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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

Asset Publisher



Appendix II : Revenue Expenditure of States and Union Territories with Legislature (Contd.)
(₹ Million)
Item 2013-14
(Budget Estimates)
(Revised Estimates)
(Budget Estimates)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
TOTAL EXPENDITURE (I+II+III) 13,446.7 31,380.7 44,827.4 17,146.9 34,680.8 51,827.7 16,401.6 34,150.6 50,552.2 20,805.3 35,178.0 55,983.3
I. DEVELOPMENTAL EXPENDITURE (A + B) 13,010.0 19,420.6 32,430.6 16,569.7 20,549.4 37,119.1 15,824.8 20,156.5 35,981.3 20,108.4 22,219.4 42,327.9
A. Social Services (1 to 12) 10,063.6 6,547.3 16,610.9 12,744.2 7,108.0 19,852.2 11,446.3 7,312.4 18,758.7 15,546.1 8,204.6 23,750.7
1. Education, Sports, Art and Culture 2,469.9 3,379.6 5,849.5 2,702.9 3,816.2 6,519.1 2,829.3 3,762.4 6,591.7 3,930.1 4,200.1 8,130.2
2. Medical and Public Health 1,792.0 1,642.4 3,434.4 2,251.7 1,738.3 3,990.0 2,251.5 1,990.5 4,242.0 3,265.1 2,171.2 5,436.3
3. Family Welfare 67.7 6.6 74.3 66.9 6.8 73.7 79.1 7.6 86.7 81.8 12.2 94.0
4. Water Supply and Sanitation 231.5 456.5 688.0 176.4 430.7 607.1 360.4 426.3 786.7 203.2 523.6 726.8
5. Housing 375.8 7.5 383.3 672.5 11.4 683.9 429.4 11.6 441.0 764.2 15.5 779.7
6. Urban Development 1,240.5 97.5 1,338.0 3,019.1 57.1 3,076.2 1,382.4 50.3 1,432.7 1,432.1 56.9 1,489.0
7. Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes 1,362.6 165.2 1,527.8 1,315.8 216.8 1,532.6 1,244.0 191.4 1,435.4 1,637.8 215.9 1,853.7
8. Labour and Labour Welfare 116.1 132.5 248.6 129.4 143.1 272.5 118.9 140.5 259.4 149.4 165.4 314.8
9. Social Security and Welfare 2,073.2 489.3 2,562.5 2,150.6 518.2 2,668.8 2,423.3 586.3 3,009.6 3,777.9 608.3 4,386.2
10. Nutrition 264.8 66.7 331.5 204.1 77.5 281.6 273.8 74.8 348.6 252.6 128.6 381.2
11. Relief on account of Natural Calamities 38.4 51.5 89.9 22.8 28.7 51.5 22.2 7.8 30.0 17.9 27.5 45.4
12. Others* 31.1 52.0 83.1 32.0 63.2 95.2 32.0 62.9 94.9 34.0 79.4 113.4
B. Economic Services (1 to 9) 2,946.4 12,873.3 15,819.6 3,825.5 13,441.4 17,266.9 4,378.5 12,844.1 17,222.6 4,562.3 14,014.8 18,577.2
1. Agriculture and Allied Activities (i to xii) 1,410.0 1,168.5 2,578.5 1,673.1 1,285.0 2,958.1 1,528.1 1,452.5 2,980.6 1,746.4 1,844.7 3,591.1
i) Crop Husbandry 508.5 185.8 694.3 669.6 215.2 884.8 562.4 209.0 771.4 667.6 230.3 897.9
ii) Soil and Water Conservation 20.4 20.4 25.4 25.4 20.2 20.2 22.6 22.6
iii) Animal Husbandry 199.3 105.9 305.2 210.0 138.4 348.4 212.5 122.5 335.0 250.0 160.6 410.6
iv) Dairy Development 33.6 9.0 42.6 33.5 10.5 44.0 33.5 9.6 43.1 44.0 10.7 54.7
v) Fisheries 399.0 65.5 464.5 401.9 74.8 476.7 387.9 73.0 460.9 321.5 83.0 404.5
vi) Forestry and Wild Life 18.8 28.3 47.1 29.0 34.1 63.1 27.0 31.1 58.1 30.0 40.7 70.7
vii) Plantations
viii) Food Storage and Warehousing 45.0 697.0 742.0 12.5 722.2 734.7 10.0 922.2 932.2 17.5 1,221.2 1,238.7
ix) Agricultural Research and Education 138.1 138.1 216.0 216.0 212.4 212.4 283.0 283.0
x) Agricultural Finance Institutions
xi) Co-operation 7.4 52.4 59.8 21.1 59.6 80.7 21.1 60.4 81.5 25.3 71.7 97.0
xii) Other Agricultural Programmes 60.3 4.2 64.5 79.5 4.8 84.3 61.3 4.5 65.8 107.5 3.9 111.4
2. Rural Development 104.9 191.8 296.7 440.9 130.1 571.0 326.4 104.6 431.0 410.9 91.1 502.0
3. Special Area Programmes 46.3 46.3 61.3 61.3 78.7 78.7 236.4 236.4
4. Irrigation and Flood Control 117.1 118.0 235.1 105.6 136.4 242.0 115.0 137.0 252.0 124.0 164.4 288.4
of which:                        
i) Major and Medium Irrigation
ii) Minor Irrigation 96.2 118.0 214.2 91.7 136.4 228.1 98.6 137.0 235.6 107.6 164.4 272.0
iii) Flood Control and Drainage 20.9 20.9 13.9 13.9 16.4 16.4 16.4 16.4
5. Energy 97.2 11,061.3 11,158.5 60.2 11,524.4 11,584.6 52.8 10,800.0 10,852.8 82.6 11,532.0 11,614.6
of which: Power 97.2 11,061.3 11,158.5 60.2 11,524.4 11,584.6 52.8 10,800.0 10,852.8 82.6 11,532.0 11,614.6
6. Industry and Minerals (i to iii) 515.5 32.8 548.3 581.6 39.4 621.0 1,407.2 35.2 1,442.4 780.1 42.5 822.6
i) Village and Small Industries 229.7 32.6 262.3 275.1 39.1 314.2 540.7 35.0 575.7 334.0 42.2 376.2
ii) Industries@ 285.8 0.2 286.0 306.5 0.3 306.8 866.5 0.2 866.7 446.1 0.3 446.4
iii) Others**

Appendix II : Revenue Expenditure of States and Union Territories with Legislature (Concld.)
(₹ Million)
Item 2013-14
(Budget Estimates)
(Revised Estimates)
(Budget Estimates)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
7. Transport and Communications (i + ii) 172.5 176.6 349.1 243.0 162.8 405.8 320.5 161.1 481.6 306.2 189.8 496.0
i) Roads and Bridges 172.5 110.0 282.5 226.0 137.4 363.4 298.0 135.9 433.9 214.7 161.4 376.1
ii) Others @@ 66.6 66.6 17.0 25.4 42.4 22.5 25.3 47.8 91.5 28.4 119.9
8. Science, Technology and Environment 29.8 2.5 32.3 27.7 3.6 31.3 2.6 23.2 25.8 30.5 4.0 34.5
9. General Economic Services (i to iv) 453.1 121.7 574.8 632.2 159.6 791.8 547.2 130.4 677.6 845.2 146.4 991.6
i) Secretariat - Economic Services 44.4 35.4 79.8 131.0 34.6 165.6 110.5 34.1 144.6 305.7 36.1 341.8
ii) Tourism 352.9 18.2 371.1 428.0 19.6 447.6 354.3 20.0 374.3 389.5 20.2 409.7
iii) Civil Supplies 31.7 37.0 68.7 67.6 41.9 109.5 53.7 40.7 94.4 86.5 48.7 135.2
iv) Others + 24.1 31.1 55.2 5.6 63.5 69.1 28.7 35.6 64.3 63.5 41.4 104.9
II. NON-DEVELOPMENTAL EXPENDITURE (General Services) (A to F) 436.7 11,912.4 12,349.1 577.2 14,053.5 14,630.7 576.8 13,917.1 14,493.9 696.9 12,893.2 13,590.1
A. Organs of State 23.9 344.3 368.2 35.0 418.6 453.6 18.3 432.3 450.6 47.2 409.5 456.7
B. Fiscal Services (i + ii) 51.5 319.3 370.8 113.5 333.0 446.5 109.0 350.7 459.7 115.5 376.0 491.5
i) Collection of Taxes and Duties 51.5 319.3 370.8 113.5 333.0 446.5 109.0 350.7 459.7 115.5 376.0 491.5
ii) Other Fiscal Services
C. Interest Payments and Servicing of Debt (1 + 2) 5,273.7 5,273.7 6,786.0 6,786.0 6,325.0 6,325.0 5,220.0 5,220.0
1. Appropriation for Reduction or Avoidance of Debt 500.0 500.0 1,610.0 1,610.0 805.0 805.0
2. Interest Payments (i to iv) 4,773.7 4,773.7 5,176.0 5,176.0 5,520.0 5,520.0 5,220.0 5,220.0
i) Interest on Loans from the Centre 1,817.6 1,817.6 1,737.8 1,737.8 1,717.1 1,717.1 1,624.6 1,624.6
ii) Interest on Internal Debt 2,599.8 2,599.8 3,032.0 3,032.0 3,347.0 3,347.0 3,137.3 3,137.3
of which:                        
(a) Interest on Market Loans 2,231.6 2,231.6 2,632.0 2,632.0 2,832.0 2,832.0 2,622.3 2,622.3
(b) Interest on NSSF
iii) Interest on Small Savings, Provident Funds, etc. 346.3 346.3 356.0 356.0 396.0 396.0 397.0 397.0
iv) Others 10.0 10.0 50.2 50.2 60.0 60.0 61.1 61.1
D. Administrative Services (i to v) 361.3 2,122.9 2,484.2 428.7 2,330.4 2,759.1 449.5 2,452.0 2,901.5 534.2 2,575.3 3,109.5
i) Secretariat - General Services 8.2 186.4 194.6 9.2 218.6 227.8 8.3 217.1 225.4 9.5 232.6 242.1
ii) District Administration 6.6 33.7 40.3 8.7 36.3 45.0 10.6 36.7 47.3 12.8 42.4 55.2
iii) Police 159.0 1,093.2 1,252.2 230.0 1,219.7 1,449.7 246.9 1,355.6 1,602.5 250.0 1,430.5 1,680.5
iv) Public Works 8.6 267.1 275.7 4.3 307.2 311.5 7.7 327.9 335.6 17.9 265.4 283.3
v) Others ++ 178.9 542.5 721.4 176.5 548.6 725.1 176.0 514.8 690.8 244.0 604.4 848.4
E. Pensions 3,840.8 3,840.8 4,166.5 4,166.5 4,313.8 4,313.8 4,291.4 4,291.4
F. Miscellaneous General Services 11.5 11.5 19.1 19.1 43.3 43.3 21.0 21.0
of which:                        
Payment on account of State Lotteries
III. Grants-in-Aid and Contributions 47.7 47.7 77.9 77.9 77.0 77.0 65.3 65.3
of which:                        
Compensation and Assignments to Local Bodies and Panchayati Raj Institutions 47.7 47.7 77.9 77.9 77.0 77.0 65.3 65.3
– : Nil/Negligible/Not available. * : Include expenditure on Information and Publicity, Secretariat-Social Services, other Social Services, etc.
@ : Include expenditure on Non-Ferrous Mining and Metallurgical Industries. ** : Include expenditure on other Industries and other Outlays on Industries and Minerals.
@@ : Include expenditure on Port and Light Houses, Civil Aviation, Road Transport, Inland Water Transport, etc.
+ : Include expenditure on Foreign Trade and Export Promotion, Census Survey and Statistics and Other General Economic Services.
++ : Include expenditure on Public Service Commission, Treasury and Accounts, Administration, Jails, Supplies and Disposal, Stationery and Printing, Other Administrative Services, etc.
Also see notes to Appendices.
Note: 1. Data pertaining to Jammu and Kashmir for 2013-14 are taken from Finance Accounts of the State published by CAG.
2. All states plan-non plan break up for 2015-16 (BE) will not add up as the break up is not given by Jammu & Kashmir.
Source : Budget documents of state governments.


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