Scheduled Bank's Statement of Position in India - आरबीआय - Reserve Bank of India
Scheduled Bank's Statement of Position in India
ऑग 24, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, August 12, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 13-Aug-10 29-JUL-2011 * 12-AUG-2011* 13-Aug-10 29-JUL-2011 * 12-AUG-2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 61695.42 69579.99 69137.67 64512.17 72409.81 71956.41 ** b) Borrowings from banks 24635.47 26150.16 30089.37 24713.95 26401.36 30272.88 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7021.98 9882.61 10068.29 7026.72 9887.
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 13-Aug-10 29-JUL-2011 * 12-AUG-2011* 13-Aug-10 29-JUL-2011 * 12-AUG-2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 61695.42 69579.99 69137.67 64512.17 72409.81 71956.41 ** b) Borrowings from banks 24635.47 26150.16 30089.37 24713.95 26401.36 30272.88 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7021.98 9882.61 10068.29 7026.72 9887.
ऑग 10, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, July 29, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 30-Jul-10 15-JUL-2011* 29-JUL-2011* 30-Jul-10* 15-JUL-2011* 29-JUL-2011* I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 63048.3 69188.79 69579.99 65828.72 71963.07 72409.81 ** b) Borrowings from banks 29943.68 34984.79 26150.16 30029.97 35147.06 26401.36 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7436.2 9911.5 9882.61 7440.84 9915.87 988
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 30-Jul-10 15-JUL-2011* 29-JUL-2011* 30-Jul-10* 15-JUL-2011* 29-JUL-2011* I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 63048.3 69188.79 69579.99 65828.72 71963.07 72409.81 ** b) Borrowings from banks 29943.68 34984.79 26150.16 30029.97 35147.06 26401.36 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7436.2 9911.5 9882.61 7440.84 9915.87 988
जुलै 27, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, July 15, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 16.07.2010 01.07.2011 * 15.07.2011 * 16.07.2010 01.07.2011 * 15.07.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 62126.79 76732.84 69188.80 64883.60 79530.63 71963.07 ** b) Borrowings from banks 30069.63 25060.21 34984.80 30137.87 25220.84 35147.06 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7557.89 10137.33 9911.50 7560.79
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 16.07.2010 01.07.2011 * 15.07.2011 * 16.07.2010 01.07.2011 * 15.07.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 62126.79 76732.84 69188.80 64883.60 79530.63 71963.07 ** b) Borrowings from banks 30069.63 25060.21 34984.80 30137.87 25220.84 35147.06 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7557.89 10137.33 9911.50 7560.79
जुलै 13, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, July 1, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 02.07.2010 17.06.2011 * 01.07.2011 * 02.07.2010 17.06.2011 * 01.07.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 65381.82 69666.55 76732.84 68130.34 72445.00 79530.63 ** b) Borrowings from banks 27672.26 27586.75 25060.21 27736.15 27817.45 25220.84 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7800.94 10619.69 10137.33 7803.7
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 02.07.2010 17.06.2011 * 01.07.2011 * 02.07.2010 17.06.2011 * 01.07.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 65381.82 69666.55 76732.84 68130.34 72445.00 79530.63 ** b) Borrowings from banks 27672.26 27586.75 25060.21 27736.15 27817.45 25220.84 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7800.94 10619.69 10137.33 7803.7
जून 29, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, June 17, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 18.06.2010 03.06.2011 * 17.06.2011 * 18.06.2010 03.06.2011 * 17.06.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 62571.96 69718.73 69666.55 65275.87 72491.53 72445.00 ** b) Borrowings from banks 28884.72 28854.73 27586.75 28922.48 28993.89 27817.45 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7090.54 9983.67 10619.69 7093.42
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 18.06.2010 03.06.2011 * 17.06.2011 * 18.06.2010 03.06.2011 * 17.06.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 62571.96 69718.73 69666.55 65275.87 72491.53 72445.00 ** b) Borrowings from banks 28884.72 28854.73 27586.75 28922.48 28993.89 27817.45 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7090.54 9983.67 10619.69 7093.42
जून 15, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, June 3, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 04.06.2010 20.05.2011 * 03.06.2011 * 04.06.2010 20.05.2011 * 03.06.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 61174.13 68812.56 69718.73 63890.31 71583.22 72491.53 ** b) Borrowings from banks 22031.90 22048.90 28854.73 22196.77 22110.60 28993.89 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7248.30 9974.60 9983.67 7252.20
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 04.06.2010 20.05.2011 * 03.06.2011 * 04.06.2010 20.05.2011 * 03.06.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 61174.13 68812.56 69718.73 63890.31 71583.22 72491.53 ** b) Borrowings from banks 22031.90 22048.90 28854.73 22196.77 22110.60 28993.89 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7248.30 9974.60 9983.67 7252.20
जून 01, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, May 20, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 21.05.2010 06.05.2011 * 20.05.2011 * 21.05.2010 06.05.2011 * 20.05.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 61463.97 70888.36 68812.56 64234.17 73694.86 71583.22 ** b) Borrowings from banks 18200.18 29558.51 22048.90 18272.72 29650.76 22110.60 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7494.48 10089.35 9974.60 7496.22
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 21.05.2010 06.05.2011 * 20.05.2011 * 21.05.2010 06.05.2011 * 20.05.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 61463.97 70888.36 68812.56 64234.17 73694.86 71583.22 ** b) Borrowings from banks 18200.18 29558.51 22048.90 18272.72 29650.76 22110.60 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7494.48 10089.35 9974.60 7496.22
मे 18, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, May 6, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 07.05.2010 22.04.2011 * 06.05.2011 * 07.05.2010 22.04.2011 * 06.05.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 61187.97 70944.68 70888.36 63872.20 73837.51 73694.86 ** b) Borrowings from banks 19460.90 27310.28 29558.51 19474.23 27503.67 29650.76 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7464.71 10207.13 10089.35 7469.9
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 07.05.2010 22.04.2011 * 06.05.2011 * 07.05.2010 22.04.2011 * 06.05.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 61187.97 70944.68 70888.36 63872.20 73837.51 73694.86 ** b) Borrowings from banks 19460.90 27310.28 29558.51 19474.23 27503.67 29650.76 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7464.71 10207.13 10089.35 7469.9
मे 05, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, April 22, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 23.04.2010 08.04.2011 * 22.04.2011 * 23.04.2010 08.04.2011 * 22.04.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 62761.23 73839.95 70944.68 65407.60 76706.26 73837.51 ** b) Borrowings from banks 20145.69 27582.07 27310.28 20146.60 27639.54 27503.67 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7490.33 10376.48 10207.13 7494.1
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 23.04.2010 08.04.2011 * 22.04.2011 * 23.04.2010 08.04.2011 * 22.04.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 62761.23 73839.95 70944.68 65407.60 76706.26 73837.51 ** b) Borrowings from banks 20145.69 27582.07 27310.28 20146.60 27639.54 27503.67 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7490.33 10376.48 10207.13 7494.1
एप्रि 20, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, April 8, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 09.04.2010 25.03.2011 * 08.04.2011 * 09.04.2010 25.03.2011 * 08.04.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 64972.60 71688.03 73839.95 67509.82 74439.89 76706.26 ** b) Borrowings from banks 22223.90 29567.33 27582.07 22239.31 29670.91 27639.54 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7721.50 7133.46 10376.48 7726.76
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 09.04.2010 25.03.2011 * 08.04.2011 * 09.04.2010 25.03.2011 * 08.04.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 64972.60 71688.03 73839.95 67509.82 74439.89 76706.26 ** b) Borrowings from banks 22223.90 29567.33 27582.07 22239.31 29670.91 27639.54 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7721.50 7133.46 10376.48 7726.76
एप्रि 06, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, March 25, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 26.03.2010 11.03.2011 * 25.03.2011 * 26.03.2010 11.03.2011 * 25.03.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a).Demand & time deposits from banks 64931.00 70412.21 71688.03 67370.67 73138.18 74439.89 ** b).Borrowings from banks 32357.73 24243.33 29567.33 32375.61 24471.88 29670.91 c).Other demand & time liabilities 5977.89 7167.23 7133.46 5983.19 7
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 26.03.2010 11.03.2011 * 25.03.2011 * 26.03.2010 11.03.2011 * 25.03.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a).Demand & time deposits from banks 64931.00 70412.21 71688.03 67370.67 73138.18 74439.89 ** b).Borrowings from banks 32357.73 24243.33 29567.33 32375.61 24471.88 29670.91 c).Other demand & time liabilities 5977.89 7167.23 7133.46 5983.19 7
मार्च 23, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, March 11, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 12.03.2010 25.02.2011 * 11.03.2011 * 12.03.2010 25.02.2011 * 11.03.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 59741.23 70964.58 70412.21 62071.06 73691.67 73138.18 ** b) Borrowings from banks 22757.66 26351.59 24243.33 22816.77 26535.54 24471.88 c) Other demand & time liabilities 6019.81 7099.07 7167.23 6021.70
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 12.03.2010 25.02.2011 * 11.03.2011 * 12.03.2010 25.02.2011 * 11.03.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 59741.23 70964.58 70412.21 62071.06 73691.67 73138.18 ** b) Borrowings from banks 22757.66 26351.59 24243.33 22816.77 26535.54 24471.88 c) Other demand & time liabilities 6019.81 7099.07 7167.23 6021.70
मार्च 09, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, February 25, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 26.02.2010 11.02.2011 * 25.02.2011 * 26.02.2010 11.02.2011 * 25.02.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 56165.32 68248.23 70964.58 58465.98 70996.24 73691.67 ** b) Borrowings from banks 21068.47 26331.36 26351.59 21080.84 26513.04 26535.54 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5857.56 6981.33 7099.07 5859.88
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 26.02.2010 11.02.2011 * 25.02.2011 * 26.02.2010 11.02.2011 * 25.02.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 56165.32 68248.23 70964.58 58465.98 70996.24 73691.67 ** b) Borrowings from banks 21068.47 26331.36 26351.59 21080.84 26513.04 26535.54 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5857.56 6981.33 7099.07 5859.88
फेब्रु 23, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, February 11, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 12.02.2010 28.01.2011 * 11.02.2011 * 12.02.2010 28.01.2011 * 11.02.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 54546.98 66927.07 68248.23 56854.70 69641.98 70996.24 ** b) Borrowings from banks 19661.84 24907.28 26331.36 19695.47 24990.71 26513.04 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5805.21 7133.78 6981.33 5811.69
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 12.02.2010 28.01.2011 * 11.02.2011 * 12.02.2010 28.01.2011 * 11.02.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 54546.98 66927.07 68248.23 56854.70 69641.98 70996.24 ** b) Borrowings from banks 19661.84 24907.28 26331.36 19695.47 24990.71 26513.04 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5805.21 7133.78 6981.33 5811.69
फेब्रु 09, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, January 28, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 29.01.2010 14.01.2011 * 28.01.2011 * 29.01.2010 14.01.2011 * 28.01.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 55277.84 66428.59 66927.07 57529.51 69137.95 69641.98 ** b) Borrowings from banks 18191.99 23220.03 24907.28 18199.23 23358.44 24990.71 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5536.15 7161.96 7133.78 5542.87
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 29.01.2010 14.01.2011 * 28.01.2011 * 29.01.2010 14.01.2011 * 28.01.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 55277.84 66428.59 66927.07 57529.51 69137.95 69641.98 ** b) Borrowings from banks 18191.99 23220.03 24907.28 18199.23 23358.44 24990.71 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5536.15 7161.96 7133.78 5542.87
जाने 28, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, January 14, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 15.01.2010 31.12.2010 * 14.01.2011 * 15.01.2010 31.12.2010 * 14.01.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 53915.56 69499.66 66428.59 56708.81 72209.02 69137.95 ** b) Borrowings from banks 19052.83 26638.13 23220.03 19059.21 26836.16 23358.44 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5527.07 9120.92 7161.96 5545.32
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 15.01.2010 31.12.2010 * 14.01.2011 * 15.01.2010 31.12.2010 * 14.01.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 53915.56 69499.66 66428.59 56708.81 72209.02 69137.95 ** b) Borrowings from banks 19052.83 26638.13 23220.03 19059.21 26836.16 23358.44 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5527.07 9120.92 7161.96 5545.32
जाने 12, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, December 31, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 01.01.2010 17.12.2010 * 31.12.2010 * 01.01.2010 17.12.2010 * 31.12.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 56256.05 65629.18 69499.66 58466.83 68353.57 72209.02 ** b) Borrowings from banks 22511.98 29348.21 26638.13 22532.12 29378.38 26836.16 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5689.70 7145.44 9120.92 5699.54 7155.10 9126.5
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 01.01.2010 17.12.2010 * 31.12.2010 * 01.01.2010 17.12.2010 * 31.12.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 56256.05 65629.18 69499.66 58466.83 68353.57 72209.02 ** b) Borrowings from banks 22511.98 29348.21 26638.13 22532.12 29378.38 26836.16 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5689.70 7145.44 9120.92 5699.54 7155.10 9126.5
डिसें 29, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, December 17, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 18.12.2009 03.12.2010 * 17.12.2010 * 18.12.2009 03.12.2010 * 17.12.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 52873.73 66538.47 65629.18 55088.70 69261.08 68353.57 ** b) Borrowings from banks 17650.42 22585.84 29348.21 17664.78 22615.38 29378.38 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5562.93 7017.56 7145.44 5568.73
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 18.12.2009 03.12.2010 * 17.12.2010 * 18.12.2009 03.12.2010 * 17.12.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 52873.73 66538.47 65629.18 55088.70 69261.08 68353.57 ** b) Borrowings from banks 17650.42 22585.84 29348.21 17664.78 22615.38 29378.38 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5562.93 7017.56 7145.44 5568.73
डिसें 15, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, December 3, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 04.12.2009 19.11.2010 * 03.12.2010 * 04.12.2009 19.11.2010 * 03.12.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 51581.33 63973.08 66538.47 53788.86 66732.98 69261.08 ** b) Borrowings from banks 17458.22 21547.12 22585.84 17468.98 21581.91 22615.38 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5632.58 7207.50 7017.56 5638.68
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 04.12.2009 19.11.2010 * 03.12.2010 * 04.12.2009 19.11.2010 * 03.12.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 51581.33 63973.08 66538.47 53788.86 66732.98 69261.08 ** b) Borrowings from banks 17458.22 21547.12 22585.84 17468.98 21581.91 22615.38 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5632.58 7207.50 7017.56 5638.68
डिसें 01, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, November 19, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 20.11.2009 05.11.2010 * 19.11.2010 * 20.11.2009 05.11.2010 * 19.11.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 51068.42 63233.83 63973.08 53263.41 65974.13 66732.98 ** b) Borrowings from banks 16790.24 20409.67 21547.12 16797.48 20495.75 21581.91 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5580.63 6879.49 7207.50 5585.31
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 20.11.2009 05.11.2010 * 19.11.2010 * 20.11.2009 05.11.2010 * 19.11.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 51068.42 63233.83 63973.08 53263.41 65974.13 66732.98 ** b) Borrowings from banks 16790.24 20409.67 21547.12 16797.48 20495.75 21581.91 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5580.63 6879.49 7207.50 5585.31
नोव्हें 18, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, November 5, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 06.11.2009 22.10.2010 * 05.11.2010 * 06.11.2009 22.10.2010 * 05.11.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 52033.78 63853.08 63233.83 54234.97 66620.04 65974.13 ** b) Borrowings from banks 17459.81 25047.34 20409.67 17467.96 25190.61 20495.75 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5617.51 7872.54 6879.49 5621.17
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 06.11.2009 22.10.2010 * 05.11.2010 * 06.11.2009 22.10.2010 * 05.11.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 52033.78 63853.08 63233.83 54234.97 66620.04 65974.13 ** b) Borrowings from banks 17459.81 25047.34 20409.67 17467.96 25190.61 20495.75 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5617.51 7872.54 6879.49 5621.17
नोव्हें 03, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, October 22, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 23.10.2009 08.10.2010 * 22.10.2010 * 23.10.2009 08.10.2010 * 22.10.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 51699.84 62786.91 63853.08 56352.37 65589.42 66620.04 ** b) Borrowings from banks 17412.15 22999.23 25047.34 17424.44 23245.81 25190.61 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5814.85 6984.30 7872.54 5818.75
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 23.10.2009 08.10.2010 * 22.10.2010 * 23.10.2009 08.10.2010 * 22.10.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 51699.84 62786.91 63853.08 56352.37 65589.42 66620.04 ** b) Borrowings from banks 17412.15 22999.23 25047.34 17424.44 23245.81 25190.61 c) Other demand & time liabilities 5814.85 6984.30 7872.54 5818.75
ऑक्टो 20, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, October 08, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 09.10.2009 24.09.2010 * 08.10.2010 * 09.10.2009 24.09.2010 * 08.10.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 52314.38 65736.85 62786.91 56914.57 68543.55 65589.42 ** b) Borrowings from banks 17182.36 21702.08 22999.23 17190.56 21839.98 23245.81 c) Other demand & time liabilities 6274.81 8839.25 6984.30 6299.20
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 09.10.2009 24.09.2010 * 08.10.2010 * 09.10.2009 24.09.2010 * 08.10.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 52314.38 65736.85 62786.91 56914.57 68543.55 65589.42 ** b) Borrowings from banks 17182.36 21702.08 22999.23 17190.56 21839.98 23245.81 c) Other demand & time liabilities 6274.81 8839.25 6984.30 6299.20
ऑक्टो 06, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, September 24, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 25.09.2009 10.09.2010 * 24.09.2010 * 25.09.2009 10.09.2010 * 24.09.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 54304.12 62504.03 65736.85 58897.98 65322.03 68543.55 ** b) Borrowings from banks 19898.38 23141.26 21702.08 19924.35 23271.11 21839.98 c) Other demand & time liabilities 6209.21 7852.15 8839.25 6213.69
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 25.09.2009 10.09.2010 * 24.09.2010 * 25.09.2009 10.09.2010 * 24.09.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 54304.12 62504.03 65736.85 58897.98 65322.03 68543.55 ** b) Borrowings from banks 19898.38 23141.26 21702.08 19924.35 23271.11 21839.98 c) Other demand & time liabilities 6209.21 7852.15 8839.25 6213.69
सप्टें 22, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, September 10, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 11.09.2009 27.08.2010 * 10.09.2010 * 11.09.2009 27.08.2010 * 10.09.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 51994.36 61047.16 62504.03 56760.43 63875.76 ** 65322.03 ** b) Borrowings from banks 21678.69 26145.98 23141.26 21701.45 26284.82 23271.11 c) Other demand & time liabilities 6461.09 7248.08 7852.15 6464.
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 11.09.2009 27.08.2010 * 10.09.2010 * 11.09.2009 27.08.2010 * 10.09.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 51994.36 61047.16 62504.03 56760.43 63875.76 ** 65322.03 ** b) Borrowings from banks 21678.69 26145.98 23141.26 21701.45 26284.82 23271.11 c) Other demand & time liabilities 6461.09 7248.08 7852.15 6464.
सप्टें 08, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, August 27, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 28.08.2009 13.08.2010 * 27.08.2010 * 28.08.2009 13.08.2010 * 27.08.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 50961.33 61937.19 61047.16 55813.14 64754.37 63875.76 ** b) Borrowings from banks 22769.07 24614.58 26145.98 22781.78 24693.06 26284.82 c) Other demand & time liabilities 13460.57 7001.61 7248.08 13463.9
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 28.08.2009 13.08.2010 * 27.08.2010 * 28.08.2009 13.08.2010 * 27.08.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 50961.33 61937.19 61047.16 55813.14 64754.37 63875.76 ** b) Borrowings from banks 22769.07 24614.58 26145.98 22781.78 24693.06 26284.82 c) Other demand & time liabilities 13460.57 7001.61 7248.08 13463.9
ऑग 25, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, August 13, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 14.08.2009 30.07.2010 * 13.08.2010 * 14.08.2009 30.07.2010 * 13.08.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 50624.74 62707.53 61937.19 55375.80 65476.91 64754.37 ** b) Borrowings from banks 25777.55 30514.78 24614.58 25783.73 30590.15 24693.06 c) Other demand & time liabilities 14204.20 7249.77 7001.61 14259.1
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 14.08.2009 30.07.2010 * 13.08.2010 * 14.08.2009 30.07.2010 * 13.08.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 50624.74 62707.53 61937.19 55375.80 65476.91 64754.37 ** b) Borrowings from banks 25777.55 30514.78 24614.58 25783.73 30590.15 24693.06 c) Other demand & time liabilities 14204.20 7249.77 7001.61 14259.1
ऑग 11, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, July 30, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 31.07.2009 16.07.2010 * 30.07.2010 * 31.07.2009 16.07.2010 * 30.07.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 50417.85 62086.86 62707.53 55116.78 64844.31 65476.91 ** b) Borrowings from banks 19795.91 31809.92 30514.78 19799.00 31878.78 30590.15 c) Other demand & time liabilities 14628.09 7753.74 7249.77 14630.5
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 31.07.2009 16.07.2010 * 30.07.2010 * 31.07.2009 16.07.2010 * 30.07.2010 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 50417.85 62086.86 62707.53 55116.78 64844.31 65476.91 ** b) Borrowings from banks 19795.91 31809.92 30514.78 19799.00 31878.78 30590.15 c) Other demand & time liabilities 14628.09 7753.74 7249.77 14630.5
जुलै 28, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, July 16, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 17.07.2009 02.07.2010 16.07.2010 17.07.2009 02.07.2010 16.07.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 52256.22 65301.73 62086.86 56911.92 68044.36 64844.31 ** b) Borrowings from banks 20902.39 26156.77 31809.92 20907.93 26205.31 31878.78 c) Other demand & time liabilities 15197.42 7790.99 7753.74 15214.4
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 17.07.2009 02.07.2010 16.07.2010 17.07.2009 02.07.2010 16.07.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 52256.22 65301.73 62086.86 56911.92 68044.36 64844.31 ** b) Borrowings from banks 20902.39 26156.77 31809.92 20907.93 26205.31 31878.78 c) Other demand & time liabilities 15197.42 7790.99 7753.74 15214.4
जुलै 14, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, July 2, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 03.07.2009 18.06.2010 02.07.2010 03.07.2009 18.06.2010 02.07.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 50703.49 62385.89 65301.73 55330.77 65091.96 68044.36 ** b) Borrowings from banks 20751.21 26890.09 26156.77 20761.13 27051.42 26205.31 c) Other demand & time liabilities 15828.13 7082.44 7790.99 15840.10
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 03.07.2009 18.06.2010 02.07.2010 03.07.2009 18.06.2010 02.07.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 50703.49 62385.89 65301.73 55330.77 65091.96 68044.36 ** b) Borrowings from banks 20751.21 26890.09 26156.77 20761.13 27051.42 26205.31 c) Other demand & time liabilities 15828.13 7082.44 7790.99 15840.10
जून 30, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, June 18, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 19.06.2009 04.06.2010 18.06.2010 19.06.2009 04.06.2010 18.06.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 49685.70 61784.72 62385.89 54276.94 64495.89 65091.96 ** b) Borrowings from banks 24405.92 21962.97 26890.09 24417.17 22130.41 27051.42 c) Other demand & time liabilities 16762.49 7253.24 7082.44 16785.5
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 19.06.2009 04.06.2010 18.06.2010 19.06.2009 04.06.2010 18.06.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 49685.70 61784.72 62385.89 54276.94 64495.89 65091.96 ** b) Borrowings from banks 24405.92 21962.97 26890.09 24417.17 22130.41 27051.42 c) Other demand & time liabilities 16762.49 7253.24 7082.44 16785.5
जून 16, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, June 04, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 05.06.2009 21.05.2010 04.06.2010 05.06.2009 21.05.2010 04.06.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 50796.67 61083.29 61784.72 55360.77 63841.18 64495.89 ** b) Borrowings from banks 21754.64 17767.39 21962.97 21815.13 17848.96 22130.41 c) Other demand & time liabilities 17812.16 7490.02 7253.24 17846.4
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 05.06.2009 21.05.2010 04.06.2010 05.06.2009 21.05.2010 04.06.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 50796.67 61083.29 61784.72 55360.77 63841.18 64495.89 ** b) Borrowings from banks 21754.64 17767.39 21962.97 21815.13 17848.96 22130.41 c) Other demand & time liabilities 17812.16 7490.02 7253.24 17846.4
जून 02, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, May 21, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 22.05.2009 07.05.2010 21.05.2010 22.05.2009 07.05.2010 21.05.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 48702.81 61709.54 61083.29 53226.77 64395.86 63841.18 ** b) Borrowings from banks 19888.12 20906.72 17767.39 19969.18 20908.97 17848.96 c) Other demand & time liabilities 19142.50 7483.26 7490.02 19176.0
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 22.05.2009 07.05.2010 21.05.2010 22.05.2009 07.05.2010 21.05.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 48702.81 61709.54 61083.29 53226.77 64395.86 63841.18 ** b) Borrowings from banks 19888.12 20906.72 17767.39 19969.18 20908.97 17848.96 c) Other demand & time liabilities 19142.50 7483.26 7490.02 19176.0
मे 19, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, May 7, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 08.05.2009 23.04.2010 07.05.2010 08.05.2009 23.04.2010 07.05.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 51813.88 62772.18 61709.54 56287.72 65303.37 64395.86 ** b) Borrowings from banks 24527.47 20374.37 20906.72 24530.10 20389.82 20908.97 c) Other demand & time liabilities 18979.70 7526.95 7483.26 18983.6
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 08.05.2009 23.04.2010 07.05.2010 08.05.2009 23.04.2010 07.05.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 51813.88 62772.18 61709.54 56287.72 65303.37 64395.86 ** b) Borrowings from banks 24527.47 20374.37 20906.72 24530.10 20389.82 20908.97 c) Other demand & time liabilities 18979.70 7526.95 7483.26 18983.6
मे 05, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, April 23, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 24.04.2009 09.04.2010 23.04.2010 24.04.2009 09.04.2010 23.04.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 50947.81 65345.27 62772.18 55377.45 67793.07 65303.37 ** b) Borrowings from banks 26946.87 22334.32 20374.37 26958.24 22352.33 20389.82 c) Other demand & time liabilities 19827.61 6220.37 7526.95 19830.3
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 24.04.2009 09.04.2010 23.04.2010 24.04.2009 09.04.2010 23.04.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 50947.81 65345.27 62772.18 55377.45 67793.07 65303.37 ** b) Borrowings from banks 26946.87 22334.32 20374.37 26958.24 22352.33 20389.82 c) Other demand & time liabilities 19827.61 6220.37 7526.95 19830.3
एप्रि 21, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, April 9, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 10.04.2009 26.03.2010 09.04.2010 10.04.2009 26.03.2010 09.04.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 53022.40 63971.07 65345.27 57417.88 66383.00 67793.07 ** b) Borrowings from banks 27983.94 30467.77 22334.32 27986.64 30486.60 22352.33 c) Other demand & time liabilities 20073.03 5958.79 6220.37 20076.1
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 10.04.2009 26.03.2010 09.04.2010 10.04.2009 26.03.2010 09.04.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 53022.40 63971.07 65345.27 57417.88 66383.00 67793.07 ** b) Borrowings from banks 27983.94 30467.77 22334.32 27986.64 30486.60 22352.33 c) Other demand & time liabilities 20073.03 5958.79 6220.37 20076.1
एप्रि 07, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, March 26, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 27.03.2009 12.03.2010 26.03.2010 27.03.2009 12.03.2010 26.03.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 48855.50 58364.29 63971.07 53134.45 60692.46 66383.00 ** b) Borrowings from banks 29487.14 20764.45 30467.77 29504.45 20777.03 30486.60 c) Other demand & time liabilities 21772.88 5899.76 5958.79 21779.7
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 27.03.2009 12.03.2010 26.03.2010 27.03.2009 12.03.2010 26.03.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 48855.50 58364.29 63971.07 53134.45 60692.46 66383.00 ** b) Borrowings from banks 29487.14 20764.45 30467.77 29504.45 20777.03 30486.60 c) Other demand & time liabilities 21772.88 5899.76 5958.79 21779.7
मार्च 25, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, March 12, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 13.03.2009 26.02.2010 12.03.2010 13.03.2009 26.02.2010 12.03.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 45542.76 56186.20 58364.29 49706.77 58479.20 60692.46 ** b) Borrowings from banks 31141.35 20840.30 20764.45 31166.66 20851.85 20777.03 c) Other demand & time liabilities 27981.51 5853.57 5899.76 27988.5
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 13.03.2009 26.02.2010 12.03.2010 13.03.2009 26.02.2010 12.03.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 45542.76 56186.20 58364.29 49706.77 58479.20 60692.46 ** b) Borrowings from banks 31141.35 20840.30 20764.45 31166.66 20851.85 20777.03 c) Other demand & time liabilities 27981.51 5853.57 5899.76 27988.5
मार्च 10, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, February 26, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 27.02.2009 12.02.2010 26.02.2010 27.02.2009 12.02.2010 26.02.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 44137.57 55186.00 56186.20 48319.46 57426.93 58479.20 ** b) Borrowings from banks 27901.30 19691.20 20840.30 27928.02 19723.19 20851.85 c) Other demand & time liabilities 30118.70 5584.78 5853.57 30122.6
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 27.02.2009 12.02.2010 26.02.2010 27.02.2009 12.02.2010 26.02.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 44137.57 55186.00 56186.20 48319.46 57426.93 58479.20 ** b) Borrowings from banks 27901.30 19691.20 20840.30 27928.02 19723.19 20851.85 c) Other demand & time liabilities 30118.70 5584.78 5853.57 30122.6
फेब्रु 24, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, February 12, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 13.02.2009 29.01.2010 12.02.2010 13.02.2009 29.01.2010 12.02.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 45021.10 55417.65 55186.00 49151.62 58176.90 57426.93 ** b) Borrowings from banks 31842.63 17995.50 19691.20 31867.06 18002.66 19723.19 c) Other demand & time liabilities 25244.63 5556.58 5584.78 25247.8
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 13.02.2009 29.01.2010 12.02.2010 13.02.2009 29.01.2010 12.02.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 45021.10 55417.65 55186.00 49151.62 58176.90 57426.93 ** b) Borrowings from banks 31842.63 17995.50 19691.20 31867.06 18002.66 19723.19 c) Other demand & time liabilities 25244.63 5556.58 5584.78 25247.8
फेब्रु 10, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, January 29, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 30.01.2009 15.01.2010 29.01.2010 30.01.2009 15.01.2010 29.01.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 44270.61 53503.27 55417.65 48489.77 56282.17 58176.90 ** b) Borrowings from banks 25595.18 19240.82 17995.50 25641.41 19247.11 18002.66 c) Other demand & time liabilities 25405.93 5530.99 5556.58 25408.6
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 30.01.2009 15.01.2010 29.01.2010 30.01.2009 15.01.2010 29.01.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 44270.61 53503.27 55417.65 48489.77 56282.17 58176.90 ** b) Borrowings from banks 25595.18 19240.82 17995.50 25641.41 19247.11 18002.66 c) Other demand & time liabilities 25405.93 5530.99 5556.58 25408.6
जाने 27, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, January 15, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 16.01.2009 01.01.2010 15.01.2010 16.01.2009 01.01.2010 15.01.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 44104.94 56291.78 53503.27 48297.67 58509.27 56282.17 ** b) Borrowings from banks 28225.19 22438.37 19240.82 28239.03 22474.76 19247.11 c) Other demand & time liabilities 27881.35 5668.99 5530.99 27882.1
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 16.01.2009 01.01.2010 15.01.2010 16.01.2009 01.01.2010 15.01.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 44104.94 56291.78 53503.27 48297.67 58509.27 56282.17 ** b) Borrowings from banks 28225.19 22438.37 19240.82 28239.03 22474.76 19247.11 c) Other demand & time liabilities 27881.35 5668.99 5530.99 27882.1
जाने 13, 2010
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, January 01, 2010
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 02.01.2009 18.12.2009 01.01.2010 02.01.2009 18.12.2009 01.01.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 45703.00 52602.34 56291.78 49861.38 54809.84 58509.27 ** b) Borrowings from banks 23822.19 17399.38 22438.37 23944.35 17409.07 22474.76 c) Other demand & time liabilities 28498.00 5558.79 5668.99 28498.9
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 02.01.2009 18.12.2009 01.01.2010 02.01.2009 18.12.2009 01.01.2010 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 45703.00 52602.34 56291.78 49861.38 54809.84 58509.27 ** b) Borrowings from banks 23822.19 17399.38 22438.37 23944.35 17409.07 22474.76 c) Other demand & time liabilities 28498.00 5558.79 5668.99 28498.9
डिसें 30, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, December 18, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 19.12.2008 04.12.2009 18.12.2009 19.12.2008 04.12.2009 18.12.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 45334.62 51672.99 52602.34 49496.53 53874.13 54809.84 ** b) Borrowings from banks 27168.43 17259.39 17399.38 27518.94 17268.93 17409.07 c) Other demand & time liabilities 29214.20 5662.74 5558.79 29216.0
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 19.12.2008 04.12.2009 18.12.2009 19.12.2008 04.12.2009 18.12.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 45334.62 51672.99 52602.34 49496.53 53874.13 54809.84 ** b) Borrowings from banks 27168.43 17259.39 17399.38 27518.94 17268.93 17409.07 c) Other demand & time liabilities 29214.20 5662.74 5558.79 29216.0
डिसें 16, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, December 04, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 05.12.2008 20.11.2009 04.12.2009 05.12.2008 20.11.2009 04.12.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 45211.73 51296.53 51672.99 49372.16 53497.10 53874.13 ** b) Borrowings from banks 25729.89 16677.07 17259.39 26090.32 16685.11 17268.93 c) Other demand & time liabilities 39302.58 5644.88 5662.74 39303.3
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 05.12.2008 20.11.2009 04.12.2009 05.12.2008 20.11.2009 04.12.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 45211.73 51296.53 51672.99 49372.16 53497.10 53874.13 ** b) Borrowings from banks 25729.89 16677.07 17259.39 26090.32 16685.11 17268.93 c) Other demand & time liabilities 39302.58 5644.88 5662.74 39303.3
डिसें 02, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, November 20, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 21.11.2008 06.11.2009 20.11.2009 21.11.2008 06.11.2009 20.11.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 45971.21 52139.80 51296.53 50150.81 54338.28 53497.10 ** b) Borrowings from banks 28925.61 17522.16 16677.07 29281.66 17530.19 16685.11 c) Other demand & time liabilities 43728.60 5630.84 5644.88 43730.9
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 21.11.2008 06.11.2009 20.11.2009 21.11.2008 06.11.2009 20.11.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 45971.21 52139.80 51296.53 50150.81 54338.28 53497.10 ** b) Borrowings from banks 28925.61 17522.16 16677.07 29281.66 17530.19 16685.11 c) Other demand & time liabilities 43728.60 5630.84 5644.88 43730.9
नोव्हें 18, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, November 06, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 07.11.2008 23.10.2009 06.11.2009 07.11.2008 23.10.2009 06.11.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 46332.74 52096.43 52139.80 50002.22 54304.30 54338.28 ** b) Borrowings from banks 28486.08 17484.16 17522.16 28841.17 17491.97 17530.19 c) Other demand & time liabilities 32414.20 6249.93 5630.84 32415.3
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 07.11.2008 23.10.2009 06.11.2009 07.11.2008 23.10.2009 06.11.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 46332.74 52096.43 52139.80 50002.22 54304.30 54338.28 ** b) Borrowings from banks 28486.08 17484.16 17522.16 28841.17 17491.97 17530.19 c) Other demand & time liabilities 32414.20 6249.93 5630.84 32415.3
नोव्हें 04, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, October 23, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 24.10.2008 09.10.2009 23.10.2009 24.10.2008 09.10.2009 23.10.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 44798.79 52224.37 52096.43 48419.02 54436.77 54304.30 ** b) Borrowings from banks 36389.93 17017.36 17484.16 36748.52 17025.54 17491.97 c) Other demand & time liabilities 40802.05 6290.28 6249.93 40802.3
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 24.10.2008 09.10.2009 23.10.2009 24.10.2008 09.10.2009 23.10.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 44798.79 52224.37 52096.43 48419.02 54436.77 54304.30 ** b) Borrowings from banks 36389.93 17017.36 17484.16 36748.52 17025.54 17491.97 c) Other demand & time liabilities 40802.05 6290.28 6249.93 40802.3
ऑक्टो 22, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, October 09, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 10.10.2008 25.09.2009 09.10.2009 10.10.2008 25.09.2009 09.10.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 42687.33 53032.09 52224.37 46343.83 55221.72 54436.77 ** b) Borrowings from banks 33427.12 19553.03 17017.36 33477.42 19575.90 17025.54 c) Other demand & time liabilities 36944.45 6218.36 6290.28 36945.7
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 10.10.2008 25.09.2009 09.10.2009 10.10.2008 25.09.2009 09.10.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 42687.33 53032.09 52224.37 46343.83 55221.72 54436.77 ** b) Borrowings from banks 33427.12 19553.03 17017.36 33477.42 19575.90 17025.54 c) Other demand & time liabilities 36944.45 6218.36 6290.28 36945.7
ऑक्टो 07, 2009
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, September 25, 2009
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 26.09.2008 11.09.2009 25.09.2009 26.09.2008 11.09.2009 25.09.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 42326.83 50400.57 53032.09 46045.98 52609.96 55221.72 ** b) Borrowings from banks 29063.90 21629.43 19553.03 29090.19 21654.53 19575.90 c) Other demand & time liabilities 34901.74 12898.17 6218.36 34903.
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks (SCBs) 26.09.2008 11.09.2009 25.09.2009 26.09.2008 11.09.2009 25.09.2009 I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) * * * * a) Demand & time deposits from banks 42326.83 50400.57 53032.09 46045.98 52609.96 55221.72 ** b) Borrowings from banks 29063.90 21629.43 19553.03 29090.19 21654.53 19575.90 c) Other demand & time liabilities 34901.74 12898.17 6218.36 34903.
पेज अंतिम अपडेट तारीख: जानेवारी 23, 2025