Levy of interest on clearing-related overdraft extended by Clearing House managing banks for settling clearing obligations of member banks - ଆରବିଆଇ - Reserve Bank of India
Levy of interest on clearing-related overdraft extended by Clearing House managing banks for settling clearing obligations of member banks
RBI/2009-10/452 May 6, 2010 The Chairman and Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer Madam / Dear Sir, Levy of interest on clearing-related overdraft extended by Clearing House managing banks for settling clearing obligations of member banks As you are aware, in terms of provisions contained in Rule 10(g) of the Uniform Regulations and Rules for Bankers’ Clearing Houses (URRBCH), for unauthorised overdrafts on account of adverse clearing position, defaulting banks are required to pay penal interest at the rate applicable to clean overdrafts plus 2% from the following working day till the position is regularised. A number of references were being received on exorbitant interest being levied by some Clearing House managing banks for extending clearing-related overdrafts in member bank settlement accounts and also of some member banks routinely demanding overdraft free of interest from settlement banks to meet clearing-related shortfalls during the day. When the succeeding days are holidays, this results in considerable credit risk to the bank extending overdraft, apart from being out of funds for a longer period without adequate compensation. Accordingly, in partial modification of Rule 10(g), with effect from October 23, 2009, settlement banks extending clearing overdrafts were permitted to levy interest for intra-day overdrawals as well (irrespective of the number of hours for which the funds have been lent). The interest rate was to be transparent and discussed ab-initio between the clearing settlement and the overdraft availing bank. It was clarified that the entire issue of clearing overdraft and the interest to be charged was being reviewed. A meeting of major clearing house managing banks was recently conducted where the issue was discussed and, for the sake of uniformity in levy of interest for clearing-related overdrafts, it has been decided as under -
The modifications are applicable from the date of this circular. These instructions are issued by the Reserve Bank of India, in exercise of the powers conferred on it under the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 (Act 51 of 2007). Yours faithfully (G Padmanabhan) |