Acceptance of Nomination in Form ‘A’ or ‘B’- Central Civil Pension - ଆରବିଆଇ - Reserve Bank of India
Acceptance of Nomination in Form ‘A’ or ‘B’- Central Civil Pension
August 24, 2004
The Chief Executive Officer
All Agency Banks (as per list)
Dear Sir,
Acceptance of Nomination in Form ‘A’ or ‘B’- Central Civil Pension
Please refer to para 23 of Scheme for Payment of Pensions to Central Government Civil Pensioners by Public Sector Banks regarding Arrears of Pension on the death of Pensioner and manner of disposal of such Pension Payment Order (PPO).
2. In this connection, as you are aware, in the absence of nomination, the payment of arrears to the heir(s) of deceased pensioners is made after completion of certain prescribed formalities. We have been advised by the Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO), Ministry of Finance, New Delhi that due to non-submission of the nomination form by the pensioners/non-acceptance of the nomination form by the pension paying banks, the heir(s) of pensioners are experiencing difficulties in receiving payment of arrears of pension on death of the pensioners.
3. With a view to avoid inconvenience to the pensioners and their heir(s), it has been advised by the Government that all pension paying bank branches should accept nomination in Form ‘A’ or ‘B’ as the case may be, submitted by the pensioners for the payment of arrears of pension to the heir(s). You may please issue necessary instructions to all your branches authorised for payment of Central Government Civil Pension. The branches may also be advised to ensure that the procedures laid down in "Scheme for Payment of Pensions to Central Government Civil Pensioners by Public Sector Banks" are followed scrupulously.
Yours faithfully,
General Manager