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Cash Withdrawal Limit Facility for Overdraft/Cash Credit Accounts

DCM (Plg) No.1317/10.27.00/2016-17

November 21, 2016

The Chairman / Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer
Public Sector Banks / Private Sector Banks/ Foreign Banks
Regional Rural Banks / Urban Co-operative Banks / State Co-operative Banks/
District Central Cooperative Banks

Dear Sir,

Withdrawal of Legal Tender Character of Specified Bank Notes –
Cash Withdrawal Limit

Please refer to Para (i) – Additional Facilities of our Circular No. DCM (Plg) No.1274/10.27.00/2016-17 dated November 14, 2016 in terms of which current account holders (applicable to Current Accounts which are operational for last three months or more) were allowed to withdraw up to ₹ 50000 in cash, in a week. On a review, it has been decided to extend this facility to Overdraft and Cash Credit accounts also. Accordingly, holders of current / overdraft / cash credit accounts, which are operational for the last three months or more, may now withdraw upto ₹ 50000 in cash, in a week. This enhanced limit for weekly withdrawal is not applicable for personal overdraft accounts.

2. Such withdrawals may be disbursed predominantly in ₹ 2000 denomination bank notes.

Yours faithfully,

(Suman Ray)
General Manager


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