Format of Statutory Auditors’ Certificate (SAC) to be submitted by NBFCs - ଆରବିଆଇ - Reserve Bank of India
Format of Statutory Auditors’ Certificate (SAC) to be submitted by NBFCs
RBI/2015-16/433 June 23, 2016 To CEOs of All NBFCs (excluding RNBCs) and Dear Sir/Madam, Format of Statutory Auditors’ Certificate (SAC) to be submitted by NBFCs Please refer to the Notification No. DNBS 192/DG (VL) dated Feb 22, 2007 prescribing Prudential Norms Directions. In terms of the extant instructions, all NBFCs are required to submit a certificate from their Statutory Auditors every year to the effect that they continue to engage in the business of NBFI requiring it to hold a CoR under Section 45-IA of the RBI Act. 2. With a view to ensure consistency in the manner in which the information is received from the Auditors, it has been decided to introduce a uniform format of the SAC. The NBFC would need to fill in the information, as applicable, in COSMOS. Thereafter, the SAC needs to be scanned and uploaded in COSMOS under the menu Upload Returns > Statutory Auditors Certificate. The format of the SAC is attached herewith. Yours faithfully (Dr. Sathyan David) Encl: Format of Return |