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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

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ABCI Association of Business Communicators of India
ACBs Audit Committee of Boards
AD Authorised Dealer
ADEPT Automated Data Extraction Project
AEs Advanced Economies
AFCs Asset Finance Companies
AHIDF Animal Husbandry and Infrastructure Development Fund
AIFIs All India Financial Institutions
AML Anti-Money Laundering
AMRMS Audit Management and Risk Monitoring System
ANBC Adjusted Net Bank Credit
ANOVA Analysis of Variance
APMCs Agricultural Produce Market Committees
ARCs Asset Reconstruction Companies
ARMS Audit and Risk Management Sub-Committee
ATBs Auction Treasury Bills
AUM Assets Under Management
BAs Business Areas
BBPOU Bharat Bill Payment Operating Unit
BBPS Bharat Bill Payment System
BC Business Correspondent
BCBS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
BCM Business Continuity Management
BCP Basel Core Principles
BCPs Business Continuity Plans
BFS Board for Financial Supervision
BHIM Bharat Interface for Money
BIS Bank for International Settlements
BNPMIPL Bank Note Paper Mill India Private Limited
BOS Banking Ombudsman Scheme
BPSS Board for Regulation and Supervision of Payment and Settlement Systems
BRBNMPL Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited
BRRD Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive
BSBDAs Basic Savings Bank Deposit Accounts
BSR Basic Statistical Return
CACP Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices
CBLO Collateralised Borrowing and Lending Obligation
CBOE Chicago Board Options Exchange
CBRs Correspondent Banking Relationships
CCB Capital Conservation Buffer
CCB Committee of the Central Board
CCCs Certified Credit Counsellors
CCP Central Counterparty
CCS Consumer Confidence Survey
CDES Currency Distribution and Exchange Scheme
CDR Corporate Debt Restructuring
CDS Credit Default Swap
CEOBE Credit Equivalent of Off-Balance Sheet Exposure
CEOs Chief Executive Officers
CEPD Consumer Education and Protection Department
CFL Centres for Financial Literacy
CFR Central Fraud Registry
CFT Combating the Financing of Terrorism
CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission
CGFS Committee on the Global Financial System
CIMS Centralised Information Management System
CIR Credit Information Report
CIs Credit Institutions
CISBI Central Information System for Banking Infrastructure
CLs Contingent Liabilities
CLSS Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme
CMS Complaint Management System
CP Commercial Paper
CPC Central Pay Commission
CPMI-IOSCO Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures-International Organization of Securities Commissions
CRA Contingent Reserve Arrangement
CRAR Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets Ratio
CRILC Central Repository of Information on Large Credits
CRR Cash Reserve Ratio
CSAA Control Self-Assessment Audit
CSBD Corporate Strategy and Budget Department
CSF Consolidated Sinking Fund
CSITE Cyber Security and Information Technology Examination
CTS Cheque Truncation System
CU Capacity Utilisation
CVPS Currency Verification and Processing System
CWBN Cylinder Watermarked Bank Note
DBT Direct Benefit Transfer
DDoS Distributed Denial of Service
DGFT Directorate General of Foreign Trade
DGS Data Governance Sub-Group
DIAs Deposit Insurance Agencies
DIF Deposit Insurance Fund
DLT Distributed Ledger Technology
DSGE Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium
EBITDA Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation
EDC Executive Directors’ Committee
EDF Export Declaration Form
EDMS Electronic Documents Management System
EDPMS Export Data Processing and Monitoring System
EFD Enforcement Department
EKP Enterprise Knowledge Portal
EMEs Emerging Market Economies
ERM Enterprise-Wide Risk Management
ETCD Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives
FAIDF Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund
FATF Financial Action Task Force
FBIL Financial Benchmarks India Private Limited
FC Finance Commission
FCA Foreign Currency Assets
FCCB Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds
FCNR(B) Foreign Currency Non-resident (Bank) Account Deposits
FEMA Foreign Exchange Management Act
FER Foreign Exchange Reserves
FIAC Financial Inclusion Advisory Committee
FICN Fake Indian Currency Notes
FIPs Financial Inclusion Plans
FLCs Financial Literacy Centres
FMCBG Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
FMIs Financial Market Infrastructures
FPI Foreign Portfolio Investment/Investor
FPOs Farmer Producers Organisations
FRBs Floating Rate Bonds
FSAP Financial Sector Assessment Programme
FSB Financial Stability Board
FSDC Financial Stability and Development Council
FSR Financial Stability Report
FSSA Financial System Stability Assessment
FWG Framework Working Group
GARCH Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity
GCC General Credit Card
GFCE Government Final Consumption Expenditure
GFXC Global Foreign Exchange Committee
GMM Generalised Method of Moments
GNDI Gross National Disposable Income
GRF Guarantee Redemption Fund
GRQ General Review of Quotas
G-secs Government Securities
GSTN Goods and Services Tax Network
GVA Gross Value Added
HAP Hamburg Action Plan
HFCs Housing Finance Companies
HLCCSM High Level Committee on Currency Storage and Movement
HQLA High Quality Liquid Assets
HRIDAY National Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana
HRM-SC Human Resource Management Sub-Committee
HTF High Level Task Force
HTM Held to Maturity
IADI International Association of Deposit Insurers
IBBI Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India
IBC Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
ICCOMS Integrated Computerised Currency Operations Management System
IDRBT Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology
IEPF Investor Education and Protection Fund
IESH Inflation Expectations Survey of Households
IFA International Financial Architecture
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
IFTAS Indian Financial Technology and Allied Services
IIBs Inflation Indexed Bonds
IMD India Meteorological Department
IMFC International Monetary and Financial Committee
InvIT Infrastructure Investment Trusts
IOS Industrial Outlook Survey
IPCCTV Internet Protocol based Closed-Circuit Television
IPOs Initial Public Offers
IRAC Income Recognition and Asset Classification
IRF Interest Rate Futures
IROs Interest Rate Options
IRTG Inter-Regulatory Technical Group
IS Information Systems
ISINs International Securities Identification Numbers
ISO International Organization for Standardization
iSOC Information Security Operation Centre
ISS Integrated Security System
IT Inflation Targeting
IT Information Technology
IT-SC Information Technology Sub-Committee
IU Information Utility
IVRS Interactive Voice Response System
IWG Infrastructure Working Group
JLFs Joint Lenders’ Forums
JTCC Joint Technical Coordination Committee
LAF Liquidity Adjustment Facility
LBS Lead Bank Scheme
LCR Liquidity Coverage Ratio
LEI Legal Entity Identifier
LFXC Local Foreign Exchange Committee
LIBOR London Inter-bank Offered Rate
LICs Low-Income Countries
LPA Long Period Average
LSE London School of Economics
LTCG Long Term Capital Gains
LTV Long Term Visa
MDR Merchant Discount Rate
MEP Minimum Export Price
MGNREGS Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
MIFOR Mumbai Inter-bank Forward Offer Rate
MIOIS Mumbai Inter-bank Overnight Indexed Swaps
MLIs Member Lending Institutions
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MPC Monetary Policy Committee
MROR Market Repo Overnight Rate
MSF Marginal Standing Facility
MSMEs Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
MSS Market Stabilisation Scheme
MTDS Medium-Term Debt Strategy
MUNFI Monitoring Universe of Non-Bank Financial Intermediation
NACH National Automated Clearing House
NBFC-AA NBFC-Account Aggregator
NBFC-D Deposit taking NBFC
NBFC-ND Non-Deposit taking NBFC
NBFC-ND-SI Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking NBFC
NBFC-P2P NBFC- Peer to Peer Lending Platform
NCFE National Centre for Financial Education
NIC National Industrial Classification
NOF Net Owned Fund
NPCI National Payments Corporation of India
NSSF National Small Savings Fund
OBICUS Order Books, Inventories and Capacity Utilisation Survey
OCIs Overseas Citizens of India
OMO Open Market Operations
OTC Over the Counter
OVD Officially Valid Documents
PADO Public Administration, Defence and Other Services
PCA Prompt Corrective Action
PCR Public Credit Registry
PFMI Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures
PLF Plant Load Factor
PLIs Primary Lending Institutions
PML Prevention of Money Laundering
POP Point of Presence
POS Point of Sale
PPAC Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell
PPAs Power Purchase Agreements
PPIs Prepaid Payment Instruments
PQBN Pre-Qualification Bid Notice
PSLCs Priority Sector Lending Certificates
PSOs Payment System Operators
QIP Qualified Institutional Placement
RAM-OR Risk Assessment Methodology-Operational Risk
RBIA Risk Based Internal Audit
RBSC Reserve Bank Staff College
RCA Revealed Comparative Advantage
REER Real Effective Exchange Rate
RGG Return Governance Group
RHF Rural Housing Fund
RMP Records Management Policy
RRs Risk Registers
RTF Risk Tolerance Framework
S4A Scheme for Sustainable Structuring of Stressed Assets
SANKALP Skills Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion
SARFAESI Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest
SARTTAC South Asia Regional Training and Technical Assistance Center
SAUBHAGYA Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana
SBLA Securities Borrowing and Lending Arrangement
SBNs Specified Banknotes
SCs Scheduled Castes
SDF Special Drawing Facility
SDF Standing Deposit Facility
SDR Strategic Debt Restructuring Scheme
SDRF State Disaster Response Funds
SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission
SFs Standing Facilities
SGB Sovereign Gold Bond
SHGs Self-Help Groups
SIFIs Systemically Important Financial Institutions
SLBCs State Level Bankers’ Committees
SLCCs State Level Coordination Committees
SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises
SPARC Supervisory Programme for Assessment of Risk and Capital
SPMCIL Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited
SRMR Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation
SSCI Service Sector Composite Index
SSDP Staggered Surplus Distribution Policy
STRIPS Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities
STRIVE Skill Strengthening for Industrial Value Enhancement
SUT Supply Use Tables
TACS Technical Advisory Committee on Surveys
TAFCUB Task Force for Co-operative Urban Banks
TAG Technical Advisory Group
TR Trade Repository
TReDS Trade Receivables Discounting System
URCs Unbanked Rural Centres
VA-PT Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing
VCs Virtual Currencies
WACR Weighted Average Call Rate
WADR Weighted Average Discount Rate
WAEIR Weighted Average Effective Interest Rate
WLA White Label ATM
WLAOs White Label ATM Operators
XBRL eXtensible Business Reporting Language


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