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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

Asset Publisher


List of Select Abbreviations

AA Account Aggregator
AD Authorised Dealer
AEs Advanced Economies
AFS Available for Sale
AGR Alternate Grievance Redressal
AI Artificial Intelligence
AIC Akaike Information Criterion
AID All-Inclusive Directions
AIFIs All-India Financial Institutions
AMA Advanced Measurement Approach
ANBC Adjusted Net Bank Credit
API Application Programming Interface
ARC Asset Reconstruction Company
ARDL Autoregressive Distributed Lag
ASA Alternative Standardised Approach
ATM Automated Teller Machine
BBPOUs Bharat Bill Payment Operating Units
BBPS Bharat Bill Payment System
BCs Business Correspondents
BCBS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
BIA Basic Indicator Approach
BIC Business Indicator Component
BIS Bank for International Settlements
bps Basis Points
BR Banking Regulation
CADs Current Account Deficits
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
CASA Current Account and Savings Account
CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency
CBS Core Banking Solution
CBUAE Central Bank of the UAE
C-D Credit-Deposit
CDs Certificates of Deposits
CDS Credit Default Swap
CEOBE Credit Equivalent of Off Balance-sheet Exposure
CERT-In Indian Computer Emergency Response Team
CET Common Equity Tier
CIBIL Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited
CIC Core Investment Company
CLM Co-Lending Model
CMBs Cash Management Bills
CME Capital Market Exposure
CoF Card-on-File
CoR Certificate of Registration
CRAR Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets Ratio
CRE Commercial Real Estate
CRE-RH Commercial Real Estate-Residential Housing
CRILC Central Repository of Information on Large Credits
CRPC Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre
CRR Cash Reserve Ratio
C-SOC Cyber Security Operations Centre
CUG Closed User Group
CVA Credit Valuation Adjustment
DAY-NRLM Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods Mission
DBU Digital Banking Unit
DCCBs District Central Co-operative Banks
DICGC Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
DIF Deposit Insurance Fund
DLA Digital Lending Application
DLG Default Loss Guarantee
DP Discussion Paper
DPAW Digital Payments Awareness Week
DPI Digital Payments Index
DPI Digital Public Infrastructure
D-SIBs Domestic Systemically Important Banks
e-KYC Electronic Know Your Customer
e₹-R e₹ Retail
e₹-W e₹ Wholesale
ECB External Commercial Borrowing
EBPT Earnings before Provisions and Taxes
ECL Expected Credit Loss
ECLGS Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme
EMDEs Emerging Market and Developing Economies
EMEs Emerging Market Economies
EU European Union
EXIM Bank Export-Import Bank of India
FAR Fully Accessible Route
FB Foreign Bank
FCNR(B) Foreign Currency Non-Resident (Bank)
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
FIs Financial Institutions
FII/ FI-Index Financial Inclusion Index
FIP Financial Inclusion Plan
FLW Financial Literacy Week
FPC Fair Practices Code
FPS Fast Payment Systems
FRRR Fixed Rate Reverse Repo
FSB Financial Stability Board
FSWM Financially Sound and Well- Managed
FVTPL Fair Value through Profit and Loss
GCC General Credit Card
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GE Government Effectiveness
GFC Global Financial Crisis
G-NBFCs Government-owned NBFCs
GNPA Gross Non-Performing Assets
GSCs Global Stablecoins
G-Secs Government securities
G-SIBs Global Systemically Important Banks
HFC Housing Finance Company
HFSF Hellenic Financial Stability Fund
HFT Held for Trading
HQLAs High Quality Liquid Assets
HTM Held to Maturity
IBUs IFSC Banking Units
ICAAP Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
ICCW Interoperable Card-less Cash Withdrawal
ICD Incremental Credit Deposit
I-CRR Incremental Cash Reserve Ratio
I-D Investment-Deposit
IDF-MF Infrastructure Debt Fund-Mutual Fund
IDF-NBFCs Infrastructure Debt Fund-NBFCs
IFC International Finance Corporation
IFSC International Financial Services Centre
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
IGR Internal Grievance Redressal
IIP Index of Industrial Production
IIS Investment in Securities
ILM Internal Loss Multiplier
IME Informal Micro Enterprises
IMF International Monetary Fund
IO Internal Ombudsman
IOs International Organisations
IOSCO International Organisation of Securities Commissions
IoT Internet of Things
IPP Instant Payment Platform
IRACP Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning
IRB Internal Rating-based
IRRBB Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book
ISSB International Sustainability Standards Board
IT Information Technology
JLGs Joint Liability Groups
KCC Kisan Credit Card
KYC Know Your Customer
LABs Local Area Banks
LAF Liquidity Adjustment Facility
LCR Liquidity Coverage Ratio
LEF Large Exposure Framework
LEX Large Exposures
LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate
LSP Lending Service Provider
LR Leverage Ratio
MAS Monetary Authority of Singapore
MFs Mutual Funds
MFIs Micro Finance Institutions
MGC Mortgage Guarantee Company
MIFOR Mumbai Interbank Forward Outright Rate
MIS Management Information Systems
ML Machine Learning
MMFs Money Market Funds
MoRD Ministry of Rural Development
MoSPI Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation
MPC Monetary Policy Committee
MSF Marginal Standing Facility
MSMEs Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
MTM Mark-to-Market
NABARD National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NaBFID National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development
NARCL National Asset Reconstruction Company Limited
NBFCs Non-Banking Financial Companies
NBFC-AA NBFC-Account Aggregator
NBFC-D Deposit-taking NBFCs
NBFC-ICC NBFC-Investment and Credit Company
NBFC-IFC NBFC-Infrastructure Finance Company
NBFC-MGC NBFC-Mortgage Guarantee Company
NBFC-MFI NBFC-Micro Finance Institution
NBFC-ML NBFC-Middle Layer
NBFCs-ND Non-Deposit taking NBFCs
NBFCs-ND-SI Non-Deposit taking Systemically Important NBFCs
NBFC-NOFHC NBFC-Non-Operative Financial Holding Company
NBFC-P2P NBFC-Peer to Peer Lending Platform
NBFC-UL NBFC-Upper Layer
NBFI Non-Bank Financial Intermediation
NBFIs Non-Banking Financial Institutions
NCCDs Non-Centrally Cleared Derivatives
NCD Non-Convertible Debenture
NCMC National Common Mobility Card
NDDC Non-deliverable Derivative Contract
NDTL Net Demand and Time Liabilities
NED Non-executive Director
NFB Non-fund based
NFC Near Field Communication
NGFS Network for Greening the Financial System
NHB National Housing Bank
NII Net Interest Income
NIM Net Interest Margin
NLP Natural Language Processing
NNPA Net Non-Performing Asset
NOF Net Owned Funds
NPA Non-Performing Asset
NPCI National Payment Corporation of India
NPL Non-Performing Loan
NRC Nomination and Remuneration Committee
NRI Non-Resident Indian
NSUCBs Non-scheduled Urban Co-operative Banks
NSFI National Strategy for Financial Inclusion
NSFR Net Stable Funding Ratio
OEF Open Ended Funds
OEIF Online Export-Import Facilitators
OFIs Other Financial Intermediaries
OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPGSPs Online Payment Gateway Service Providers
ORBIOs Offices of Reserve Bank of India Ombudsmen
ORC Operational Risk Capital
OTC Over-the-Counter
OTPs One-time passwords
P2P Person-to-Person/ Peer-to-Peer
P2M Person-to-Merchant
PA Payment Aggregator
PACS Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
PAN Permanent Account Number
PBs Payments Banks
PCA Prompt Corrective Action
PCARDBs Primary Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks
PCR Provision Coverage Ratio
PDs Primary Dealers
PIDF Payments Infrastructure Development Fund
PLIs Prime Lending Institutions
PMJDY Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
PoS Point-of-Sale
PSBs Public Sector Banks
PSL Priority Sector Lending
PSLCs Priority Sector Lending Certificates
PVBs Private Sector Banks
RBI Reserve Bank of India
RBIH Reserve Bank Innovation Hub
RB-IOS Reserve Bank – Integrated Ombudsman Scheme
RCs Reconstruction Companies
RCBs Rural Co-operative Banks
RCCs Rural Credit Co-operatives
RDA Rupee Drawing Arrangement
REs Regulated Entities
RIDF Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
RMCB Risk Management Committee of the Board
RoA Return on Assets
RoE Return on Equity
RPA Robotic Process Automation
RR Reserve Ratio
RRBs Regional Rural Banks
RSA Restructured Standard Advances
RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement
RWAs Risk Weighted Assets
SARFAESI Act Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act
SBR Scale Based Regulation
SCs Securitisation Companies
SCARDBs State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks
SCBs Scheduled Commercial Banks
SDF Standing Deposit Facility
SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India
SFBs Small Finance Banks
SFT Securities Financing Transactions
SGDP State Gross Domestic Product
SGrBs Sovereign Green Bonds
SHG – BLP Self-Help Groups – Bank Linkage Programme
SHGs Self-Help Groups
SIAM Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers
SIDBI Small Industries Development Bank of India
SLF Special Liquidity Facility
SLR Statutory Liquidity Ratio
SMA Special Mention Accounts
SMFs Small and Marginal Farmers
SPDs Standalone Primary Dealers
SRs Security Receipts
SRO Self-Regulatory Organisation
SSBs Standard-Setting Bodies
SSOC Sectoral Security Operations Centre
StCBs State Co-operative Banks
SUCBs Scheduled UCBs
TAT Turnaround Time
TOT Toll Operate Transfer
TR Total Remuneration
TReDS Trade Receivables Discounting System
TSA The Standardised Approach
UAC Udyam Assist Certificates
UAP Udyam Assist Portal
UCBs Urban Co-operative Banks
UPI Unified Payments Interface
URC Udyam Registration Certificate
URN Udyam Registration Numbers
USD U.S. Dollar
VP Variable Pay
VRR Variable Rate Repo
VRRR Variable Rate Reverse Repo
WACR Weighted Average Call Rate
WAPs Weighted Average Premiums
WEO World Economic Outlook
WG Working Group
WGDL Working Group on Digital Lending
WLAs White Label ATMs
WOS Wholly Owned Subsidiary


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