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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

Asset Publisher

Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets

Reserve Bank of India - Liabilities and Assets

(₹ Crore)
 Item 2023 2024 Variation
Sep. 1 Aug. 23 Aug. 30 Week Year
1 2 3 4 5
1 Notes Issued 3274598 3478650 3458507 -20143 183910
1.1 Notes in Circulation 3274586 3478635 3458493 -20141 183907
1.2 Notes held in Banking Department 12 15 14 -1 2
2 Deposits          
2.1 Central Government 100 101 100 -1 0
2.2 Market Stabilisation Scheme 0 0 0 0 0
2.3 State Governments 42 42 42 0 0
2.4 Scheduled Commercial Banks 1071184 960220 1019456 59235 -51729
2.5 Scheduled State Co-operative Banks 8923 8279 8019 -260 -905
2.6 Other Banks 54840 55096 54887 -209 47
2.7 Others 406583 689655 620240 -69415 213657
3 Other Liabilities 1553416 1899261 1917383 18122 363967
TOTAL LIABILITIES/ASSETS 6369688 7091305 7078634 -12671 708946
1 Foreign Currency Assets 4416757 5051091 5060197 9106 643440
2 Gold  371694 511818 518835 7017 147140
3 Rupee Securities (including Treasury Bills) 1399589 1316259 1315216 -1043 -84373
4 Loans and Advances          
4.1 Central Government 0 0 0 0 0
4.2 State Governments  22904 26802 13381 -13421 -9523
4.3 NABARD 0 0 0 0 0
4.4 Scheduled Commercial Banks 21213 6708 6968 260 -14245
4.5 Scheduled State Co-op.Banks 0 0 0 0 0
4.6 Industrial Development Bank of India - - - - -
4.7 Export-Import Bank of India - - - - -
4.8 Others 125512 165145 149949 -15196 24437
5 Bills Purchased and Discounted          
5.1 Commercial - - - - -
5.2 Treasury - - - - -
6 Investments 2064 2064 2064 0 0
7 Other Assets 9955 11417 12025 608 2070
* Data are provisional; difference, if any, is due to rounding off.



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