RBI Act, 1934. 2.@@NBSP@@ Housing Finance Institutions as defined under Clause (d) of Section 2 of the National Housing Bank Act, 1987 are currently exempt from the provisions of Chapter IIIB of Reserve Ba
Nov 08, 2019
Technical Specifications for all participants of the Account Aggregator (AA) ecosystem

RBI/2019-20/96 DOR NBFC (PD) CC.No.104/03.10.001/2019-20 November 08, 2019 To All Regulated Entities of the Bank Madam/ Sir, Technical Specifications for all participants of the Account Aggregator (AA) ecosystem Please refer to the Master Direction – Non-Banking Financial Company - Account Aggregator (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016 dated September 02, 2016. 2. The NBFC-AA consolidates financial information of a customer held with different financial entities, spread a

RBI/2019-20/96 DOR NBFC (PD) CC.No.104/03.10.001/2019-20 November 08, 2019 To All Regulated Entities of the Bank Madam/ Sir, Technical Specifications for all participants of the Account Aggregator (AA) ecosystem Please refer to the Master Direction – Non-Banking Financial Company - Account Aggregator (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016 dated September 02, 2016. 2. The NBFC-AA consolidates financial information of a customer held with different financial entities, spread a

Nov 08, 2019
Qualifying Assets Criteria - Review of Limits

RBI/2019-20/95 DOR.NBFC (PD) CC. No.103/22.10.038/2019-20 November 08, 2019 To All Non-Banking Financial Companies-Micro Finance Institutions (NBFC-MFIs) Madam / Sir, Qualifying Assets Criteria - Review of Limits Please refer to the Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies issued as part of Monetary Policy Statement dated October 4, 2019 and Para 3 of the Non-Banking Financial Company - Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Company and Deposit taking Com

RBI/2019-20/95 DOR.NBFC (PD) CC. No.103/22.10.038/2019-20 November 08, 2019 To All Non-Banking Financial Companies-Micro Finance Institutions (NBFC-MFIs) Madam / Sir, Qualifying Assets Criteria - Review of Limits Please refer to the Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies issued as part of Monetary Policy Statement dated October 4, 2019 and Para 3 of the Non-Banking Financial Company - Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Company and Deposit taking Com

Nov 04, 2019
Liquidity Risk Management Framework for Non-Banking Financial Companies and Core Investment Companies
RBI/2019-20/88 DOR.NBFC (PD) CC. No.102/03.10.001/2019-20 November 04, 2019 All Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) including Core Investment Companies (CICs) Madam/ Sir, Liquidity Risk Management Framework for Non-Banking Financial Companies and Core Investment Companies Please refer to paragraph 108 and paragraph 94 of Master Direction - Non-Banking Financial Company - Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Company and Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank) Di
RBI/2019-20/88 DOR.NBFC (PD) CC. No.102/03.10.001/2019-20 November 04, 2019 All Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) including Core Investment Companies (CICs) Madam/ Sir, Liquidity Risk Management Framework for Non-Banking Financial Companies and Core Investment Companies Please refer to paragraph 108 and paragraph 94 of Master Direction - Non-Banking Financial Company - Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Company and Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank) Di


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Page Last Updated on: February 28, 2025

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