UCBs - Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rule, 2011- Online Reporting of Receipt of Foreign Contribution by banks - ଆରବିଆଇ - Reserve Bank of India
UCBs - Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rule, 2011- Online Reporting of Receipt of Foreign Contribution by banks
RBI/2013-14/297 September 27, 2013 The Chief Executive Officer Madam/Dear Sir, Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rule, 2011- Online Reporting of Receipt of Foreign Contribution by banks – Primary (Urban) Cooperative Banks Under Rule 16 of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rule, 2011, banks have to report to Central Government any transaction in respect of receipt of foreign contributions. The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India has developed a software for submission of online reports of receipt of foreign contribution by banks. MHA has advised that submitting reports online through software would be optional till October 31, 2013. From November 1, 2013 onwards, online submission of report would be compulsory. 2. MHA has given the following instructions regarding submission of reports online:
Link to instructions and formats is given below: All UCBs are accordingly advised to create their user id and password immediately. 3. For any clarification/suggestion regarding submission of reports, you may contact MHA at ds-fcra@nic.in. For any problem in filling online application, you may send e-mail to Shri C.L.Sharma, Technical Director, (NIC), New Delhi at clsharma@nic.in. Yours faithfully, (Dr. S.K. Kar) |