RBI extends Directions issued to The CKP Co-operative Bank Ltd., Mumbai, Maharashtra - ଆରବିଆଇ - Reserve Bank of India
RBI extends Directions issued to The CKP Co-operative Bank Ltd., Mumbai, Maharashtra
The CKP Co-operative Bank Ltd, Mumbai, Maharashtra, was placed under directions vide directive dated April 30, 2014, from close of business on May 2, 2014. The validity of the directions were extended from time to time vide subsequent directives last being order dated July 28, 2016 and was valid upto January 31, 2017 subject to review. It is hereby notified for the information of the public that the validity of the aforesaid directions has been further extended for a period of six months from February 01, 2017 to July 31, 2017 vide order dated January 27, 2017, subject to review alongwith partial modifications to the directive dated April 30, 2014 as stated below: (i) The bank is allowed to set off loans against deposits, if the terms and conditions of the loan agreement with the borrower provide that the amount in his specific deposit account (by whatever name called) may be allowed to be appropriated / adjusted by the bank towards his loan account, such appropriation / adjustment to the extent of outstanding balance in loan account is permitted subject to following additional conditions:
(ii) The bank is allowed to treat regular and secured CC accounts (which are in order and wherein there is regular payment of interest) as standard advances. However, renewal of CC accounts for the purpose of withdrawal is not allowed. A copy of the directive dated January 27, 2017 notifying the above extension and modification is displayed at the bank’s premises for the perusal of public. The aforesaid extension and/or modification by the Reserve Bank of India should not per-se be construed to imply that Reserve Bank of India is satisfied of substantive improvement in the financial position of the bank.Anirudha D. Jadhav Press Release : 2016-2017/2040 |