Guidelines on import of gold by Qualified Jewellers as notified by - The International Financial Services Centers Authority (IFSCA) - ଆରବିଆଇ - Reserve Bank of India
Guidelines on import of gold by Qualified Jewellers as notified by - The International Financial Services Centers Authority (IFSCA)
RBI/2022-2023/57 May 25, 2022 To All Category-I Authorised Dealer Banks Madam/Sir, Guidelines on import of gold by Qualified Jewellers as notified by – The International Financial Services Centers Authority (IFSCA) Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) formulate and implement the Foreign Trade Policy and Procedures in terms of Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992, (FTDR Act 1992, hereinafter) as amended from time to time. In exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 read with Section 5 of FTDR Act 1992, read with paragraph 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, as amended from time to time, the Central Government has amended the import policy conditions for gold in any form, other than monetary gold and silver in any form under Chapter 71 of ITC (HS), 2017, Schedule-I (Import Policy) vide Notification No. 49/2015-2020 dated January 5, 2022. 2. Attention of Authorised Dealer Category - I (AD) bank is invited to (a) Notification No. 49/2015-2020 dated January 5, 2022, in terms of which, in addition to nominated agencies as notified by RBI (in case of banks) and nominated agencies as notified by DGFT, Qualified Jewellers (QJ) as notified by International Financial Services Centers Authority (IFSCA) will be permitted to import gold under specific ITC(HS) Codes through India International Bullion Exchange IFSC Ltd. (IIBX); (b) Master Direction – Import of Goods and Services and the AP Dir Series Circulars issued for import of Gold by Reserve Bank of India under FEMA, 1999; (c) regulations issued by the International Financial Services Centers Authority (IFSCA) under International Financial Services Centers Authority Act, 2019. 3. In order to enable resident Qualified Jewellers to import gold through IIBX or any other exchange approved by IFSCA and the DGFT, Government of India the following directions under FEMA are being issued.
4. IFSC Authority (IFSCA) will conduct all required due diligence on the exchange - IIBX including all other entities involved in enabling import of Gold by QJs in terms of the IFSCA regulations. IFSCA shall also put in place necessary system to ensure that the advance remittance received from QJs are solely for the purpose for the import of gold through IIBX. 5. AD bank shall ensure that:
AD banks may frame their own internal guidelines to deal with such cases, with the approval of their Board of Directors. 6. Reporting requirement by AD banks:
7. The abovementioned arrangement is for the sole purpose of facilitating physical import of gold through IIBX or any similar exchange authorised by IFSCA, by Qualified Jewellers in India. 8. The above instructions shall come into force with immediate effect. AD banks may bring the contents of this Circular to the notice of their constituents and customers concerned. 9. The directions contained in this Circular have been issued under Section 10(4) and Section 11(1) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), 1999 (42 of 1999) and are without prejudice to permissions/approvals, if any, required under any other law. Yours faithfully, (Vivek Srivastava) |